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Everything posted by ImariKurumi

  1. LOL, im starting to enjoy reading commando threads, at first it was all serious business, now we're all tired of trying to knock some sense into the devs and ignorant players...
  2. Holy crap... No wonder theres not much QQ on Mercenary Forums... they secretly have way better stats than us republic commandos... Man Bioware is bias, pro-Imperial, pro-Lightsabers, pro-dps.
  3. LOL, if you cant beat them, join them! Lets all roll DPS class, soon the forums will be flooded with "WTB HEALER"!!! Then serves them right...
  4. ***** man, you again hahahaha. I gotta stop LOLing in the office... True that, most of your hard hitting skills are based on wep dmg. Lets see you have ONLY 2 energy skills, 2 elemental skills, 2 internal skills, 3 kinetic skills, stun, shatter shot to reduce armor, crit base class... dude... you gotta be kidding me... You're practically our nightmare... On another note, most people think that guardians with heavy armor can tank 2s or 3s in pvp, which means medics can do the same. They forgot that Guardians have better mitigation and % dmg reduction + talents and skills, those are the ones that help them tank in pvp, not dumb Heavy Armor. Heavy Armor is just a tool for pve. In PvP it makes no diff. Like Kushtaka mentioned, its just Heavy Armor because it weighs a lot...
  5. ROFLMAO. Hilarious stuff, almost fell of my chair.
  6. Hmmm, they might introduce a "divorce" option later on or maybe a polygamy option for male characters ROFL. Theres proabably gonna be more romanceable companions in future expansions, so makes sense to have that option.
  7. So... now patch 1.2 will nerf the **** out of healers, especially commando medics, and you people still complain? I have the perfect solution then, totally remove the healing classes. There, you guys happy? Good Luck doing OPs, HMs and rated WZs without healers. Selfish b@stards.
  8. ImariKurumi

    WTB Healer!

    @OP The reason for declining healer population is due to the crazy nerfs to healer classes especially the Commando Medics and slightly less so to Sages. And whats the root to all this? Dumb, ignorant, immature non-healer players(DPS especially) that complain they cant kill a healer in 1v1. So now Bioware is helping you non-healer players by making healers the only class that can be pawned by every other class in 1v1 or just by spamming 1 skill or whatever you all want. Yes, we are now "Free Frags", not healers. Its amazing how we're the most needed class but the very people that needs us are driving us to extinction.
  9. Sadly, a lot of players from other classes are too much of a genius to understand something so simple.
  10. Well that ought to shut up those ignorant selfish sage healers. By far Commando Medics are getting the shortest end of the stick and other classes are still trying to prove they get nerfed harder than us. These calculations even excludes the fact that Commando Medics(NOT gunnery) dont have much in terms of escape/CC/survivability unless they go hybrid to get tenacious defense which means sacrificing a lot of top tier heal talents. Put in the fact that Heavy armor dont mean nuts with all those elemental/tech skills flying around.
  11. I have to agree with that, increasing population wont help encourage group play. The oceanic server is always almost full, but i can hardly find a party for FP. On average i run an FP or Heroic Missions once every 3-5 days due to the difficulty to find party members. Its this game's design that somehow encourages pve solo play indirectly or something. Or abuse the lvl50s and get them to run you through everything or the fact that you can start WZ so early in the game and purely lvl and farm cash and commendations easily that everyone just WZ all day, only doing Class quests once in awhile. PvE grouping is almost dead, open world PvP is dead, when you can farm merc commendations from WZ.
  12. @Cancrizans True that. Most of the pioneer/hardcore WoW players are long gone. The current players are mostly a new generation of post BC or fresh into WotLK. Its going downhill imo but i respect Blizzard's bravery to make a lot of major changes throughout the 8 years.
  13. @Doomsdaycomes Just for the record, heavy armor doesnt mean jack, its the elemental/kinetic/force/tech dmg that kills us, and most average or decent players will save those skills for commandos. But i do agree with Gunnery commando having OP dmg, provided its team play. 1v1, gunnery will get rolled, really they have lesser survivability and it seems every other class has interrupts, which is a boon to Gunnery Commando. Then again, i believe Gunnery is not meant to be a 1v1 focus class.
  14. After patch 1.2, commando medics will find themselves running out of medic talents to spend their points into. Due to the nerfs, ***** load of medic talents are no longer viable or waste of points, so much so that i cant hit the 31 point threshold LOL, maybe its time to ditch Bacta Infusion and just go hybrid Medic&Assault/Gunnery.
  15. I admit gunnery dps is over the top, when I was in gunnery build its easy to get kills PROVIDED I am not targetted. Then again I do accept the fact that gunnery commandos are essentially artillery, so we cant win direct confrontation. I accept the nerfs for gunnery. But the main issue is, why do Commando Medics get nerfed hardest among all classes? Just because our DPS tree is making lots of noobs cry, our medic tree gets the sledgehammer. You guys might as well petition to scrap the entire medic talent tree. Hell, even better, remove Commando class totally from the game. You want "balancing", yea well thats the best balancing ever in the entire history of MMO, remove the class. Oh wait, Trooper does seem OP in the Star Wars movie and games, maybe we can petition Lucas Arts or whatever to re-edit all the movies, novels, etc to remove Republic troopers from their Lore, now we get "Lore balancing" too... Hmm, oh yea, the Trooper figurine i saw at the shop had a assault cannon way cooler and bigger than the Light saber wielded by my Jedi figurine at home, OOOVVERRRRPPOOWWEERREDD!!! Lets petition to scrap all Trooper figurines. we can get "Toy Balancing"!!!!!
  16. Lmao, and you posted just after my rant. Dont complain if you die and dont get heals in WZ, cos peeps like you turned out class into a free frag class, and dead healers dont heal...
  17. Too many noobs complaning they cant kill a Medic in 1v1. They think healers are meant to die in 1v1. To my knowledge healers are suppose to excel in 1v1 through a battle of endurance and outlasting. Heavy armor helps in PvE, but in PvP we're screwed. Got no interrupts, minimal CCs. If im not mistaken we're getting a 33% ammo effeciency nerf and around 40% healing power(Inclusive of mitigation/damage reduce) nerf? Would be nice if someone can provide a log to get exact %. Anyways, they still complain not knowing the medic they cant kill is wearing battlemaster pvp set and is being Guarded while they have ***** gear. Swear to god they should rename "DPS class" to "Troll class". Well at least when CM is nerfed hard, if stupid Trolls complain about no Heals, they'd know that they are the root of the problem.
  18. Trauma Probe is useful in PvE, but in PvP where burst dmg and focus fire is predominant, its almost useless. I usually just cast it on myself while running away or to provide a tiny buffer against aoes. Im not that affected by it but its pretty sad that we will have a jaring useless talent Skill in our tree. Whats the bigger problem is the nerfs to ammo to AMP, SCC. Also SCC getting 3 nerfs, lower dmg reduction KB etc etc. They're turning barely useful talents to totally useless. I think Bioware is "Balancing" Commando Medic based on PvE content and not PvP content. Seems they think Healing in PvE = Healing in PvP. Sigh...
  19. Hammer Shot doesnt regen ammo, but yes you can use it on the move, except that its more of a filler heal, heals too little, eats up your GCD beacause it is not affected by our primary+secondary stats. We're better of spamming MP/AMP and Kolto Bomb, hardly anyone uses Hammer Shot. In PvP, using Hammer Shot(Green Ray thingy), you're literally telling your enemies to ******** you first. Anyways, how is the survivalbility of Sawbones in PvP? I've seen a few Scoundrel outheal my medic and it got me interested, but im more inclined to PvP so wondering it they have reasonable survivalbility?
  20. Im ok with them nerfing commando class for the sake of balancing, but in regards to the medic tree, they're pushing it too far. It has the most number and hardest hitting nerfs in that tree. Commando medics dont deserve that hard of a nerf bat.
  21. When you say that, then whats the purpose of putting a DEDICATED heal spec talent tree? Defeats the purpose doesnt it? If they totally remove the heal tree talents and just weave in a few heal talents into other dps talent trees, then i understand that we're offheals. But we have a friggin FULLY DEDICATED HEALING SPEC IN OUR TALENT TREE!!!!
  22. Im utterly shocked with the huge amounts of nerfs. Commando class in general has the most amount of nerfs compared to other classes. I can slightly accept the nerf to gunnery, but the most hard hitting is the medic spec. The nerfs are just, too huge. Really i rather not get that stupid 1 extra target healing in Kolto Bomb if it means my other talents are not nerfed. We already have the degenerating mechanic to our ammo system and this nerf will be a extreme hard hitter. Is bioware trying to say Commandos are not meant to be main healers? Only sage and Scoundrels are? So we are only off-heals? Then why give us a Full dedicated Healing tree in our talent system? The way i see it in pvp and pve, offheals are not needed, rather more of a burden. Its better to have fully 1 dps 1 main heals than 2 offheals that do average dps. I really dont know what to make of this.
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