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Posts posted by Geeorgedk

  1. Sebastian, shall I pass you some salt? I always enjoy your whiny threads concerning like 0,01% of the playerbase. Seriously, almost no one was interested in one-shooting mobs on the planets. There was no incentive except the achievements. If more people had been like you, we would have seen highly populated planets but we don't.


    Even when your high level is downscaled you are sitll pretty much powerful in comparison to mobs you fights. Musco proved it on today's stream.


    It's a great change. If people are tired of leveling up through Makeb/SoR, they can do missions on older planets and get exp adjusted to their actual level.

    I was interested in one shotting them. I like to visit lower level planets at times, be it for achievements, sight seeing or helping others. This change wasn't necessary. I cancelled my subscription after hearing the news.

    I'm sure no one cares, but meh. Just to show how upset I am about the change.

  2. Yeah, downgrading confirmed. I hate it, I hated it in GW2 as well. There was no reason to do it but they did it anyway.

    That news totally killed my hype for the expansion. Why bother with levels at all really?

    My Sith warrior is the Emperor's Wrath, he should one shot anything on lower level planets, and he gets downgraded?

    Totally kills the immersion for me.


    This might actually get me to unsub. I love just strolling around planets doing achievements or soloeing heroics because I can. Now that's being hampered. Bad choice Bioware.

  3. I love 'facerolling content' on a high level character, either because I'm bored/want to take a stroll, I need achievements or helping someone. So I do hope this never goes live.

    If it does I'll probably unsub. What use are levels if we're being delevelled? I find it immersion breaking as well, as others have commented. The Emperor's hand having to fight initiates on Dromund Kaas, no thanks.


    Guild Wars 2 has this system and it was probably the main reason I played it only for a couple of months, just to see what the game was about.

  4. I agree with the OP. What worries me most is the focus on story. I love stories, don't get me wrong, but how long will that sustain subs?

    No new operations or flashpoints, no new pvp content, are they really betting all money/efforts on story alone?

    Even if the new story content is as good as the current story to level 50, I doubt it will keep people's interest for long.


    When the game launched they thought people would take months to consume the story content and it took the players way less time. Are they making the same mistake again?


    I'm sure they're making a lot from Cartel sales, but I don't see much of it being reinvested into the game.

    A small developer team having to live up to giant expectations. A lot of cash won't make much of a difference, or will it?

  5. Katha Niar - Introduced in the Makeb story line and hands down the best vocal performance in the game.

    Her death scene actually made me feel for her and sad that I won't see that character ever again

    If anyone should get an award for acting, it should be the person who voiced her. However, I can not find any references on the internet as to who actually voiced the character.

    I agree on this, great voice acting, and I'm almost 100% certain it's the same actress that voiced Lana Beniko.

    I googled it and like you, couldn't find who voiced Katha, but the voices are too similar at times.


    Lydia Leonard voiced Lana and is credited on the original swtor for 'additional voices' , not credited for Rise of the Hutt Cartel though.

  6. As far as romance options go, Kira, love her attitude and looks, Vette is a close second, love her cuteness and her stance against Sith authority (making fun of Baras), makes the romance even better, a scary Sith and a slave girl.

    Risha is awesome as well, love that sexy voice, and Elara with her quirkiness.


    Non romance wise there's loads I like for different reasons, Guss because he's just very funny although I hardly use him on my scoundrel, Risha is good as dps as I'm healing anyway. Forex is awesome but I use Elara on my vanguard.

    Corso is just an honest good guy. T-7 is just the best and loyal companion you can have, and his T7=needs jedi remarks are too cute.

    Honorable mention goes to Treek, that hairy furball is awesome, and her ramblings while fighting are cute as well. I'm probably one of the few people that can appreciate Treek's talking all the time, heh.


    Overal I'd say there are more interesting/loveable companions on Rep side, but that could just be me. On my juggernaut I mostly use Vette and hate Quinn, especially after that certain thing. On my sorc I mostly use Ashara, just for the eye candy I guess, I find her character and transition badly written really. Khem I don't trust and the rest I don't care for, as far as sorc companions go.


    Haven't levelled an agent yet and Mako is cute but haven't gotten that far. Gault, really?

  7. This is definitely not a quote from any Blizzard dev, at any time. They even have a lead pvp dev who is all about arenas and rated battlegrounds. His name is Holinka, and you can tweet him and stuff.


    I'm almost positive one dev from Wow said that implementing arena's wasn't the best idea ever. Regardless, Swtor's pvp population is too small to really support arena's. On my server I see people complaining about ranked queue times a lot. The thing is, arena's appeal to a certain crowd, mostly hardcore pvp'ers, and with the pvp crowd being small as it is, that's not gonna work.


    Forcing people to play arena was never a good idea, and I wonder why they ever thought it was a good idea.

    Right now there is no reason at all to join ranked unless you like the challenge. If you don't do ranked you will get ranked coms slower but it will spare you the aggrevation of doing something you don't like or aren't good at.

  8. Interesting, I noticed it as well, as if my smuggler caught a bit of a cold. I had to check the va listing to see if it was the same voice actor.

    It's not overly noticeable but there is a difference, and like someone else said, he probably had to get into that role again after quite a long time, so he could have been a bit off.

  9. I just want to say upfront before you start calling me an elitist or insensitive or whatever, that I make mistakes and I'm not the best at this game. If you kill me all the time in WZ's/arenas that's great but this post is probably not pointed at you.


    Sometimes when you find yourself losing a lot, it just so happens that you are the weight dragging your team down. I'm not saying this to be a jerk but sometimes it's true. I have the very strong belief that one bad player can do far more harm to a team than one really good one can help. A missed call or allowing someone to ninja cap can have way more of an impact than even the best players can over come.


    For the most part the majority of the players in a WZ are going to around the same skill level since most people will be at the average skill level, doesn't matter how good "average" is it's a safe bet that most people sit somewhere in the middle. Now with the exception of premades made up of all players of similar skill (whether good or bad) on a team of 8 most likely you will have around 6 average players and 2 spots for outliers (whether good or bad).


    So if you are always losing it's possible you are the one causing loses. Even if you're not missing objectives if you are really easy to kill and are dying a lot, you are leaving your team short handed; which makes it easier for them to double up on your teammates. I'm not trying to insult anyone but if you are always losing across several days really the only thing that is likely the same in all those WZ's is you.


    I'm saying this not to put anyone down but to point out that before you can improve you need to make an honest assessment of your skill.

    No offense taken, you make a good point. I'm not a good pvper, nor am I a bad one (I'd like to believe anyway), I call out incoming, I switch guard when needed, debuff damage when I can, use cc etc. And I'm speaking from 2 years of pvp experience, not a run of bad luck on one single evening.

    I mostly pvp in the evenings, from around 20:00 CET till 1 AM. I know it depends on the time slot but still, I lose most.

    And on Red Eclipse there are good pvp guilds Pub side, but I hardly see them at those hours.


    On a good day it's almost 50/50, on a bad day it's 10/90. And there are mostly bad days. I'm not counting same faction warzones/arena's btw.

  10. i don't know about red eclipse but usually the stronger faction has a lot of same faction games, so only the very strong premades win most games, everyone else wins some and loses some.

    It shouldn't be about premades though, should it? I'm pugging. I've been pvping in this game for about 2 years now, and it's always been Imps who win most. They should introduce some faction bonus to make it more attractive to pvp as Rep, like they did in Wow with the racials.

  11. Dude, you guys have Axari Delta and Dxun Rising. They're a pain, but a match for Empire-side.

    Well, I know Dxun Rising, and they're good, but I don't see them that much, they probably only do premades, or mostly.

    I'm only joining as a pug. It's frustrating really, and the numbers speak for themselves.

    It reminds me of Wow where Horde wins most of the time. Like the 'evil, or bad ***' side attracts better pvpers.

  12. The "average" player can get a full set of 186 gear almost immediately upon hitting 60. If you cannot solo level 55 tacticals then, what you can "strive for" is the slightly better gear to do it in, or better skill. Seems like it already fits.


    Elite Comm gear is perfectly within the "average" player's reach. Even if you did nothing but weeklies on Yavin and a Tactical FP every day, you'd have over 90 comms a week, more than enough to start upgrading gear.

    Level 55 tacticals aren't hard modes though, I meant flash point hard modes. Other than that, level 50 operations apparently can't be soloed due to mechanics. Haven't done many operations so I wouldn't know, if they could adjust them to be soloable, that would open up a lot of possibilities for people wanting to get certain things from older content.

  13. Right now you can't solo level 55 hard modes at level 60, as far as I know. That's a missed opportunity I believe.

    Level 50 operations you can't solo either, although that might be asking a bit too much.

    Imagine if you could, all the achievements, drops you could get and the replay value of that.


    In Wow whenever you got to the new level cap in an expansion you could do a whole lot more.

    Would it have been a better idea to make level 60's more powerful than they are now?

  14. From an offical post from June 2012:




    Also, gratz on your new system. :)


    Interesting information. I've seen it before ages ago but forgot about it. I have a ATI6870 1gb ram GPU, fairly old card, and I mostly get red numbers that are around 40 fps on the fleet.

    I have a i-5 2400 cpu so that's probably not an issue. Would I gain a lot by getting a new videocard?

  15. I did enjoy Shadow of Revan quite a bit, although it was a bit short, but it had me craving for more content/news. :)


    Is there anything known about future plans, things they want to do, stories they want to pursue?

    I remember an interview where one of the developers said that if you love story, 2015 will be a great year, or something along those lines.

    I know the expansion is still very fresh and it may be asking a bit too much, but I'm just curious.


    By the way, I did like that little story mission you put in there Bioware, more of that please.

  16. While some of those stats/facts are quite interesting, I would have liked to see more stats concerning raid participation (how many completed raids on story or nightmare etc), how much time is spend on dailies (do people enjoy it/do it a lot), was Makeb popular (how many completed the story there), how many packs are bought each month, how popular are strongholds (average prestige level) , win ratio in warzones between factions etc etc.


    Might be too much info to get or pubilicize.

  17. I don't know if there is a suggestion thread, but my suggestion would be, make it last longer or the cd shorter.

    Items like these always bring people together. Immersion or community, whatever you want to call it, add a great deal to the game.


    I do hope you will consider this Bioware. It's not hurting anyone, if people don't like it they can move away from it.

  18. I really like the stories of all my characters and I made a lot of screenshots only to find out later that cutscenes can't be printscreened.

    I'd like to suggest an archive you can access that has certain moments/cutscenes that you can replay whenever you'd want to see them again. Maybe not all, but make it so you can make a selection of 10 scenes or so.


    Perhaps some epic story scenes or moments with your love interest. I would love to see this implemented although it probably can't be done retrospectively.


    A game that has great story should have some kind of way to look back on some parts of that journey, shouldn't it?

  19. The cooldown needs to be longer than the effect to avoid people spamming it and causing problems.


    I do think it should be a little longer, though. Maybe make it 2 minutes or something.


    Honestly I'm not overly concerned.

    Well causing problems, I don't see that happening really, you can always just step away from the effect.

  20. Could you please make it last longer, I think it now only lasts 1.5 minutes. It's such a fun item and so hard to get, well not hard but takes a lot of effort.

    Regardless, it's fun, so please make it last 5 minutes, like the cooldown is.

  21. They did this at launch and look what happened.


    MMO's always have queues during content releases and server crashes. If they stopped queues after server crashes, what would happen? everyone would log back on and cause guess what, a server crash.

    They did at launch yes, opening way more than needed due to too optimistic expectations.

    Now they went to the other end and have heavy servers which take ages to log on to.

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