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Everything posted by jimmyjediknight

  1. i have talked aout low population there are times my server is low populated and it suck, cant find ppl to group with and i just dont want to join some random guild I have three char on my server. Trying to find a group is like pulling teeth, we get low population since a ton of ppl are leaving the game due to this kinda thing of shuting the servers down twice in about week half for dumb reasons
  2. if it was a bug fix, or 1.2 that would be justified but for something that can wait uncool the fonz would gve this two thumbs down
  3. Gotta love when ppl compair this to wow News flash this ant wow, Took wow awhile after release to get where it is. I was with wow on release, along with, sto,ddo,swg,eve,dc universe. I really cant stand wow now populated with raid raid raid raid pvp pvp pvp , its old an dry, I really dont care much for pvp, This is star wars not wow so stop saying well wow does this wow does that, if you want to see wow go play wow, theres a reason your here and not on wow lol. every mmo thinks it has to copy the wow mold, we dont have to copy a game that has become more dry then your sister in laws turkey
  4. There is alot of rude ppl in this world, if it dont affect them they could careless, now if it affected them it would be #$*%(%*$(%($*%)*^( ***, just like in game there are ppl who are butt heads in the game servers.
  5. I have other things to do on a friday then this lol, the time does not bother me, but some ppl might have work ,school and that is ther only time to play... what they might call a emergency patch might not be a emergancy for us, ppl are playing now so it cant be that big of a emergency.
  6. Is this patch going to be 1.2 or just some random patch to nerf our classes , they dont want to change the time, they would have to come into work early over night there time. from what iv seen first hand the cust service needs some work, last week i spent 3 hours on the phone talking to 6 diffrent ppl to get a issue fix i was in so meny words told im s.o.l i got my how was our service email to fill out LOL i was like really are you kiding me, so i let loose 5 min later some high up gave me a call then he got his boss ON THE LINE and the issue was fix, lol he said no1 should ever go through what i had to go through. since then everything has went ok. 1000 credits this gets "closed thread lol"
  7. They offer new ppl a free pass weekend then take the servers down lol what a way to say hello new ppl
  8. From what iv seen with my lvl 32, the healer suck
  9. First off you have no idea how i play or what i do so just saying i use everything at once is fulse
  10. i wont just sit there ill go do other things, and some of the sith warr stuff can be hard if u solo it when u have to take down master karr you have to fight him three times in a row back to back, Hard to do group content when theres only 5 or 6 ppl online and no one wants to group
  11. I do at times, alot of times im on and only see a handful of people online and they ant looking for a group, iv had to sit for hours waiting for people to log on. at times i like just doing things solo
  12. I think you should be able to use two Companions at one time, if your out soloing Really alwasy stuck having to use the same one to keep me healed its gets old stuck with the same one all the time. Or allow the player to give the Companion the skills they choose they want that person to have. is it just me they die to easy and cant heal worth a crap. from what iv seen so far on here someone will lock this thread like my last two ,
  13. Luke is the one who brought balance to the force, after order 66, an vader killing off the jedi the empire in control luke saves his father that started all this mess of killing all the jedi in site. skywalker comes back to the side of light and the empror is dead
  14. Well, iv been on this game for about a week, I have really enjoyed myself, I was on wow,ddo,swg,sto on the day of release so i know a thing or two about mmo's Reading the forums i see ppl with a major case of the typical mmo post "crying" about how they are leaving and never come back, well they do come back after updates. This game is new wow was not built over night it took awhile for wow to work out the major bugs, update,patch ect.. this is the way of life of a mmo, Takes time for things to get going. I always work on my toons if theres nothing left for me to do I stay way until a major update comes out and i come back. The story so far i really enjoy, i enjoy the video and voice overs nice touch. like to see more space combat, over all things are coming along my lvl 31 toon hits the end of the story he will just have to wait untill they update the story if you dont like the game fine, but ppl who make games cant fix things over night,
  15. Well we all know sith redeeming himself and going to the light side happens, we have seen jedi go sith there should be a story arc where your character can switch, This is part of sw lore. I already have a jedi but would like the idea to do that kinda story arc. PPl say you cant it the classes are nothing alike, you stay the same class same skills and maybe some new ones, but use your powers for good ect... my sith, is at light 2, but seems kinda pointless to lvl the light for just rewards an some changes to the story in sme cases.
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