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Everything posted by iamnotacrook

  1. If i can buy tech fragments with conquest commendations, i want to do the same in reverse. For those times i got nothing i really want to spend tech frags on or sell. 200 tech frags = 200 conquest commendations or 500 tech frags = 250 conquest commendations. Something like that.
  2. Lifetime sub but go back to buying expansions/dlc, i would be up for that. To maintain sub status as long the game is running and going, but bying expansions sounds like a good deal. Yes, even if the expansions/dlc in return will be expensive, i would totally would give my money to the game. The only thing i dont like about this idea... if someone buys a lifetime and shortly afterwards they close down the game and the servers.
  3. 1. Yes. 2. No. 3. Completly. Both on ruhnuk and kessans landing. 4. Yes on this one kessans, on ruhnuk i have completed the story with that one there. 5. 2 of my characters.
  4. Eearlier this is i did Ruhnuk weekly and did not get the red gear box, today i just completed this one and still did not get a red box with gear. Whats going on?
  5. Is it just me or have the drop rate been reduced again? It so slow again for G.A.M.E. Analysis modules, it was in a good rate but now for a while its been slow. 2 updates ago i think it started? Im not sure. Got used to get 10-30 modules within a hour or two, now yet again it is 1-3 in a hour if im lucky. Yes with PH4 out as a active companion and in daily and heroic areas. Courusant, Nar shaddaa and Tatooine was good areas, now its not.
  6. Im happy with the upcoming change because heroics and dailys is basically all i do, but its still far from okey. What about those who do flashpoints and star fighter and pvp stuff?
  7. I agree on Voss, the one planet in the game i dislike the most.
  8. Not happy about this change, but its nothing i complain about. But i would like to have more conquest objectives for 71+ level like "Mission taskmaster: Complete 10 heroics" or "Missions taskmaster: Complete these two weeklys". Something in that line that contains repeatable missions and weeklys and heroics. Even some more with flashpoints for those who do grind them.
  9. How many sets/pieces do i have to collect before i get normal 320 to gear pieces deconstruct as loot? Im not complaining, its nice to get free gear but it also so annoying its drops more than other 320 gear you can deconstruct.
  10. I cant find any about this here and with Google search. But it would be nice to be able to have this option every week, between 500,000 and 2,000,000. Not to replace 500,000 but add 1 million option when we can invade planets with our guilds, i say this as a solo player with solo guilds, this would make me play a bit more conquest objectives and earn more tech fragments. I took an image from google just because if anything is unclear on what i mean.
  11. I dont know if this has been suggested before and answered. Would be nice to be able to do that when creating a character, try on different armor sets and clothes and be able to change apperances, race and sex in that preview. Either from CM or your own collection. Like for example if a Tobruka or Human female fits in Darth malgus armor set or in something else.
  12. I bought a Jawa intel and went back to the same area on Dromund Kaas, i did get 71 dark spores. It's such a good area for this kind of farm without a companion, big open area with easy kills and good respawn time.
  13. Maybe im on the wrong planet or was just unlucky, but 1 hour killing spree without a companion on Dromund Kaas outside Dark tempel, gave me 4 Dark spores. I wish they could drop anywhere everywhere with non gs companion.
  14. 1 hour on Tatooine with PH4-LNX gives me 10 G.A.M.E. Analysis modules, i did this on 2 characters in different areas (heroic areas). 1 hour on Coruscant (Heroic areas and Black sun area) only gave me 1 and 1 hour on Nar Shaddaa gave 2. Though i've only tested with 1 character on both planets. Edit: Just went to Nar Shaddaa and tested 1 hour again, i got 8. (Heroic areas and Red light sector)
  15. How does one get dark spores now, is it killing enemies without a companion or how does it work now?
  16. But to get dark spores now, i have to kill enemies without a companion anywhere or do you have a higher chance on getting dark spores on certain planets? And with Fen and PH4 out as active you get higher chance on Syndicate worlds?
  17. For some reason, i only get drops on Mek-Sha. Note of reflections with amity and modules with ph4.
  18. I was about to go in here and ask about this and happy i found this here Can someone please tell me on which planets you get Notes of reflection? If it have to be on certain planets like for Fen and PH4-LNX or if they drop anywhere everywhere.
  19. Yes i can confirm it is game modules still drops, even got it confirmed on my own thread earlier asking about this topic. I read those articles and just tested Tatooine and Nar Shadaa and it worked so i think it will the same on those planets as well as they have Syndicate ties, but regarding the drop rate i do not know. I asked about it again here and more people confirmed it that game modules still drops if you have PH4 out as your companion. So i guess it will still work but slooooow even if there is a season going on or not since its a reputation.
  20. Both here and on in this article it says "Jawa Intel Tips: A player named Aldo messaged me and mentioned that they used the Jawa Intel on a Syndicate world (like Tatooine)" So look up Syndicate planets and here it says "Players who do not want to do group activities like Flashpoints or Operations will want to work on fighting enemies on planets with known Syndicate ties, which have a higher chance of dropping Underworld Syndicate Plans from enemies. These higher-chance planets include Corellia, Makeb, Mek-Sha, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Rishi, Taris, and Tatooine." So a lot of planets to choose from for both companions. And since Tatooine and Nar Shadaa worked for me.. it gotta work also on the other planets too. If you have your chosen companion out.
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