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10 Good
  1. Cosmodon


    fix the dam lag/dc/ ability delays that have plagued this game since beta already! devs more worried about stupid cartel packs then fixing the lag that has been around since beta
  2. Would be cool if planets could be controlled by either faction and have xp or some kind of bonus like a raid boss or special fp if your faction controls that planet. Game needs some kind of battles besides war zones. Also need planet events(something life rift) would be nice too. Also the planets don't feel real at all and this should be fixed also.
  3. they cant even fix the lag that has plagued this game since beta. But i bet you next week they will have a new cartel pack
  4. I agree, i play unsub until its fixed. btw game has been laggy and ability delays since beta. Could be a fun game if they could fix the lag
  5. how about free server transfers(to any server) now since all my toons are all over the place now!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. well that makes sense too.... what the dev's need to do then is have it so you choose your AC from level one then! so there is no confusion. Also the Dev's did say before the game was released that they would allow AC change in the game.... I don't understand why they would say that then not allow it.... o'well guess I will just finish my Marauder to 50 then maybe reroll a jedi guard so I don't have to replay the same old story.... wish they also allowed cross fraction mail from the same account... heck they do it for the last name..
  7. hmm well I never played that class or its AC so I would not know... but what I have noticed is that they still have the same base line attacks(lighting, and lighting stuns or rock throwing/pebbles).... and also the same story line along with a shared tree.... If its anything like the warrior its pretty similar just different specs.... but like I said never played the class or its AC so I really cant comment on that
  8. going from a warrior with tank/dps single weapon, to a duel wield dps spec with the same base line attacks is the same class but with different talent trees... AC's are not classes. if they where they would NOT share a tree and would NOT have the same base attacks. There fore they are different specs. Plus they also share the same story line. its like a WoW warrior one spec you have two two-handed weapons another spec you have one handed and a shield. Same base line attacks.... different roles, same class.. different spec...
  9. No I'm still the same base class. I'm not changing base class. Exp look at how rift has there talent trees. Would be some what to how they have it. Or just allow ac change. Ur not changing Ur base class
  10. I remebers the devs stating you would be able to change ac in game. I don't want to reroll Lvl 40 atm .I want to be able change my ac. I picked mur. And I do not like the play style/ no utility compared to jug. I picked mur because I want to dps but its poor utilty and disadvantage of malee in this game, I have changed my mind to just tank. We should be allowed to change. Changing ac is the same thing as changing specs I will still be a Sith war. But instead of 2 sabers I will have 1. Makes no sense that at Lvl 10 is when you pick your class. Sith war(Any class at that), Should have the choice to pick any of the trees from either of the acs.
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