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Everything posted by XXcaesar

  1. I think you missed my point. I don't think I should have to group with pl I don't know or want to play with just to get gear. I can play 55 lvl's and not have to join 1 group and have the best gear there is, but when I hit 55 I need to change my whole game play style and group with pl I don't want to just for gear. I just think it's crazy for a raid team to have better gear then myself when I've played more game hours solo then the whole raid team has together. Reward time investment with additional ways to get end game gear. A small loud group will complain but the vast majority of the community will embrace it with open arms. And I see the "I'll quit if you change the pay me to win" has opted to ignore me rather then admitting The game did not die when schematics were added to raiding. It just gave raiders another way to gouge the greater community.
  2. this is the best Pay ME TO WIN pl can give. i wounder why you are still playing the GT is the same thing you pay for what you wont iv learned how to play the i just cant stand to play with the rude MMO crowd so im a solo player like 60% of the players
  3. i just ran the #'s even the blue mod if you buy just mats is about 5300 a mod i am not defending pl that need to double there money to do anything im just pointing out mats are crazy high to but i dont really see a lack of gear options pre 55 its after 55 you can join a guild or start anther toon or pay 2mil a mod that's it those are your options
  4. i think legacy really failed as is they pushed it so hard at first legacy should grant accesses to the best gear in the game i see players in 72 mods with 23 to 25 legacy and i have a 50 legacy and cant get better then 66's the more ways to get gear the better hard $, game credits ,raids more weekly stage 2's you see how fast the pay to win whining stops when some calls it as it is pay me to win
  5. i track the cost of making 1 purple mod that required grade 3 underworld metal using HK51 the cost was so close to 36k and took 6 log ins there is your cost
  6. Did bolster kill the game? No, that's right it just made it easier for PVE player to play PVP. I invest a crazy amount of time to this game. I've stopped doing daily's their pointless I refuse to fly a guild flag because I've not found any worthy. So that means I get to grind out a lvl 50 for the story then my game ends, after one toon the next 5 levels are pointless. I have 2 tanks 1 healer and 1 mdps 2 rdps. Why should I not have a way to access end game gear? The P2W argument was settled and did not kill the game when they added schematics to opp bosses. At least make the argument as it really is: PAY ME TO WIN. And if you like the game why would you stop playing if they implemented more ways for people to get gear?
  7. Look I have a legacy of 50. I've been playing since beta. Your no pay to win argument is pointless when your very next sentence is I craft x,y and z pay me to win. Have players like myself not invested enough time or resources to the game to have access to end game gear? I don't care about pre made 55's if there's a demand for it. How does it effect you? So please stop with the play to win rants unless your willing to say "you can only pay me to win". I have a 55 cyber that can make purple mods for every 5th level. The reason these end up being so pricey is because of how rare the purple drops are from underworld training. Make the crafters happy and the pay me to win croud happy by adding a crafters assembly kit to keep them going. But honestly outside of lvl55 mods all crafting has left is dyes and augments.
  8. This is a great idea but the elite will never have it. From this idea it's not much of a reach to have end game gear the same way. Your just getting the cold shoulder I'm shocked someone has not hit you with the "pay to win" gripe but the GT is all pay to win, it just matters who is getting payed. LOL
  9. then there is your reward !
  10. theUndead you misunderstood i was not asking you to stop with the "do dailys answer" I liked you argument i tend to rambul when i post in forums my apologies but you did say you did not wont me to get something i did not earn but again its completely the same to buy it from the galactic trade network or from the cartel market i know this will never happen but they are one in the same one just feeds the beast and the other would help fund the game for all as long as you have a way to get gear why would it mater how anyone got there's ? i just used my sorc as a example i don't heal anymore because it pointless after i seen the storyline was the same for all classes i stuck him back in the closet new post i am down to 10 days left then ill quietly go away like all the servers have. Dose anyone really think all the pl that left this game had cleared all content and got bored NO the zast majority seen there was no way Star Wars fans could play the game out 90% if the pl iv had a good experience with this was there first MMO
  11. I would be a fool if I was insulted by such a clear explanation of your position. I don't consider myself a pvp'er per-say, it was just the only place that I had to show my level of commitment and this was striped from me on a faults premiss of fairness, now just think you said you were insulted at the mere mention of raiding with no gear reward yet the WH i worked 6 or 7 months for was scraped for a set that took me less then 14 hours of play time to fill out. Now that's an insult. and the good pvp'ers are still the good pvp'ers "the few that stayed" Sorry using pvp in my argument was a bad idea I don't want this to be about pvp. I would ask why would you care how I get my gear? Rather I bought it from the GT or from the Cartel market. I would like to push for more options on how one chooses to gear the whole pay to win gripe is just the elitist way to control who gets to play what content. It's ok if I buy the mods from one of the chosen few raiders that list them on the GT that's not paying to win. No matter how you shake it I promise you are paying to win one way or the other. How many times have you bit your lip when so an so rolled for this or that alt that he calls by name to make her sound more personable EVERYONE PAYS it just comes down to how and I'm not a online personality I am who I am and I can't bend over and take the 13 year old antics from adults and not call them on it. You know the guy every guild has one. Now paying is just one option i like the Makeb staged weekly but that's just not going to get you geared in this life time. I know there are a lot of pl that wish there were more ways to gear there toons but these are not your hard core players that will spend time in forums so pl lets move the conversion towards additional ways to gear up without raids and pl no more "do daily's" post unless your willing to back it up with my offer of taking my 156 modded sorc on your next raid.
  12. i maxed out my rep with $160.00 and have so many left I'm hoping they make the next tier soon or ill have to toss them with 90% of the other trash that's in the packs i really hate the pay to win argument i would so love to have the choice to pay for the gear i want but that will never happen because of this week argument as long as you can do x,y and z to get it what do you care how i do?
  13. You got it exactly. Progression should be for vanity items not for gear. Now look for the silly argument do dailies for 156 mods how about you invite my sorc healer and 156 mods to heal your next raid. If I was treated kindly I'd be politely told sorry you lack the gear to complete the op, but more then likely I'd be laughed out of the group and slapped with a ignore from half the group. And to say pvp is the way it is now because there is no other way is absurd. Your same argument for pve progression gear has to apply here. If pvp'ers are not rewarded for their work then they won't work. Since pvp did not die with patch 2.0 neither would skill based pve. Bioware must see the small fraction of the community that's currently in 72 mods. I'm not saying there should not be gear progression I'm just saying there has to be more accessibility to the available gear. Even gear packs wouldn't be a bad idea but people would cry they have to pay to play so at this point I'm left with 2 options the first which I won't do is one could buy credits off sight to buy mods on GT and gear up for about 500$ or pack up with the understanding there is no further advancement for you. As far as vanity items for ops Take the woodland mount for instance, what guild would not have cleared x,y and z for that mount? Instead they chose to make a few $ selling packs. Vanity items is what drives progression players not the gear, they just need the gear to achieve them.
  14. ok i was exaggerating a bit but my argument still stand on the premiss of fairness. As in pvp why cant i grind out pve gear in 2 or 3 days why must i have gear to get gear ? where is the reword for time spent as a player .I understand the same loud 10% that have what they wont will get real loud to keep it
  15. I don't want you all to think I'm crying because I cant have what I want I do understand how the gear progression works."If your not in a active raid guild you'll be lucky to be half geared before the next gear set is out". I'm just pointing out the lack of accessibility. if your still forced the run GF whats your first thought when you see a 55 merc dps with 25k HP trying to do the czerca weekly ? You all made great points for the status qua. But look at the server list the status qua is failing miserably most people that leave have never advanced past dailys. And for a loud 10% of the community bioware striped the one place pl like myself could show there level of commitment and time investment to the game as a solo player. For the sake of fairness you can now spend two nights to fill out solo pvp gear but there is still no way for someone to grind out pve gear? daily's, really? My old BH gear is better than what you get for your time there. I do love the game and when I'm subscribed I'm sure I play more time monthly then the top raid guilds membership combined. I would just like to see the argument for pvp bolster applied to pve for the sake of fairness. And no I'm not just a pvp'er. that's sour about the recent changes. I really just think operations should be something done with gear not for gear. If we don't open the available content to existing players they to will become ex players.
  16. I know some people are going to think this is completely crazy but read through to hear my full argument. operations should be something done with end game gear, not for gear. This is my first mmo. Being a old dog it took awhile to learn new tricks. I've 50'ed dps,tank and healer, but found most guilds recruited strictly to use people to gear their main raid team and in general I was shocked at how people acted and treated each other online. So I packed up and cancelled my subscription. 11 months later I came back for the new planet. I've now leveled my 4 lvl 50 toons to 55. I could spend the next 6 months doing the Makeb stage 1-2 weekly for the elite coms but what's the point by then there will be yet another tier of gear out of reach for most players. How many times have you seen this post? "LF1m xxx TCsm be geared and know the fight" I can you tube the fight to understand my role but I must run the op to get the gear. I understand people need to be rewarded for their accomplishments this could more then be filled with vanity items who doesn't want the super duper one of a kind ham bone that only members of 2 guilds have for clearing all of this or that content. PVE' ers are the first to squawk about PVP gear being unfair but what's the % of the community that has 72 mods? I have no problem with players earning x,y and z. There just should be more ways for more people to get there without having to pretend you like "Jons stupid jokes" and Steves "drunken ramblings" just my 2 cents as I run out the clock on the next 2 weeks of subscription.
  17. iv now spent about $240 trying to get the things i wonted from CM and iv yet to get 1 when it becomes cheaper to buy credits then CC to get what you wont that's what pl will do i could have bought 20M credits off sight and got 2 of everything i wonted i do like the chance of a blind buy but put a price on the things pl wont and they will pay there is already rear gear for guild players running opps give us loan wolf player the ability to say you may have cleared this or that NM but i bought this $100 catty
  18. how as tanks and healers can we educate the dps community and instill the same pride you see in the tank and healer community
  19. This thread has strayed a bit. No one has mention the first error in this complaint. Your comparing hp from a heavy armored tank to a light armored tank. I'm a jug tank and I also have a sorc healer as well, when I heal a assassin I'm shocked at how fast their hp drops. I rarely put out any dps when running with most assassin tanks. I by no means am dissing assassins, the good ones make a fp go much faster then I can with my jug. I'm new to MMO's and I'm really shocked at the amount of socialism that spewed from it's community. HE'S GOT THIS...HE'S GOT THAT..AND I DON'T..IT'S NOT FAIR.. There is a reason there are different classes. If you want what one class has play that class! Nobody is forcing you to play any class!
  20. I love the concept of the game legacy, but as of yet i consider it a monumental failure. Take the legacy gear for instance it should be the most sought after gear in the game and it is the most plain ugly gear. The level 33 stuff is completely pointless considering you can make better gear crafting. The level 50 stuff is currently only used to move black hole mods to alts. Now that I have started on legacy gear I'll give some of my thoughts on what the gear should really be. To start the low level stuff must adapt while leveling and has to be redesigned to closely match or exceed the current sought after class looks. The advanced set again has to be redesigned, I mean come on the sith jug legacy gear looks like something a boy scout would wear on a weekend hike. Being able to move mods is a great aspect of the gear but we most have some kind of customization feature for the gear. Cloth,texture, color, steel plating, some of which distinguish it as legacy gear and others that distinguish it as the individuals. This could be tied to the species that make up ones legacy. I don't want this to take a week to read so as far as gear I won't go on any further. I know cosmetics is a big part of the game for some people. Our legacy should allow us some changes in our characters look, hair, tattoos, scars, jewelry. Again the options could be directly tied to the species that make up our legacy. For those players that don't have alts they would be restricted in the changes they could make but as their legacy advanced they could have more options open up to them. I'm not a programer and i understand it's much harder to implement these things the it is to type them out on a forum, but as big of a role as our legacy was supposed to play I really feel it fell short, and significant changes must be made to make it a viable part of the game. For those who would say "ditch the legacy give me content" I would say there should be two different developing teams so one should not effect the other. I didn't intend for this to come off as a rant, just tough love and constructive criticism.
  21. thanks for speaking up i hope this gets some traction
  22. changing gf so it drops when you enter pvp is really crippling to dps, and makes it all but sure they wont get there daily done . iv got a q once this week .are we really expected to just sit there for the long wait ? Doing your planet dailys is out to, unless you want to do half on each world witch is also a waist of time. im a pvper so i know it sucks when a player drops but this rarely changes the outcome of a match ty for you time
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