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Posts posted by LordDarrack

  1. and hope they give us something a little more workable (and realistic) in 6.0.


    There's more chance of those cretins in the EU giving us the Brexit we want so I wouldn't hold you're breath.


    Seriously I must be the only one that enjoyed the 248 gearing system, as a casual (Everquest is my main poison) this at least meant I could actually achieve decent gear in a reasonable time period.

    I had my main fully geared without ever sniffing the shuttle for an Op, let alone a crafting system as daft as this.

    Everquest has a seriously long *** crafting system but this one takes the custard cream.



    I will do it because I refuse to be beaten but as I am no spring chicken (50+) I may well have retired before its complete...………. wait a minute i realise now this system is actually aimed at the retired or unemployed, they would have the time to do it! looking to start the Geriatric Crafters Guild... pst.


    Be safe

  2. Oh yes, that argument, I've been hearing it since 2012 and yet here we are, 2018 and the game is still alive and kicking :rolleyes:


    The question I'd like to ask the doomsayers is this: why would you want to be right? Why would you want to be right about SWTOR dying? Do you hate the game that much or is it some kind of kick you get out of being right? I just don't understand why you'd want to be right about this, honestly.


    Trust me mate I don't want to be right, I love the game which is why I have been a sub for years and still am despite there at the moment being bugger all to log in for.

    Ask yourself this, EA are a 5 Billion + (USD) company with a shed load of resources, I spent nearly 20 years working for a company of a similar stature, money isn't the issue its down to resource allocation and their future business plan, hell a 20 year old game with no budget and player base per server of low hundreds turns out more content (EQ).


    I really want this journey to continue but when I struggle to find a reason to log in they are failing badly.



    Be safe.

  3. Considering that EA's license for star wars is ending in 2023 (THANK GOD!!!!), do you think that is when swtor will be dropped?


    Its been clear that swtor is being treated as a cash cow for quite some time, I personally love the game and still enjoy it in bursts but unless they bring a serious wow size expansion with 6.0 it will not bring back many people and while I still hope, I am afraid that EA is simply unwilling to invest any kind of serious money into swtor anymore, even if it still is largely profitable.


    So... its really only about 4 years away, do you think 6.0 will be the last expansion and swtor will be cut off and shut down in 2023? Or do you think there will be some last ditch effort to actually keep it going? Its clear the developers are passionate about it. Do you think the new IP owner, or Disney will be willing to keep the lights on? Or will they possibly make new mmo?


    Im feeling some anxiety about that, so I am curious about what others think :D


    To go back to the original question, with the lack of updates and content you really, honestly think it will last that long?

    I give it a year.


    Be safe

  4. People who need a larger population on fleet:




    Political/Religious/Race-Baiting trolls


    "6 people on fleet, game is dead" trolls (perhaps making up the highest number of fleet-instance-low, doomed-game thread posters, considering the pattern)


    Childish trolls of other types and the childish people who feed them their desperately-needed and starved-for attention


    Guild-spammers and people bad-mouthing those guilds because they were thrown out since the GM "didn't have a sense of humor" about their trolling habits


    Traders looking to unload inflated goods without paying the GTN tax


    PvPers (but only so they can demand/beg people join them, and then they will promptly chase the idiots who join them away from the game with their toxicity for not playing like a top-1 player in the world and not carrying them, which most of the toxic players badly needed)


    Ops LFG (but only if you have the right achievement...earned during the "right" patch...and only so you can carry them because if you check the asker's achievements they usually don't have it themselves)…(Oh! And you need the right gear...and right level...and you must know where the shortcuts are, no matter how new you are or how narrow those gaps are...and you must know any puzzle backwards and forwards (see note about asker's achievements)...and you must submit to judgment in SP so they know who to complain isn't carrying them enough...and you cannot, no matter what they say, not know the fights. You will not be getting experience while you're in their group...and you can't have the good stuff from the bosses, that's spoken for...……….oh, all right, you can get it, but it's going to cost you a few hundred million credits, ha ha (but seriously) ha))*





    *extremely exaggerated, but only recently. This used to be the norm but now I think they're getting just as desperate as the PvP queue beggers and will take anyone. They're still gonna be toxic to new players and even less-than-NiM raiders, but they'll at least let you in at first now.


    Give this man the keys to your speeders, post of the year, you couldn't be more spot on regarding 90% of the player base left in the game.


    Be safe

  5. 1) Everquest - hands down the greatest of all time (still playing after 18+ years!)

    This was the hardcore game, I use to book holidays off work to raid SSRA for a week.

    2) Everquest 2 - amazing just amazing, sadly now runs crap on a decent set up.

    3) WOW - yes I said WOW, on release this game was amazing, remember the old battles at the Crossroads?

    4) Warhammer Dawn Of War - all of them especially 3 - love GW stuff

    5) Wolfenburg - the original text based MUD from the late 90s, met so many friends who all transferred to EQ on release.

    6) SWTOR - yes its going down hill, yes I may be off if the threatened changes happen but just cant bring myself to unsub just yet.

    7) ESO - even though they lied (you cant play as you wont if you need to do end game stuff) love the look and feel of the game and the endless way you can change your toon (if you have the cash)

    8) Empyrion - build it, fly it, kill stuff

    9) GW2, loved the old zones hate the new stuff, but still good memories

    10) Red Storm Rising - back when we used tape cassettes, now redone as Cold Waters (I love you Killerfish Games!)


    Be safe

  6. The reason I am still here is that even though I'm a casual PVE'r who has no time for a guild and high end raids I can still get the best equipment.

    The time I do put in is rewarding, I have 4 toons all 248 inc augs which means that if I do tag onto a PUG op I can more than hold my own.

    If the new system forces me to do Ops or high end stuff just to compete then that will be the end for my time here.


    I'm not interested in those that say you don't deserve the top gear just because I have a job/family/life away from SWTOR, I spend a lot of money in the game on cosmetic stuff and grind hard every patch, and as long as the reward still means I can keep up (even if it takes longer than you raiding guys) then I have a sense of achievement.


    Be safe


  7. I don't mind Halloween-themed items and activities, but Halloween isn't really a thing where I live. I didn't even realize it was that time again until just now someone wished me a happy Halloween in-game.


    Well for some of us its New Year - Happy Samhain.


    Seriously Halloween in a far distant future where its a constant battle to stay alive? do me a favour.



  8. Hi folks,


    Just an observation from a new player on Mako.

    Im currently a 24 Merc, started a few weeks ago having played (and still do) Everquest 2 from release.

    A few months ago Sony introduced Merc companions to thier game which helped soloers like myself with limited play time.

    Playing a ShadowKnight with pretty decent gear i found the healing from my new companion the difference between soling some heroic content and not having to hit FD!

    However, my new found companion was very fragile and you had to be extremely carefull when pulling groups.


    So i move to SWTOR for something different and once i got Mako i couldnt believe how well (or even overpowered) this companion is.


    From my view they have done an amazing job on companions especially being able to equip them with items they actually use (like the old EQ pet days) and not just cosmetic fluff.


    Obviously i am just a noob and yet to experience higher levels, but thumbs up from me so far.




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