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Everything posted by WizardsDestiny

  1. The League of Illumination has now become the League of Light, with 160 Members. The League of Shadows now has 400 members. Both sides do Ops!
  2. Our Guild isn't a role-playing guild, but I agree. We commonly have Council Meetings and sitting cross legged on some rudimentary seat on Korriban isn't ideal compared to an actual table with chairs. It just adds that extra bit more...life to the game.
  3. I messaged Icesis on the Imperial Side, though as of yet have received no reply.
  4. Although, in relation to the event, can we have an overview of where it will be held, how many guild are attending thus far, etc? We need to promote it in general chat too to get word out.
  5. You'll be seeing me and my guild there rallying, I've mailed Icesis for details! Great idea by the way.
  6. I don't care about compensation; the guilds we have worked so hard on over the past year and months being disassembled purely for population is not acceptable when our guilds have healthy population. Guilds better transfer with us, or we don't transfer at all. Screenshots are also a great idea. I'll be right on that.
  7. All these questions, particularly the answers to the Guild questions as a Guildmaster. And names are very important to me I build an existence of character which adds to the feel of the game.
  8. It's players like you I look forward to seeing! I look forward to meeting you on the server when- if- it happens!
  9. Also, quite selfishly, as I am now a Guildmaster of two guilds with over 350 in one and the newer one having 150, and we've begun doing Ops, some Ops portals on a Guild Ship would be lovely. The Ziost Shadow seems oh so far away.
  10. I don't agree with your attitude of giving up, though I've tried the American servers I'm still against losing our own, but your idea of on Tuesday doesn't seem plausible given the announcement time and the fact a server merge will take a little more forethought. Already Eric Musco said they're 'working on the tech.' In other words, they don't have it. EULA Terms have been posted; things are imposed 30 days after announcement or later. Bioware could argue they haven't even announced it yet if they don't meet the deadline, given they're only announcement is in a forum. Not hugely official yet. Knowing Bioware's track record, though, it could be tomorrow, or, more likely, within a month or a few months.
  11. In saying that there are some self important trolling fools who think that because they're for the server merge they're superior to everybody else and 'cleverer.' Not all in favour of it are like that, don't get me wrong; but the trolls really just need to clear off and leave people in peace.
  12. Thank you. Your points are good ones, too. I thought it was about time someone like me who is against the NA Transfer provided some fact rather than mindless venting of anger through speculation.
  13. A message of reason: While I would love to keep the Asia Pacific Servers and I am still quite set against the merge, I want to talk about some fact. And I know many, including myself, won't like it. I travelled to the Harbinger today to create a Sith Inquisitor to test. Upon arrival, rather than like last time when I was subject to abuse from American players because I was Australian and disappointed about the transfer, I was given sympathy by many more players and welcomed into their server. Tonight, while the server was Standard-Heavy, I played on Korriban. It was no different than to playing on Korriban here. I have a Laptop which plays games quite well, but my Internet connection can sometimes leave a lot to be desired speed wise. However, I've never experienced bad lag in the game, and now I haven't on the Harbinger either. I detected minimal difference. There was a jump every minute and a half or so where the game stuttered for a fraction of the second. The rest of the time, play was fine, and there were about a hundred more players to play with. I recieved support from friendly players. As one of those players pointed out and I agreed with, nasty players are not limited to certain servers. While we have a hugely friendly community on Dalborra, the Harbinger is no different; the trolls and said nasty players are just in more abundance because of the greater population. I didn't get to sample Warzones and Group Finder, but with a little luck I don't think it'll vary that much from playing on Dalborra. I can't say for certain though, and I repeat I would like to stay on Dalborra and have a 'super-server.' Nonetheless on my second trip to the Harbinger I encountered a fair amount of kindness and very very little lag, no dfiferent to the AP Servers. What the problem is is that Bioware has made really no official huge statement on their website but a forum post, and malicious rumours begin to spread. We'll lose all of our names (Which I did not) and the game will be unplayable. As someone with poorer connection I can dismiss that as untrue, and you'll only lose names if they're very obvious I think, or if you have a spot of bad luck. I ask Bioware to thus be more official and tone down these rumours and replace them with fact so less people unsubscribe. They are going to impact our popularity even more so and I have lost friends and 24 guildmates due to a complete lack of communication and unwillingness to be formal by Bioware. Please, Bioware. I understand you may want to combine servers; fine, but we'd still prefer a merge. Nonetheless, if you're going to make it concrete decision, announce it properly on the Website news section and in the launcher so everybody knows and discourage them from subscribing. If you're really clever you'll even send emails to those who left and invite them back with a special reward of some kind; perhaps all AP Players can receive a title of some kind or an item to commemorate their heritage. We don't all want to forget our great times and friends on Dalborra, Master Dar'Nala and Gav Daragon. This is a post of reason and fairness without rudeness to anyone. Please read it and take it seriously.
  14. I recieved a Customer Service reply from Bioware which apologises for this because they understand 'some people may not be happy.' I admit I'm impressed with them to go as far as an apology with their track rate, but it really isn't enough. They were still dead-set convinced they were doing the right thing and weren't about to be persuaded. I don't think we'll have a choice, but they're blinding themselves to the amount of players they're losing. Twenty four members of my guild I know have quit, and that's just my guild. Others have also, I'm well aware, and a far greater number. Not all of us cared about populations, around half of us did if not a bit more; but they choose to move all of us to servers when we didn't ask to be treated this way and get increased lag as a result. (Before someone comes along and suggests that we won't get increased lag, Bioware actually acknowledges it in the email they sent me as fact and that latency will change for 'performance degration.' They think, 'With higher populations and a server type that suits each individual player, we hope that any performance degradation will be mitigated by an improvement in the overall play experience." In other words, they don't really care.)
  15. The first paragraph is progress. The second one then deteriorates. While I'm happy for some form of reply, you're still not actually addressing the fact we don't want to change in the first place. Don't ignore your community, please, Bioware! You pretend to hear but you're not listening.
  16. You're completely correct, but the flaw in thinking such things about trolls like it is that it actually has a brain to engage.
  17. In other words, you have a lack of empathy for them. You claim to be doing this because it's your 'human right,' and that means you're implying you're utilitarianistic. However, your demonstration of minimal concern and laughing in the faces of others who are angry, sad and upset is nothing like that. You are, at the core, a little troll who keeps coming back to be cruel because the crux of your existence on this forum revolves around making others upset. I don't mean to be rude, but I wouldn't be too proud of that. Perhaps you can prove me wrong like I want Bioware to by leaving, and acting a bit more intelligent and (If you're really supporting the 'human rights') show some genuine empathy and sympathy.
  18. Exactly the point Bioware utterly fail to understand. If they were a really good company, I would forgive everything they've done if they apologised here, sent an email to those unsubscribed on the forums in apology and welcoming them back, and then finally merge the servers. Of course, we know so far they've not proven themselves not anything like that. They couldn't care less about the community, and all it would take is a glimpse at the forums and a touch of reason. It's not that hard, but maybe it is for Bioware given their track record. Go ahead, Bioware; I beg you to prove my thoughts wrong when I've been defensive of you for my whole SWTOR time, and this is how you reward people like me. I'm not the only one.
  19. Very well said, particularly the European analogy. However, I will keep trying, though I'm nearly certain its in vein. I won't unsubscribe over something I haven't really tried yet, hopefully I won't have to. That said, the trolls here should be smart enough (I know there's a flaw in any of them having any intelligence but still!) and just leave the sad folk alone. They'd be the first to complain if their servers were merging.
  20. Funny, the very 'jerks' on the NA Servers are all here with us now, being ignored and blissfully indulging in their stupidity as they troll. Bioware, look at them and see reason.
  21. Really? Typically one would think that 'ping' which results in lag eventually would actually end up seriously affecting gameplay experience, rendering a 'healthy populated server' useless; we can't 'play' on it with lag from across the world.
  22. Bioware, you forget key quotes in the original post which started this forum by Cheezfriend, so don't pretend you are sticking by the original post. First: Seems easy enough to comprehend. Secondly: Again, simple stuff. Thirdly, he raises an extremely good point: You should have come to the conclusion we would LIKE a 'Super-server' in which all servers are merged together. There is no harm in trying. Spend that money you're taking from us rather than turning it into robbery in order to involuntarily transfer characters. But you didn't come to that conclusion. You made a poor choice which has to be amended. Lastly, one piece of information you have as well chosen to ignore: the theme is saving our servers. You're not doing this. You're destroying them.
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