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  1. <Audacious> on Prophecy of the Five is currently looking for one outstanding tank for progression. The group is 7/10 and looking to fill one spot due to someone that was lost to real life stuff. If you are interested reply here I will PM you the voice info so you can come in and chat. Thanks
  2. Sent you a PM on the Forums. Let me know if that would work!
  3. We are a group on the server Prophecy of the Five that is currently 7/10 and down one outstanding dps. I would be interested in chatting with you if you were willing to transfer. Email me at andrewhowell14@gmail.com for more information and voice information. Our group would be willing to pay for server transfers.
  4. Our raid group is currently looking for 1 outstanding dps. we are currently 7/10 HM progressing on Master Blaster. Raid times are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30-11est.
  5. Hello folks, Currently I am apart of a late night raid team (12am-2am EST Tues. and Thursday) that has 2 preferably ranged DPS spots open. Most of us in the group are apart of other teams that are at least 6/10 HM progression and we are looking to hop on alts and keep raiding. If you would be interested in joining please have TeamSpeak 3 downloaded and installed and have some parses available to look at. Please message me on the forums for details. We would not be opposed to paying for transfers if that is an option. Thanks!
  6. As the title suggests I am a return player after an 18 month venture playing FFXIV: ARR. I left this game raiding at a high level and would very much like to return to be apart of a mostly veteran solid group. I would prefer to raid 3-4 times a week if possible. I no longer have to time to put in crazy progression hours but anywhere from 12-16 raid hours would be alright. I also want to be apart of a great community that is active. I love PvE content and almost never PvP. I'm a little bit of an achievement whore and I love spending time online and in voice chat. I have two level 60 toons that I main and like to play, a sorc(dps) and Mara(dps) and I primarily play Imperial but I also have 2 republic toons to fool around with if necessary. I do all my own crafting for the most part and have no problem sitting out a raid for a rotational spot as long as I have some advance notice. I also have no problems either posting pictures or unlocking my achievements from past games if necessary, or parsing for dps if needed as well. I want to make sure you know what you are getting and I know what I am getting into. If all these things sound great then you can contact me by email @ andrewhowell14@gmail.com or in game on Jraynor, Berserkraynor, Queenraynor, or Tychusfindlay and I can come chat with you in voice! Thanks
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