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Everything posted by Brutalos

  1. What class balances can we expect from 1.3, will it undo some of the over top changes done in 1.2?
  2. I thought the class quest was brilliant for the most part, my thoughts on what they messed up are below a small part but it was important to me and I know alot of other people who chose BH.
  3. I suggested many times that instead of having to use RV & C2 in there current forms BW should give them an droid appearence slot much like our regular companions custom kits and allow us to pick for ourselves from the massive range of droids that have already been designed. BW are supposed to like giving choice to their players right? Also arming them would be good
  4. because out there somewhere a village is missing it's developer idiot, I mean how could they have designed those vendors to only reward certain classes and armour types and punish the rest, these problems were raised back in beta and of course were ignored.
  5. didn't you get the memo? Bioware don't love us any more Well if you really want to beat a Jug then I suggest you roll yourself a Marauder to pvp with or get yourself a Marauder to babysit you in WZs failing that wait for a Jug to get low HP fighting someone else then steal the kill. That's the only way a Arsenal Merc stands a chance anymore, welcome to bottom of the barrel
  6. that's the price you pay for stealing the first garbage scow in the space port.... oh I'm sorry D5 Mantis garbage scow
  7. I wish you had a news letter, I subscribe agreed on all the points about our broken Mercs, it's pretty ridiculous in this day and age that BW don't even come to talk to us about it. They seem to have gotten a pretty bad case of I.T.S. Ivory tower syndrome, I know a great cure for me at least will be no more subsciption to BW. Tick - tock Dev's you're on the countdown clock.
  8. back in my day we had to say "Bank" instead of clicking it... sometimes people misspelled and hilarity ensued.
  9. that's still nothing, dual choices for the worst heal/dps why would we bother, shame to hear you deleted your Merc Marko, I hope BW wise up and give us back our balls, being the Stromboni of TOR ain't fun.
  10. Armstech make them, you can either roll another alt and do them yourself or shout out and look for Armstech to make them for you.
  11. When the most anti Republic BH Merc comes to the Commandos house to say We feel your pain over the nerf maul both our classes have recieved, you ain't in this alone!
  12. the Hybrid Bodyguard/Arsenal was actually one of the better pvp specs for Mercs pre 1.2, I have my guy with mostly Bodyguard tree and the rest in Arsenal for the TM and knock back effects. Post 1.2 they cut the balls out of the build but I still use it. I like playing a fighting healer, sacrificing that lame duck ability emergency scan and it's previous talent ain't no loss.
  13. All of this +1 with an addition Blizz has a ROCKET LAUNCHA!!! Blizz makes a great Bodguard companion
  14. they should never have messed with the AoE range of DFA, it should be restored to it's former radius, the new radius is ridiculous in both PvP and PvE, I've fired it off with enemies supposedly inside the Red Zone and it misses everything. DFA has been turned into a joke along with a lot of other BH attacks. I get the feeling that BW don't love us no more.
  15. part of the story, you need to keep doing your class quest to unlock further dialog with Mako
  16. lol I used DFA a few times now and the mobs have been inside the RED Imperial symbol showing that they are in range of the AOE, fire off DFA and it doesn't hit anyone. BW WTH were you thinking messing up one of our main major attacks? I mean you already slammed our heads into the pavement with all the nerfs and "ajustments" you made to BH's did you just want to go the whole hog and simply gimp us to unplayable?
  17. Is his healing any good? Compared to Mako? I think Mako's healing is better than RV's overall but it can be quite close skill wise. RV however can't use any form of ranged weapon or any weapon at all for that matter. What kind of gear does he use? Does he even use gear? This answers you last question aswell, droids use parts as there gear, you can get green, blue, orange and purple parts for him. They were designed for the Scorpio and the Jedi astromech droid so RV benefits from them. Can his overall physical form change with gear? No How do 'parts' play a role with droids Same as gear Also something to know is RV is extremely annoying companion who won't shut up while fighting.
  18. digging your own grave, no I wouldn't say that. you'll just not have the benefit of having the full armour protection of heavy. If it's only a style thing, set up a RP dress uniform you wear around and keep a fighting suit of heavy that you swap into.
  19. why has no one yet suggested that you Hire a Bounty Hunter? come on people, wth!
  20. well since the Mantis looks like a garbage scow I guess they are just trying to keep some pretty bad theme going with the Mandalorians / BHs
  21. I was worried over the BH changes, thanks for posting this up Iandayen, give me hope we haven't been trampled with nerfs as bas as everyones been screaming about.
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