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Everything posted by Xedry

  1. I apologize I forgot to say my Rating is 319, I'll equip the random gear I get from the mission rewards.
  2. I'll respond to you cause I'm done with the rest of this post I have said my peace, but you asked a legit question so I will respond in kind. I do story content with my girlfriend. We group together and with no one else cause we both don't like to do group content, though eventually we will have to eat the bullet get help getting cosmetic gear from OPS, we both are not looking forward to that. I'll be honest I've been here from the get go in 2011, bought the collectors edition. I mention this only to point out the amount of time I spent in this game. I pay for both me and my girlfriend to play. She want the pvp armor but she doesn't want to pvp, I understand that. She doesn't go in to the queue with me she doesn't like it and she doesn't like the toxic people in it, she isn't like me she isn't going to put her self through the stuff just to get what she wants. I am. I apologize to the people who get teamed up with me, and I apologize I am ruining your fun. But I will do this for the armor and you can call me selfish all you want but I am playing by the rules. Hope you enjoy your experience.
  3. I was going to be done. But you are wrong, it may not be your fault cause you didn't read everything I put. I do put in a token effort it may not be the effort your want. I never said anything about speed or throwing matches you are projecting. I try until I die, will winning get me there faster? sure but what's the point I'm not going to gear up for stats, cause I'm not here for that I will get my armor and you all will complain. You have every right to fill the way you do, as do I. I hope you continue to enjoy your pvp experience.
  4. I wouldn't say I am proud I am dead weight I'm more ambivalent about it. I'm just trying to put it out there so people understand the complaining won't make me change. Do I think they will change pvp seasons? not all the much no, I don't think the devs really care about pvp. PVP will always exist just cause some people like it. But hey I said my peace. I'll leave you all to it.
  5. I appreciate you at least have something valuable to say beside the other guy
  6. The irony is I made the post it actually means something. you are just a troll who contributes nothing to the convo. guess you just can't see it.
  7. I'm not trying to save anything. you are the one continuing to no answer.
  8. Complaining about being complained obviously, the people who are yelling at me are in the game. So yes I took it to the forum. What part is still in question here?
  9. No I'm earning it, I don't want what you have at that is an apparent love for pvp I just want the armor.. I AM GETTING IT. Just stop complaining that I'm ruining your fun, I am aware of that don't need to be reminded. You should work on your reading skills.
  10. Yes I Subject myself to a mode I don't like cause I want the armor... I think it is you who doesn't understand me. No I don't have 330 Gear, again not here cause I like pvp. Arena's are apart of pvp seasons. You should want the catch up system to cover the whole thing cause then I wouldn't be here. Who cares about death in pvp? Not me why you bringing that up. I never said I was my forced, I said my motivation is that armor. Again if it wasn't an there I would be here. Now most people will give pvp a shot and decide weather they want to continue. I knew long ago I didn't like pvp I get no enjoyment from killing/fighting other players or being killed by other players. (It doesn't bother or affect me) some see it as the ultimate test of skill! Some see it as a fun challenge. And some just enjoy pvp outright. I'm none of those people. I don't want to be one of those people. I already get challenged enough in life this game is an escape from that! I earn a living I don't want to "work" to earn a game but again this isn't my point. My point is I'm ruining your fun as a paper! I apologize that this happening I'm here for that cosmetic armor.
  11. The difference is you decided to be better cause you felt it is a waste of time. I know why I'm doing this. My goal is that armor. Am I hurting real pvp players. Yes. Do I like that? No! I would want them to enjoy it with real pvp players but I want that damned armor, so I will put in my token effort. And they will whine and blame me for not taking it seriously. And I will continue to say. I want that armor sorry I hate pvp and I'm ruining your fun. I'm not having fun doing this but I wish you were on the other team. Or I'll here stop guarding the turret you're to squishy. How else am I going to get 7 medals in Warzones??
  12. Or you could remove cosmetic stuff from pvp and then you'd have less people who queue for the tracker. And you actually don't get much for not participating. Just today I was in arena and got 2 season points in an arena on the winning team, cause I died in 10 seconds. Didn't even have time to bubble.
  13. I'm not saying don't reward pvpers. I'm saying give them something practical for pvp. I don't want pointers on how to be a better pvper. There is no interest. I get the same amount of pleasure from winning as I do losing. PVP sucks for me, it has 0 entertainment value. Even when the heavens somehow made me survive and face off against the last person in an arena match and won for the team. I thought to myself if I would have just stood there and died I would have been done faster! 9 time out of 10 I have to get the 16 matches done cause I can't earn medals in arena I'm usually dead first. I just want the cosmetics. I don't want to play pvp. And you don't want me on the team. Trust me on that. And I begrudgingly participate despite not wanting to. But again you are getting more people like me than real pvp players because of the cosmetics.
  14. Look I hate pvp with the passion of 10,000 exploding suns. But when pvp seasons has cool armor that I want I'll queue up for pvp and I'll die in 3 seconds flat. Then you will yell at me throwing a match, even though I'm participating. If you complained more at the dev's for incentivizing pvp with decoration and cosmetic gear instead of complaining to me that you are on a losing team. Something might be done about it. Give out pvp mods for season instead and you will see a HUGE drop in pvp population because A lot of people hate pvp. But you, you love it and don't you want to play with people who love pvp as much as you do? Because I don't want to play with you, and you don't want to play with me. So my suggestion is add that cosmetic armor into Galactic Seasons or something else.
  15. I don't remember my post saying there it was not okay... let me check again.... Yeah, no where in my post did it say it was not okay.
  16. Taking away choice is unfair, level sync is good in the fact they yes you get exp no mater what you do (almost). But that doesn't change the fact that is stupid not to have a option to turn it off, I personally don't care that I would be over leveled. Do you know how much fun I had soloing flashpoints, and world bosses? or one shotting lower level mobs? Level sync is a good Idea but it WAS implemented badly cause it lacked choice. Not to mention when I'm exploring I get attacked and knock of my speeder and it angers me so greatly. I'd love to have level sync abolished but since they won't happen the least they could do is give us option to nuke it from orbit with extreme prejudice (turning it off)
  17. And the people who say it should be limited is just an opinion too
  18. So vehemently against this eh? well it sucks you couldn't get it back then, but the limited part really goes down to the physical stuff in my opinion... and yeah they cannot re-release that to everyone. BUT my very angry friend, DIGITAL items shouldn't be limited editions. Cause some day when the servers go down that will be the only time they were "limited". Again I have the collectors edition and there is no reason that the digital side shouldn't be re-released. or they could upgrade the digital deluxe edition to give access to the digital items.
  19. Been wanting this for 10 years... please make it happen
  20. It warms my heart to see more support for this. I would love for you all to have the same access I have had these past 10 years. I mean that genuinely.
  21. Too me the perfect system would be visual "shell" gear or empty gear and decos on solo story mode. Veteran would have the same hear only prototype or artifact mods inside. And Master Mode same visual gear but with set bonus as well as end game mods in the gear. Cause I could care less about option 2 or 3 and the decos. But everyone gets something.
  22. Just because there are different post popping saying the positive doesn't mean an equal amount of people aren't just leaving or not making a new post saying how much they hate it. I didn't bother making a new post about how much I hate it, cause I don't want to start a flame war. The fact of the matter is there is a difference between leading people to this and making it mandatory for certain rewards. Mandatory aka forced is never the right way to go. I have been doing the same heroics for the past 10 years, do I get bored yeah, but you know what's worse the boredom? Disdain. Disdain has made me unsub more than boredom ever will. When I got to the end of my story line and the only content was ops and pvp, I unsubbed, end of the the dread master story line only to find I had to get into an ops group, I un subbed, macrobinoculars and dread seed required grouping, I unsubbed, iokath if you want to kill the gods it is an ops... unsubbed. Finding a way to fix boredom is easier than trying to change why someone hates certain aspects of the game or even forcing them to do it is not a healthy way to keep this game alive. I come back for the solo content and the story. But the moment I have to play with others... well I'll unsub
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