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Everything posted by Mazikeen

  1. This. Make alts, try real life, play another MMO.
  2. 1) If you add cross-server queues, nothing will change because the overall percentages of tanks vs healers vs DPS remains about the same. 2) See #1. Try making a tank, becoming actually competent, and convincing the playerbase to not treat tanks like dirt. Yes, I have 2, I refuse to PuG with either 3) This may help PvP queues, but then you lose any sort of server rivalries you may have had. WoW did this and it completely destroyed the PvP community. 4) Life sucks. Find something to do while you wait. I personally like to farm for money while I wait.
  3. Because every single one except the Kingpin can be soloed.
  4. If I get abused as a tank, I bail and let them deal with it. I have alts and I can insta-queue on my tank if I want. If the tank I have is abusive, I votekick them and replace them with Treek (low-level FPs) until we get a tank. Works moderately well, and Treek doesn't complain or do stupid stuff.
  5. I have a Lightning Sorc and when I PvP with it one of three things happens: 1) People ignore me and die 2) Half a dozen jump me at once, and I die 3) One or two attack me and I obliterate them, or they eventually give up
  6. Forums. Friends. These things tell you what you need to know to make a decision. On top of that, this is a game, not life. Unlike life, you CAN reroll.
  7. Apparently you're not one of those people that researches things before making decisions. Apparently you're not one of those people that doesn't read before making decisions because the AC trainer popup TELLS YOU that you cannot change your AC. You cannot change your AC, in part, because you need to learn how to actually play your class. When you get to 55 and ask 'derp, I didn't know I had X ability, what does it do?' many people wish to become violent. Just because WoW does it, and just because you like to take the easy route, doesn't make it a good idea. Leveling from 1-10 takes 3 hours. Reroll.
  8. No, that's a case of you not knowing how to guard a node. You NEVER stand close enough together for an AoE to hit both of you. Ever. In fact, it's preferable if one of you hides so people think it's being guarded by one person.
  9. Concealment is fun Lethality is higher up on the leaderboards than Assassin, last I checked. Healing/Medic is the top PvP healer and possibly top PvE healer You tell me if there's a reason
  10. Go to the Ziost Shadow (or the Republic version, raid ship) Go to the area with TFB and S&V Speak to the nearby NPCs (may be off in a side room) Get the corresponding quests (one per raid) Complete each raid (complete, not just weekly) You should get 4 Mass Manipulation generators and 8 Exotic Element Equalizers from the quests Find a crafter to craft a 72 hilt Tip them nicely
  11. I'm curious, did you miss the part where you STOLE the ship? You know, from someone else? Every other class gets one handed to them by the Empire, so of course they're polished and fancy. Also, the forums have spell-check built in, please use it...
  12. PT for tanking and melee Merc for healing and ranged One of the easiest AC choices in the game, IMO
  13. Play alts. Play as many classes as you can. Learn their strengths, weaknesses and mechanics. I do this in every MMO I play, PvP or PvE, and it pays off.
  14. HK = available to anyone Treek = available to anyone over Legacy 40 5 companions per class I fail to see the lack of options here
  15. I think this boils down to a case of DPS not paying attention to a single bloody thing, eventually getting bored of the same repetitive Fps and finally noticing what every tank and healer int he game noticed the first time through. Not one of the 'changes' mentioned is something that I have seen change, at all. And as far as the CZ droid and it's electrified pool... if I'm healing that FP and your silly self stands in it, I'll let the whole group wipe before I heal you, just on the principle. Healers are there to heal the tank and to cover splash damage, not heal DPS that don't know how to play.
  16. While I would love to see a saved quickbar setup, we already have a field respec available and it's pathetically easy to zone out, hit the Fleet and respec that way as well. Waiting 5 minutes for someone to respec beats the 5-45 minute wait for a new tank.
  17. 1) Level to 55 2) Go to the Ziost Shadow 3) Go to the Mission Deck 4) Go to the TFB/S&M section 5) Speak to the 2 NPCs outside the zone entries 6) Complete said Operation (last boss, not just weekly) 7) Collect 4 Mass Manipulation Generators and 8 Exotic Elemental Equalizers 8) Find someone to craft a barrel/hilt with the free mats you just got, tip nicely, enoy Problem solved
  18. When I tank and the others pull this crap, I turn around and walk away. I stay close enough to watch, but far enough that if I want to run I can. Mobs won't leash in a FP but when you run them to the start, the rest of the group pitches in or they die again.
  19. The role of tanking is not why there's a shortage, it's the community. Tanks are out there, but most won't run a PuG. When DPS stop thinking that they bear no responsibility for their own aggro, when players let the TANK lead the group and pull, and when people start treating each other like human beings instead of personal slaves then you may see more tanks willing to run a PuG. People have stopped treating MMOs like games and now treat them like jobs... dungeons are now a 'quick and dirty' thing instead of a 'let's go have fun' thing. I even saw (and replied to) a thread where someone was complaining that a FP took 20 minutes to clear. Whether they were trolling or not, I don't know, but the truth is some think that IS a long time. I don't really expect role-less FPs to do much better either because it'll end up amounting to letting 4 kids on sugar highs loose in a toy store. Eventually someone is going to get hurt.
  20. Wait, is the OP a troll? They have to be because complaining about it taking 20 minutes to clear an entire FP is laughable. MMOs are a social experience, so try being social. I understood complaints in WoW when Blackrock Depths took 3-5 hours to clear, that was a bit much, but 20 minutes is nothing.
  21. What 'bad design', exactly? GCDs? Multiple abilities? Abilities that depend on or benefit from others being active? None of these are bad design, they're intentional. Macros make repetitive actions simpler, no more and no less. Macros pose a risk as much as they do a benefit. Yes, they can nail your 'reaction times' down to a millisecond but you still face issues with server lag and interrupts borking the chain. You face issues with trying to cast other abilities mid-chain during a GCD because the encounter took an unexpected turn. You face issues of predictability. Worst of all, longer macros make things very boring (in fact, macro use pretty much destroyed Rift for me, though it was my own fault). If you NEED macros it IS a l2p issue. MMOs are so dumbed down these days it's pathetic. If you simply want them to make life a bit easier (or in the case of mouseover, slow down carpal tumnel) then yes, you have my support.
  22. 1) I never said I used them, I was offering the OP a solution to a problem. I know this is a rare thing on forums, but it happens from time to time. 2) Basic macros are allowed in pretty much all MMOs provided the actions can be reasonably mimicked by the player without them. Mouseover macros and two-click macros are almost universally allowed. Chains of 5-20 abilities and botting scripts are almost universally bannable offenses. 3) I appreciate you giving me your permission to do things
  23. No, they don't. have you not realized a global cooldown exists? If anything macros make timing WORSE because if you're off by too much then the next command simply won't fire (due to the GCD) which either eliminates the macro chain or simply throws everything out of sync.
  24. This is an issue with several chest pieces, and is very irritating. My PT has red/yellow metal gear and yet has a white butt-flap. I think it's just laziness.
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