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Everything posted by Reaperchris

  1. Well it isn't above #1 must be going F2P soon
  2. This thread needs to be closed already.
  3. Building a new computer here is what I have so far: MOBO: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130565 RAM: 8GB CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103849 Power Supply: Currently at 650W but I will upgrade it soon I'm looking for a great Graphics Card that is from the $100-$230 Price Range that would be compatible with my system and be able to run SWTOR and other games on the highest of settings.
  4. I was thinking about going with the 550 but wasn't too sure if there was a newer one with a good price out there.
  5. Minecraft as an MMO: Buildings everywhere, Grievers everywhere, half built anything everywhere, stupid poorly designed houses everywhere, lag everywhere. Minecraft as an MMO would be terrible.
  6. Building a new computer here is what I have so far: MOBO: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130565 RAM: 8GB CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103849 Power Supply: Currently at 650W but I will upgrade it soon
  7. Was kind of hoping someone would post in here or give me a link to this awesome Website that compares them that someone gave me a while ago but I lost =/
  8. So I've been running my graphics on usually around Medium and that is fine, but I just got my Income Tax for a couple of Hundred $ and I was wondering if someone could tell me a very cost effective Card that would be able to handle this, Skyrim, and a couple of other games on Ultra or at least high.
  9. Yeah those are good if you can find a Server, but I would go with Skype if it is just you and up to 3 others.
  10. This thing has probably gone way too far for TC to look at this. But my name is Chris as well and I am super shy unless I'm around friends.
  11. I think they need to have Queues for the World PvP that way there are times for people to be in there rather than just going whenever and not many people doing it at once.
  12. You forgot to mention all of the complex programming and codes. All you mentioned were things you saw in WoW when you joined during WoTLK.
  13. The first time i played WoW back in 04 I hated it so I just kept playing Runescape lol
  14. Sadly it tends to be that way. I've been on MMOs since 1999 and no MMO has ever had great Endgame content it is just the way it works. If they do have great Endgame I probably didn't get to it because getting to it was bad.
  15. I bestow upon you +2 internetz my intelligent truth telling friend.
  16. I've been playing MMOs since 1999 =D I would LOVE a 6 month sub. but sadly I can not afford it with going back and fourth to visit my grandfather at Mayo, school, and several other financial issues. The point is I gladly would if I could afford to =D love the game and can't wait to see the future.
  17. To the WoW thing: I've been trying to explain that to people for so long now -.- good to see someone else who knows.
  18. Fun fact: Blind people can't read text on the internet.
  19. I agree, but I think Bioware will get the hang of it. This after all is their first MMO and RIOT has had LoL around for a bit of time I think it is fair enough to give them at least a year to get back up and standing. Some thing some people need to know that that it may have Bioware's name on it, but this game is VERY different from the Single player game's they produce and with reason. MMOs are hard to program.
  20. I really don't think you have played for as long as you claim. I've played games for nearly 15 years and I can tell you couple things. 1. Pong is not a quality game. The only reason it felt that way was because it was new. Your complaint about how they never stole any ideas is very illogical because the names you listed were some of the first games out. What were they going to steal from? 2. MMO Designing and programming is probably MUCH harder than you think or can imagine. 3. MMOs will always have bugs there is nothing they can do about it, even 1 more year in testing could not save this MMO from bugs. 4. If you think the customer service in this game does not listen or is awful you have never dealt with MMO customer service before.
  21. I know this topic has been around a lot. But I just ran EV last night and finally killed Soa. He dropped my Chest Piece I've been doing FE for and it goes to a Jedi Knight who already has the chest pieces. Is there any point to opening a ticket? Because who deserves it more? Obviously the one without the chest.
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