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Posts posted by Geeorgedk

  1. I know this may seem a bit silly, and I'm not into role playing much, but after a day of missions I do like to log off at my ship, in my comfy bed, sleeping.

    Please make a /sleep emote that actually lets me sleep instead of standing on my bed, and please don't let it cost cartel coins.

    While you're at it, can I sit properly in chairs as well?

  2. What is the point in advertising that your game has 9M or whatever players? It's to say "look at all the people you can play with!" But if 6M of those 9M are actually Asian subs which play on Asian servers and not on servers you even have ACCESS to then saying "you can play with 9M people" is a lie, because you can't.


    It is also a misrepresentation of profit to potential investors. If I tell you "subs went up by 10%" as an investor at face value you would expect profits to increase by 10% (unless of course costs went up as well or whatever). Generally you would not expect revenue to drop by 40%.


    It is also a misrepresentation of popularity in that a good portion of those 9M players are actually bots.

    No matter how you slice it, WoW pads their numbers in an attempt to hook you into playing their game which is false advertising.

    I'm pretty sure investors know this, and if they don't, they're not very good investors.

    As far as I know there never has been an advert saying 'you can play with 9 million others', they said ' 9/10 million are playing it, why don;t you?'.

    You can't even play with that many people on one server so that would make no sense.


    And that last claim, a good portion is bots? Do you have a source for that or are you one of many shouting that from the 'it's cool to bash wow' club.

  3. Why do you throw that 9mill figure around like its fact?


    WoW does not have anywher near that many subs. Yes, it's an old game, yes it is still doing well...very well compared to TOR but let's at least be objective. Maybe 4 mill subs would be accurate.


    Chinese players who do not have a subscription do not count as subscribers.



    I don't get these kind of remarks. Cause they don't pay monthly fees they should not be counted towards the total?

    They're not paying as much as people in the west do but what does that matter for the total amount of people playing a game?


    It's like saying, 'well we have 100 people playing a game, but out of those 100 only 50 people pay the normal sub rate, the others don't so we actually only have 50 people playing'. I do hope you realize how silly your remark sounds now. Those other 50 don't really play the game cause they pay less..., they log in, they play but actually they don't...

    Afaik Blizzard's definition of a sub is someone who was paid within the last 30 days to play, apart from other limitations.

  4. I agree, once all the interaction moments/cut scenes are over when you've maxed out your affection, it gets very quiet all of a sudden. You get the 'yes master' 'for the scorekeeper' remarks as spam and that's it.

    They feel more like pets then, then that they are real companions.

    Perhaps the companion system Fallout NV uses would be a way to go. There you can talk to them whenever you want and they have a set of dialogue options.

    Bioware could easily add more options along the way without adding many fancy cut scenes.

    Simple way to have the companions feel more interactive and part of your story and character.


    The companion system was one of the things that drew me to this game, I hope they expand on it sooner than later.

  5. Half a million subs lost doesn't quite worry me. All over the genre subscribers are being lost, whether it's the 400k reported lost here, the 2 million WoW lost or the overall roughly 4+ million subscribers which have been dropped in MMO's overall over the past 3 years. It's simply the effect of the current economy and partially as well attributed to by many players having lost interest in a p2p model but much rather go for f2p games or b2p games with item malls.


    Well given the fact that those 400k subs were lost rather fast, I would be worried. WoW lost them after 6 years or so and is still going strong.

    I don't really see how the current economy has any influence on mmo's. They are the best value for money entertainment wise and 13 euro's or 15 dollars isn't that much per month.


    I for one don't like f2p games as it cheapens the experience for me, needing to buy stuff for either convenience or fluff. Of course you don't 'need' to buy those things but it just feels a cop out almost. 'Hey if you buy this thing from our item shop, your game experience will be better'. Might as well pay 13 euro's a month then and get a quality product in the first place.


    Agree with the original post btw. A good product sells itself.

  6. After you do a certain class mission on Voss you get hurt and Nadia wants to talk to you after.

    You get the option to marry, I didn't, thought it wasn't the time yet. But it seems that that was the only opportunity to do so.

    I'm at 10k affection and level 49 she didn't talk to me after. Was that the only opportunity?


    I hope it's not. I like the whole companion system, one of the reasons I'm attracted to the game. She has become one of my favorite companions fast.

    I levelled a trooper and a jedi knight, and while Kira is awesome, Nadia is so sweet, and really a padawan.

  7. I agree the story is immersive, and the contrast between a good story and the "kill 15 rats" quests that have as much meaning as an episode of "Survivor" creates dissatisfaction,


    However, any author knows you can't have non-stop action - that wears the reader out even more. In between the action and plot points you have "fun and games", where you get to know the characters and they interact with each other and the environment.


    SWTOR HAS NO FUN AND GAMES. That's the problem. The interlude between plot points is "travel this insane distance in needlessly slow transportation that only goes 50% faster than you can run and kill a bunch of rats." No meaningful NPC interaction, little companion interrelationships, no goofy entertainment like Pazaak or swoop racing or random world elements, no unexpected fights or enemies or challenges, etc.


    It's about the FUN AND GAMES - the under appreciated part of any good story - there are no FUN AND GAMES between major plot points, and it's sad.

    That is a good sum up of what is lacking story wise really, or immersion wise. I would love to see more companion interaction for instance.

    Apart from that the world is just static and lifeless, loading times and travelling between planets is way too long and cumbersome. Fighting gets very repetitive (every group of mobs is composed of either 3/5, or 1 weak mob and a silver mob).

    And yet, I do still like this game, it has so much potential. I hope they fix it.

  8. This game will fail without a server merge.


    I hope you are right, I really do. The other day I was talking to someone that was levelling a new char and how he dreaded going to certain planets cause those felt so unappealing and lifeless.

    Server merges won't change the fact that some content is just boring as hell, it has nothing to do with the amount of players.

    Server merges are part of the solution, but not the permanent fix.


    edit: I meant that they do at least merge servers and work from there

  9. I'm not sure what the relevance is of that quote but I do think that if Swtor will fall into a decline it won't be mainly from other games.

    While the game has great potential it failed to grab the opportunity. Which is a shame, I'm really liking this game but I don't think it will last very long before it goes f2p.

  10. NO server has been full since december, not because a BUNCH of people left, because they increased the caps substantially after december, which made it look bad...which in turn caused a bunch of people to freak out and re-roll.


    The population numbers for this game arent bad, more than WoW had this early in its life, however its spread amongst 100+ servers which is extremely excessive


    Cutting servers down would make this not a problem and would hopefully get rid of some of the "omg the game is dying" posts

    It baffles me why people wanna bring up wow into this constantly, but since you did, the big difference between wow and swtor is that wow wasn't losing subs like this game is right now in such a short period of time.

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