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Posts posted by LordDarrack

  1. Concur with all of this. ^


    Only thing is I question whether the outcome of Anthem will have anything to do with the fate of this game. This game was sunk with apathy 3+ years ago and the quality of the content put out since then confirms this.


    I really think it's wishful to think Anthem's success or failure will have any positive impact on this game. I think they essentially allotted what they are willing to put into SWTOR, and that amount of resources won't change whether Anthem fails or succeeds.


    When a game brings more frustration and disappointment to your life, and not joy and fun it's time to hang up the mouse pad.


    A game ought to be fulfilling, engaging, and fun. SWTOR stopped being fun once I went through 6+ years of original chapters. Once you get to the point you need the newer content to engage you, the game flops big time.


    Sadly I think you're right Anthem may not have any effect on this game and they are simply dragging it out like squatters running down a prepaid meter.

    The really sad thing is my little one is really into Star Wars (he's 5) and we spend lots of time watching the films which gets me even more depressed that I cant get my fix, its like a crack addict in a convent.


    Be safe

  2. This game has been handing down pain on it's entire playerbase for years like a BDSM slavemaster in full leathers equipped with a spiked whip. Anyone that has been here for 3+ years is nothing short of being a masochist.


    Been a sub from the start and I wish it was anywhere near as much fun as this sounds!


    Be safe

  3. System is not great, yes.. but you as a player can still make your "life" easier with it if you take the right choices/approach... A lot of players didn't even bother to inform themselves regarding what's the best way of gearing.. they just wasted weeks on RNG crates and complain how bad it is. Yes, it's totally terrible if you use the crates only.


    As bad as it was it didn't take longer to reach 258 than it did to get 242 or 248 back in the day.


    If you are obsessed with bis gear it will be frustrating, but keep in mind that other players have to gear as well and they are more or less the same in terms of gear rating as well, and if you are PVP-ing bolster is 252...


    Appreciated but why should I bother to TRY and make it interesting. Silk Purse and pigs ears come to mind!

    Believe me I gave it a go.

    I have pages and pages of 300 character's = that's how much time I've put into the game, I've done my bit with time and hard earned cash but not only do the Devs persist in making this game less appealing they clearly have no vision for the future other than "yeah we are working on something, cant give you a hint what it is but it will be soon, possibly, funds and resources permitting".


    Doesn't give us a lot of confidence does it?


    Be safe

  4. Don't depend on the loot boxes to gear up...they're meant to supplement gearing, not be your only source of it. You'll need to spend some crystals to get the pieces your RNG boxes aren't dropping.


    I'm not a fan of how it is, but it's not as terrible as you're making it sound. It's a grind. It takes time. It's random...but you can also remove the randomness by using the new crystal currency.


    Its not a Grind its ****in boring as hell.

    My life got a whole lot better since I stopped even justifying logging in.

    Having a lot of fun in ESO, maybe one day this game will be fun again, until then I will continue to hold out hope that this company that clearly doesn't give a **** comes rushing back with new enthusiasm once they realise their new toy is doomed.


    Be safe

  5. You seem like a reasonable person, but I feel you missed the whole point of Luke's story arc. Yes, you're correct about his story arc in the OT. But, you have to take a step further back to see his story arc across the entirety of the saga:


    He was a brash young man. "All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was... what he was doing." I consider this Yoda quote to be the summary of early Luke. So this is what I see as the baseline of his story arc across the Saga and leads to my next point -->


    He did consider striking Ben in TLJ, "for the briefest moment". Maybe the wisdom he once learned from Yoda finally sank in "“Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.” “Decide you must how to serve them best. If you leave now, help them you could, but you will destroy all for which they have fought and suffered.” In ESB, he did not learn that lesson and went off to save his friends. You can interpret if he made a mistake in doing so or not, but the lesson remained that he couldn't predict the future. In TLJ, you see that lesson sink in when he does spare Ben, both as a Teen and in TLJ itself by not coming and killing him.


    Luke DID NOT KILL Ben, even when he has an army ready to destroy everyone Luke loves. Instead, he still is giving him a chance at redemption. I happen to be a big believer that Ben is turning to the light in Ep9, but regardless of whether it happens Luke found a way to give Ben another chance. Luke paid the price with his life so that nobody else would have to.


    Let's compare that to what we saw in ROTJ. Luke was dressed in all black for a reason. He was on the edge of giving in to the dark side himself. He fought with aggression and that was a large part of how he was able to get the better of Vader. But in the end, the lessons he learned brought him back from the brink of darkness and he saw that maybe his father could also be redeemed. However for the balance of ROTJ he was bordering on the dark side himself.


    Compare that with TLJ where he's portrayed as a paragon of the Light Side with one brief moment of darkness. Heroes aren't different than villians in never having a desire to do the wrong thing. What makes a hero is they turn away from that darkness. By the end of TLJ, I was extremely satisfied with the story arc of Luke's life and he absolutely had a fitting end.


    And you think the original movies didn't have completely stupid, non believable **** ups in them?

    The Battle Of Endor, One Ewok died fighting the most powerful force in the galaxy complete with shock troops, Jet bikes, AT-STs, AT-ATs and artillery on call.

    As ex military I can tell you I nearly fell out of my chair laughing.


    Rose tinted specs mate.


    Be safe

  6. That's not a roadmap. A roadmap is a list of content long enough to retain subscribers across a wide spectrum of playstyles. I agree with the OP that it's time for one.


    In that case you wont get a Road Map as they have nothing in the pipeline atm, if they had they would have said in order to curtail some of the bad press from the last **** up.


    But no instead what little staff they have are working on more content for the 0.00000000000000% of the player base.


    Be safe.

  7. Hey all, I am curious as to know if anyone has heard of when the Pre-Order will be for SWTOR new expansion? looking forward to it! Thanks!


    There wont be another expansion this year.

    Seriously doubt anything will change for a long time.

    More resources will be diverted to their new pet project because judging by the feedback to say it has issues would be an understatement.


    I would find something else to do for 2019 and not waste your money.


    Be Safe

  8. That may be, but the Old Republic era is being highly requested to be introduced into the new canon, the Disney canon. It would be useful for Disney to play on that, because it's a huge potential market.



    Don't underestimate the current Star Wars direction from Disney, I've worked with them for many years and everything they do is planned and whether you like it or not very successful.


    I'm old and too remember the excitement of the original films when I saw them on the big screen way, way back in the day, my youngest son is now a huge Star Wars fan and he loves the new stuff regardless of its place in lore.



    Its the younger market that Disney aim at because the power of kids to get parents to part with cash for Merch is second to none (I have over 30 years in the entertainment business - trust me I know).


    This is why they need to be persuaded to support this game and I am really surprised they didn't see the opportunity to really push it hard with the release of the new films, that to me says something.



    I commend the OP and fully support your actions sir.



    Be safe

  9. 2019 has just begun... we're just 22 days in into the new year. That's like telling someone who just made the first stroke in his painting "well, that doesn't look like much, does it?". They're still in their meetings, getting the budgets finalized and everything. You expected them to what, release an expansion on the 1st of January? Don't be unreasonable.


    I admire your optimism, I really do.

    I've been a supporter (and Subscriber) of this game since day one, I brought over at least 30 guild mates from EQ back in the day when this adventure was really amazing but its time to put down those rose tinted spectacles and have a real look what's going on here.


    There have been no replies to players concerns over the recent disastrous update, community relations are non existent and all they did over the holidays was their best impression of an ostrich.


    Look deep in your heart and you will realise that 6.0 is but a distant hope and possibly years away, all they are doing is putting a carrot on a stick to keep folks in the CM store.


    I cannot express how much I want this game to continue but the lack of any response over recent weeks or any clear vision for the future says everything.


    I sub to a number of games, just go look at their websites and see the exciting new stuff planned not for this year but the next few months, try ESO's website for instance, I pay the same amount of money to play that game as I do SWTOR, am I getting value here?


    Be safe

  10. I wouldn't pay attention to rumours on the internet either. Or at least, not a lot of attention.


    OP, the game is going to be here for a long while, definitely several years. 6.0 is incoming and supposedly the director of Bioware said 2019 is going to be the game's greatest year yet!


    LOL how's that turning out so far?

    Its neither exciting or the greatest ever, in fact so far all they have done is drive folks away.



    Be safe

  11. since the release of jedi under siege iv noticed a huge increase in quality of 3d models the new mounts, the new jedi under siege models, the dark lord armour.


    all of these things are without a doubt some of the best models iv seen in the game, the texture quaintly and overall modelling just shows you have a very good 3d modeller on ur team right now and personally deserves a raise because they are all clearly modelled by him/her and its just increased the overall quality of the game and makes the game interesting to play.


    hopefully this is sign of change and going into the new expansion we can expect more of this amazing modelling and maybe a sign towards having character models redone.


    iv been playing this game for 8 years and its nice to see some new energy pumped into the graphical department, many games just let their game die and become outdated and its nice to see this improvement and i want to let you know i recognise it and so do many other people


    thanks again for sticking it out and not just flopping the game




    Best laugh ive had all week, send me some of what your smoking please.


    Be safe

  12. Don't expect too much of the game and you wont be disappointed.

    To be fair its not the best time to return, but have fun and welcome back anyway.

    My advice would be not to rush to the latest content, what little there is Fubar.


    Be safe

  13. I realize I'm late, because I'm kind of over caring, but just to never miss an opportunity -


    See Musco, I am right. Patch notes deliberately put off until after the patch. Thank you for reminding me why I am spending my gaming time elsewhere. Please continue to be disappointing so I finally give it up and quit paying you.



    I stopped playing weeks ago, the game is just no fun and if this is the sort of crap updates they are rolling out the, game wont be around long.

    Patch notes - Ciggy packet in the pub??


    Will contimue my sub for a while as my 5 year old loves wandering around on DK killing stuff (that's how easy the game has become).


    Back to ESO for some decent reward for my sub.


    Be safe all

  14. If this game wasn’t SW related it would have died and been shut down 3-4 years ago


    So So true, if I wanted a pure PVE challenge there is better stuff (EQ, ESO etc)

    Although im not into PvPer, if I was ESO is way more fun


    Star Wars is the only reason im still here, the thought of fighting fellow Imperials is just a non starter for me.


    Be safe

  15. Evidently your new here. Most times BW takes 6 weeks off starting in Mid December through the beginning of Feb. In previous years we would get barely any communication and definitely no Patch before Feb, so the fact they've posted and even said they are looking at getting a bug fix patch sometime this month is saying something. The fact they put any new content on the public test server tells us clearly they are still working on new content.


    Been a Sub since the start mate.

    Not very good business practice is it really?


    Be safe

  16. 1) they've been on holiday break for a week or 2, so cut them some slack on that.

    2) They have announced something. They put a new Instanced WB on the PTS fairly recently, so we know that'll be coming out sometime in the near future, after they're done testing it on the PTS.

    3) I may be mistaken, however I think Eric made a post sometime after the new year that said some bug fixes would be in the next patch. I forget the number but it was something along the lines of 5.10.1. Here is a link to that post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9687747#edit9687747


    See they have given us some information already.


    1) I know of no other company that shuts down for two weeks when they offer a continuous service, it would be suicide for my business.

    2) PTS? big deal

    3) that post says nothing 'Tentative' means nothing.


    They haven't given us anything not even someone offering words of advice or 'firefighting' the main issues.


    I say again "What have the Romans ever done for us?"


    Be safe

  17. Gentlemen Devs


    So its a few weeks now since the debacle that was 5.whatever, when are we at least going to get the curtesy of a timeline for these numerous bugs and the mother of all red headed stepchild's of a gearing system


    My time and money is currently spent in ESO for which I must thank you guys for your cockup and inane drivel of a story or I would never had enjoyed their Christmas event as I would have been here.


    They are already announcing new events and DLCs for the coming months, all we are getting here is silence.


    I am beginning to think you really don't care.


    Yours a paying customer.



    Be safe

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