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Everything posted by Reaperchris

  1. Sorry =/ my Grandma died almost a year ago... on my graduation -.-
  2. Yeah I saw it after I posted that lol... no one in general believed me >.<
  3. If they would have allowed that in Cataclysm maybe I would have been able to save myself money because that is a terrible idea.
  4. http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx42/reaper_Chris13/swtor2012-04-1117-57-35-36.jpg This is Fehilt.... He is pure light side.
  5. I'm looking for more of something like these: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=262567 Just detailed and some what realistic. But I am also on a tight budget so I can't really afford some of the nicer things like the guy that posted above... Nice drawings both of you.
  6. Nice work I love how you draw!
  7. Not to try to steal the light but I wouldn't mind seeing this as well so I could possibly find an artist to draw a Guild Logo for me.
  8. Me: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1776925206 I have had that picture up since I shaved my 13 inch curly hair and donated it =D I've been growing my hair out to donate again only 2 more inches to go
  9. It is kind of stealing when they take ideas that are generated from MMOs I.E. transmogrification and Guild Advancement and don't give those games any credit and act as if it was theres. It kind of does deal with SWTOR because eventually they will steal something from SWTOR as well.
  10. Does anyone know if there is a list of features that WoW has stolen from other MMOs. I know they have stolen a ton and I just want them mapped out
  11. Does anyone know if there is a list of features that WoW has stolen from other MMOs. I know they have stolen a ton and I just want them mapped out
  12. I am not sure how reliable they are and I am interested in knowing Sites like this: http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats
  13. Not sure I don't mind knowing either way TBH because I like the game and I plan on staying for a while. I just want to see facts instead of opinions overall I am just curious
  14. I was giving that as an example of what Trolls used to say obviously the game isn't going f2p.
  15. Now that most of the trolls are gone I think I can actually get a serious answer rather than: Game is goin f2p in lik a munth! So where is SWTOR standing? Are we in a good or bad place?
  16. The problem with this is that when they program it isn't flawless and once they test it problems arise that they did not see so they have to go back and fix all the bugs and glitches that they can. By not putting a date on it and by putting "Soon" on it they give us nothing solid so that if they had to push it back one week we would not be mad and disappointed.
  17. I find it hard to believe that you don't like Blizzard because your "fact" is laughable and shows that you know nothing.
  18. Yeah I actually ended up purchasing the 6870 yesterday and thank you for that website I've been trying to find it forever
  19. There are still server caps in WoW if there were really 10 million people playing there wouldn't be any dead servers or at least not as many. So your Server Transfer argument is invalid.
  20. People believe that 10 million people are on WoW and they have dead servers. Counter attack for that?
  21. Remember that one time GW1 Was a terrible game? I'm going to use the "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" line here because GW2 looks like complete and utter trash.
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