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Everything posted by jimmyjediknight

  1. As far as my three faction breakdown I was talking about when they made this game is should have been something like that. But now that we r here and they added a 3rd the gray is not a bad idea
  2. You would figure we lost 1 day over the server merge they would keep it up longer not take it down early , *** e.a
  3. Agreed... it's like e.a does not care anymore, as long a the cm is making money
  4. I have stated this before this game is due for a new faction, then again it won't happen this game is on life support With a skeleton crew and dying servers, with star wars movies coming out and with all the spin offs you think e.a would invest more into this game to bring life back into it or is there plan to let it die and start a new anyway on to the topic.. When this game was in development it should have been broken down into three factions, seems more logical then what we ended up with. Not all smugglers are with the Republic, not all bounty hunters are aligned with the empire. Republic - Jedi knights Jedi consulars Troopers Empire - Sith warriors Sith inquisitor Agents Hutt cartel- Smugglers Bounty hunters We should get a third faction in a upcoming expansion so we can see the point of view from their point of view And see the aftermath of events on a much larger scale. If they gave us a new expansion and it was the hut cartel not sure what they would put in it since smugglers, and bounty hunters are already aligned hmmmm what could the next faction be? Galactic traders ravenites Or a faction with the starting story that you start as a Jedi and at conclusion turn to the dark side or a sith who finds redemption and turns to the light side ect... what other factions can you think of that might be possible at this stage of the game? I know this will never happen but on can dream right
  5. Well it's possible, the alliance will come apart and sith will go back doing sith things along with the Jedi ect... so they could go back to stories Class specific playing the same story line after the class story on 17 toons gets boring
  6. Original it was designed these who were in the family tree earned legacy Xp when you play the characters but the whole system has been worthless, from the start and changed several times
  7. I know I have toons who have completed both, I was saying maybe meet the members of your family tree,please in game as they would be a noc when not playing them, and
  8. I know I have toons who have completed both, I was saying maybe meet the members of your family tree,please in game as they would be a noc when not playing them, and
  9. I pretty much level on class stories only finished of with eternal throne
  10. I understand why the switch was made, but the class stories where a good break of the same old thing on every toon. I have 17 toons some people have more but I hope we could get some class stories again but we will never see it again everything is weaved into one story now unless they do a expansion of a new faction then we could get there prospective of events. When this game was in development it should have went the Republic and empire as the two faction, Smuggler and bounty hunter should have been the third faction being able to choose witch side to fight for either ,republic ,empire or Hutt cartel
  11. With the star wars movies and being the only mmo out there, you would figure that would invest in Makin ft his game better but then again. The game has been dying for years
  12. The legacy aspect needs some love now of days, seems the family tree is about worthless now. There has to be something that can be done to spice it up. Add some perks reworking how the family tree works. Maybe some interactions with members of your family tree as npc or other companions from other family member. Feel free to voice ideas. Being there are still plenty of bugs and small star wars crew doubt this will happen
  13. Greetings Since the sever merge I created a new guild on the server and looking for more members. All playing styles welcome, we currently have 1 bank tab and working towards a flag ship if you would like to join send me a email to my toon or pm me.. ragnatoda
  14. The guild I'm in has over 800 people seems I'm online most times by myself, I have 16 toons only one is in a guild might have to start my own
  15. Not a good sign for the future, few more years won't be any servers left to merge to
  16. Like I said in another post been away awhile, have noticed past few days fleet looks empty, is the members playing that low that they are merging ? Is there a reason other then to have players for ops and flash points in a timely fashion.
  17. I prefer stories, since release over 16 toons I have played less then a dozen flashpoints lol
  18. Have been away for some time since chapter 11, None of my Companion or recruited Companions talk with me anymore or have any missions, I cant remember once we went so far we cant talk to any of them anymore,
  19. Ok thanks, was wondering about any new story chapters, or if it was going to be flashpoints Don't like being forced to group up to get more story but since there we will be able to solo I'm ok with that. sat in group finder 30 mins last night. my guild has over 800 members and it seems I'm the only one online and fleet is dead
  20. Has it been stated we will be getting more chapters to keep the story going, or is this taking the route of, doing,pvp,warzones,ops and flashpoints ?
  21. I just came back after being away for a long while I just completed chapter nine, has ea/bio said other then soon when new chapters will be released ?
  22. around the same time we get server transfers and a new race
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