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Posts posted by Geeorgedk

  1. But it IS BULL. It's incorrect to claim to know what the community or even the majority of the community even remotely think about something. You're defending idiocy with an attempt at logic, but you're just coming off as an idiot digging for something that isn't there.


    You're talking yourself in circles as

    You're not really getting it are you? Saying something is bull and later on saying there's no way of knowing if it is bull.

    Do you get that?

  2. I declare his claim bull but do not make a claim of my own except an example of how ridiculous it is to make such a claim.


    Now you are trying to squirm out of your dishonest quoting with more dishonest strawmen. You are only digging yourself a bigger hole.

    The fact that you're proclaiming it bull is enough really. You could have just said' there is no way of knowing this' and be done with it.

    You claim that something is bull, as in, not correct, that's how I interpret it anyway. And later on you state there is no way of knowing if it's bull.

  3. Oh bull. Those threads don't even have a majority of negative in them, and forums represent a very small portion of the player base. And the threads haven't come close to the response that real hot issues in the past have.


    You look at the announcement page, and vast majority love the changes. So by your own argument that must mean more people support it.


    It is absolutely ridiculous any forum poster to claim they know what the majority of the community feels.

    Oh bull. Those threads don't even have a majority of negative in them, and forums represent a very small portion of the player base. And the threads haven't come close to the response that real hot issues in the past have.


    It is absolutely ridiculous any forum poster to claim they know what the majority of the community feels.

    Basically you don't know either, yet you declare his statement, bull.

    I guess I'm mostly opposed to how you're dismissing something you claim you don't know yourself.

  4. ....Okay I'll admit I haven't read through all 101 pages of this absolute hissy fit but has anyone pointed out the obvious reason for this mechanic? Do you people honestly never ever have any reason to want to play with people who aren't the same level as you? Have you never introduced a friend to the game and wanted to level with them or help them navigate the beginning of the game?


    This is so that people aren't forced to just suck it up and try to play catch up to their friends with higher level characters. For people with higher level characters not to have to make someone new to play with their new friends. It's a gosh darn social benefit. I've had this problem with this game since day 1. I don't always level as fast as my other friends but I want to play with them. I have friends who are new to the game and I want to help introduce them to everything. I've stopped playing games before because it sucked all the joy out of a game specifically built to be played with other people if you have to focus so hard on leveling fast just to catch up to them and what are they supposed to do in the meantime? Not level while they wait for you?


    If you're seriously going to unsub because they enacted what's basically a decent mentoring system which is something they should have had from day 1 and is something plenty of other MMOs have anyway, then ok bye? Go cry somewhere else, I guess. But I'm just laughing how you think something that makes the game more accessible to more people is a "nail in the coffin" and "the death of SWTOR."

    No, I have never felt the need to level with a friend. I like playing solo. I do team up on occassion, for a heroic or something else where it's needed, like fp's or operations. But I'm a solo player most of the time.

    I have friends in game though, and when they need help, I'll help, and they'll know that they won't get any xp from the kills, but it will be fast and they'll get the mission done fast.


    Other than that. This is a level based game. I like that I can walk around lower level planets to do whatever, be it, achievements, relaxing, exploring, helping others etc. I progressed the story, I levelled to become powerful, I like to rolfstomp mobs if I think it's fun.

    My main problem with this forced level sync is, that it was introduced 4 years in. If it was introduced from the start I would have been long gone. I don't like the system, didn't like it in GW2 , won't like it here.

  5. Thank you for your well thought out post.


    Considering that the most heated discussions feature at most dozens of people, both sides included - and there are hundreds of thousands of players, it's a safe bet that it's not a majority of players that are posting here.


    Therefore we have **** all idea what the majority of players think. BW will have a better idea when it goes live I'm sure.

    This is something we'll never know, only Bioware does. When the game was doing badly 2 years ago I don't remember there being any more upset posts about it than there are now.

    Long story short, most people that are upset or don't like something won't bother to post about it. And the same goes for people that do like something.

    Having said that, this is a change with a lot of impact. The game will go from being a traditional levelling game to more of a GW type of game. That on itself isn't the issue, it's the fact that it never was that type of game in the first place and it's mandatory.


    I did not like GW2 because of the level synching but I knew beforehand that it would be that way. Swtor changed one of its core gameplay aspects 4 years in, that's like changing a product fundamentally. I'm personally not ok with it. If Swtor had been a level sync game from the get go, I would have been long gone.

  6. Regarding your first point: doing the same heroics again and again that I've done for months/years on different alts, doesn't equal content for me. And at level cap, why would I bother with them anyway? If I want credits I'd do dailies, if I want gear I'd do operations.

    Unless you think doing old heroics all day to get gear is awesome content.


    Regarding your second point: see my first point. Recycled content is recycled.


    Regarding your third point: I find this benefit a bit overstated and overrated. So what if that friend of yours is not online to help you out, are you going to wait till he or she is? No you won't, you'll keep on levelling, find others to team up with. And besides, without level synching you can still help your low level friend it will go fast, no xp while killing stuff but xp for completing it. Does everyone all of a sudden have friends that want to level with them?


    Regarding your fourth point: I got nothing. No idea how this would be a benefit for level sync. The opposite actually. I levelled partly because I want to feel big, bad and awesome. Why would I go on an alt to try to get that feeling?


    Regarding your fifith point: No idea, never played on pvp servers


    Regarding your sixth point: I'll refer to my answer I gave on your first point.


    Regarding your seventh point: I like stomping mobs or at least not having to worry about them. Why does it bother you that I do? I levelled, I did the time so to speak, I progressed my char, now I can reap the rewards.


    Regarding your eigth point: I don't want to be mini Sith, I never asked for this, the game was never set up like it from the get go. If it was I would have been long gone. I feel my powers are stripped from me. Yes I can kill some gold mob on Dromund Kaas, can I still do the Oricon heroic solo? Can I solo any heroics?

    Haven't seen any info on that. So I'll withhold judgement on that for now.


    Regarding your ninth point: change can be good yes. But this is changing one of the core aspects of the game. I have been playing for 4 years or so, I am used to my high level characters being powerful, doing whatever they want on lower level planets, be it achievements, relaxing, helping others, exploring etc etc. This is taken away from me. That's not a good change.

  7. I am going to edit this into my last post also, but wanted to toss out there - hasn't anyone who has nothing but level 60's ever wanted to help a low level friend without sucking away their XP because of your high level? This takes care of that.


    I do that a lot, people like it that the heroics will be fast, they just want to get them done. They don't care about the xp they missed out on.

    I always say that before I invite people 'I can help, but you won't get xp, it will be fast'. Almost everyone is ok with that.

  8. LOL at the "immersion" reason. Is it not immersion breaking when the toughest boss you fought on Dromund Kass would get his *** whipped in one shot by a trash mob from Alderaan?

    No, that's for gameplay reasons. If we ever get to level 100 or whatever and can solo Revan on hard mode, that's because of level, to give an example.

    This is a level based game so there has to be some measure of power, but a level 15 should never be a problem for a Sith Lord.

  9. He likely means the bridge to the Migrant Merchant's Guild sector. Going over that at 60 you'll aggro the enemies no matter how fast you travel, but after 4.0 you won't just be able to ignore them and keep going on your speeder.


    Because coming back to help somebody out on a Heroic means I should be inconvenienced, right?

    Not sure what you mean. One of the reasons I regularly visit lower level planets is to help people with heroics.

    I won't be doing that in the expanion anymore, if I'll be playing at all by then.

    This delevelling made me unsub, which may sound drastic but I feel too much is being taken away from me like I said in an earlier post in this thread.

    And I might change my mind later, but for now I'm done.

  10. Ok, I understand the point about aggro but I'm not exactly sure it's valid. First, on most planets it's pretty easy to avoid about 80-90% of encounters even at level -- the enemy density is rarely that thick. When it is, I typically pull aggro regardless of level. There's this bridge on Coruscant where, even at level 60, I am going to pull every single mob on that bridge. Sure, you have a little more leeway with aggro range at higher levels but it's not that much.


    Immersion … the opposite has always bugged me: why exactly is this crack squad of Republic special forces on Balmorra so much weaker than the standard infantry on Corellia? It actually makes me feel more immersed if enemy difficulty stays the same on older planets.

    Don't know what bridge you mean on Coruscant, but in general, aggro range is very different. And you don't pull aggro regardless of density, level does make a big difference.

    Your other point has to do with gameplay reasons. You can't expect to be fighting sith lords and jedi masters on every planet as you progress. That doesn't mean that your character isn't increasing in power, both in story and level you can notice that. There are levels and levelling zones for a reason. They accompany the story progression.

  11. I have seen GW2, and as far as I'm concerned, the system is not good. It is not what I want out of a game. It is the opposite of what I want out of a game.

    Agreed, the biggest reason I didn't like the game, while it did have some good things going for it.

    Almost everyone was hanging around Queensdale or whatever it was called. I hope they reconsider this change.


    The thing that bothers me the most is, if you're going to implement a system like that, do it from the get go. Don't do it 4 years in. If they had done it from the start I would have never gotten invested in this game.

  12. big difference between gw2 and here on this one: Gw2 baked it in from the get-go. People were buying that as part of the experience straight out the gates.


    Now, the devs are changing a fundamental way that levels interact with the gameplay experience game-wind. They obviously think it'll be great and wonderful, but the sheer blowbakc already hitting the forum suggests to me that it might be possible that they're not as right as they hope they are.


    Adapting to things is good. Taking whatever crap you're given makes you a doormat, however - these protests need to be lodged by those that have them, or doormats we shall permanently remain.


    Also, its rather tedious in gw2 to go exploring, because everything hostile will and does aggro you all the time everywhere, no exceptions. Its really fricken boring to have to kill your way to everywhere you ever want to be after a rather short while. I know this because i played the game for a good two years pretty solidly.


    Fortunately, gw2 has good systems in place to always make it relatively worth your while. Xp is never wasted as but one example. Hit max level and keep gaining xp for skill points. That seems like it might be changing for how it all works in their own upcoming expansion, but i don't really care about that anyway.


    What i care about is the fact that if you don't like this change, you might as well gdiaf. They don't care and they're not going to care. So it is written, so shall it be.


    Bioware doesn't exactly have a bright history of making anything for anyone but themselves. Dragon age 2, ending of mass effect 3, anyone? What'd it take to finally get them to budge in the most pathetically small of ways about me3's ending? Mass public uproar and global blowback on a scale that genuinely threatened the almighty dollars.


    We must, all of us, accept one fact as the absolute truth here when considering bioware's position - they speak only profitability. All else is irrelevant noise. They will make irrelevant noises at us in a fashion consistent with their strategy to generate more profit.


    They are czerka, to translate. Deal accordingly.

    qft :)

  13. Allow me to point out everything wrong with your post...


    This is not a level driven game, it is a narratively focused progression driven game with a number of progression systems that use an XP derived leveling system to define minimum base stats and gate the upper limits of the other progression systems. calling it a level driven game is like saying the only thing that makes a car go faster is how hard you mash the accelerator.

    This is a level driven game, there are 60 levels for a reason. There are levelling zones.

    And at certain points you get new abilities, determined by level. The story accompanies the levelling system.

    And no, as you level your car it gets more upgrades, to keep with your analogy. How fast the car accelerates or goes is determined by level.

  14. First off, this is the worst idea ever.

    I do wonder why they thought it was a great idea though. In GW2 they have this system in place and there most players just go to one zone (starting level zone) cause it's most convenient I believe.

    Do they really expect that level cap players will do more lower level planet missions because of this? I sincerely doubt it.

    People go where the rewards are most of the time. Unless they make planet missions more interesting reward wise I don't see anything happening.

    And helping friends with heroics on lower level planets? How many friends does anyone have that they need that help? Most people I helped with heroics were glad I helped them fast because I outlevelled the heroic by so much.

  15. Ok let me sum it up for you:

    1. Immersion, meaning, my Sith Lord has to deal with level 15 Dromund Kaas grunts for no reason

    2. Feeling of progression, meaning, I levelled 60 levels to be delevelled because Bioware needs more artificial content and the feeling of progression feels diminished

    3. Convenience, meaning, I like to do lower level stuff, either because I'm bored, like a planet, achievements, helping others, getting crafting mats etc. Also, one shotting mobs is fun at times.

  16. You couldn't have stated this in one of the other same topic threads that are "trending" currently? lol

    Well he could, but this is a retarded idea, I don't mind another topic on it. The people that are against it need to be heard as well.

    I cancelled my sub just because of this while I liked most of the other things.

    You can have my stuffz btw, as I have no idea what they are.

  17. Your previous post has a sense of entitlement over the content... that entitlement hasn't been earnt. Now you will have to earn it... that's all. If some planetary mobs are cause for concern, well :/

    I went over my last post, couldn't find any entitlement. Unless you mean that I feel entitled to one shot mobs. I do feel that yes. This is a level based game after all.

    If you, Bioware in this case, are going to make/release a game based on levels, I feel entitled to kill certain things at a certain level, is that a weird concept?

  18. Definitely not signed. I actually will be able to group with my lowbie friends on my higher level alts without taking away the gameplay experience from them.

    Because you're way more powerful then they are. How's that a good experience?

    Instead of needing 2 attacks you'll need 4 maybe.

    This is an unneeded and horrible change.


    And I'll never understand why people are responding to a petition they don't agree with. What do you think your reply is going to accomplish?

    Do you respond to everything in life you don't agree with?

  19. Without getting into the pro's and con's of a vertical levelling system (I enjoy games both with and without), the fact is this game is a very traditional vertical levelling game. If you have a game where people have played for years with their vertical levelled characters, you shouldn't be surprised that they get upset when somebody comes along as takes those levels away.


    Yes people do enjoy going back and stomping mobs. That's one of the enjoyable things (for some people) with a vertical levelling game. There is also exploration that is easier when higher level, and achievements, and datacrons, and heroics.


    I don't agree they should drop the vertical levelling system, you might find it horrible and stupid, and would probably appreciate a game that didn't go this route, but a lot of people enjoy vertical levelling systems, so changing the fundamentals of the game would (as evidenced here) alienate a lot of people.

    That's also a good argument. Well worded.

    This game was all about the vertical levelling system for years, and now that's taken away from us, to some extent. If it was there in the first place, that would be ok, although I wouldn't have played it probably.

    At least then there was a choice.

  20. Spending time playing the game and levelling up isn't hard - it's the easiest part of this game - you didn't have to EARN those levels... they simply came from time spent.


    Ops aside, as they have their own group restrictions, many parts of most of end game content has been solo-able. I doubt this will change in 4.0.

    What is your point exactly?

    And by saying those levels mean nothing because they simply come from time spent, are you saying levels mean squad? So why bother?

    Just get rid of levels all together because well, time spent isn't important, what is exactly?

    Is it perhaps the story, the fact that you progress your character through it. That it gives you the impression your character grows in power. To be fair, that's not the case with all stories.

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