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Everything posted by XXcaesar

  1. this about says it all i would like to see the extra coms removed right now and from start MVP votes are for the cool kids of your friends when you see 4 players in the mid of the score board each with 1 vote you now whats up then you laugh that match was that close with a 4 man pre made lolol
  2. **** playing for fun LOLOLO:LOLO)LOLOLOLOLO( not from a community that expects the golden for 2 hours work
  3. no i think the 99% wall street scum needs a bath and a good hair cut but id like to know what % of the player have run the new raid? i know a ticker would make your cry's for more raid content ludicrous
  4. O NO I'M becoming contagious for the riffraff this is not a MMO it was sold as a RPG/MMO that the 2 day a week MMO'ers have hijacked and all but killed i hope more and more of you 99%'ers will start to speak up its ok they will scream and try to bully you because that's the best way to stop you fro,m being heard
  5. i under stand this sucks for a guild . but being a GM implies a certain lvl of commitment to the game and guild so being a sub should be a requirement
  6. do you mean the one you bought or the ones the vender has for sale?
  7. now that iv played the new daily's as DPS/TANK/HEALS i have to say this is the first batch of daily's that are geared for DPS with a healing comp when a healer runs with a DPS comp its rough and as a tank with healing comp iv noticed the comp wont move back up to heal after a push back and a big comp bug if you run from a fight and call your comp he wont come and you need to pull out a new one then pull out the one you had
  8. i tell my kids i see everything to .that doesn't mean i do it would just show we care about are customers and value there input im not suggesting we know best I cant make a customers dream fireplace if i don't communicate with them just because I'm working as a sub for the general contractor
  9. this is a good idea. but wont be supported end game player now the type of pl there raiding with .the second there is a way to be better geared on your own you will be expected to do it. if you wont a raid spot that will kill the 2 night a week raiders
  10. IS THERE REALLY NO ONE ON STAFF TO COMMUNICATE WITH PLAYER THAT TAKE THERE TIME TO MAKE THE GAME BETTER? iv been on this forum everyday for the last month i know you all now the things i wont to see changed its not i feel entitled to a response to every one of my questions .but to not respond to anyone's ? HELLO ,HELLO 1 person ? or even better every DEV should have to spend 1/2 hour a day on there cosponsoring forums
  11. ? Wookies are not the heroes they are a smugglers sidekick "comp" and i think they have that covered but for the simple fact you think it would improve your play enjoyment i say why not
  12. i don't group so i don't bother with ranked i took some time of do to a lack of progression . when i came back my WH that took months to get could now be bested in 1 good day of pvp so i don't get how you only had 3/4 pieces
  13. i wont even start on the thing in the game pl wont but don't need progression is progression and to only have one way to progress is detrimental to the games base
  14. still no way for individual progression no real way for the solo player to gear i did every thing i possibly for the last 6 weeks and i was only able to get 2 pieces with elite now i could start all over and spent the next 6 months gearing out in 72's witch still leaves me 2 gears sets from top tear
  15. this is like a blind man arguing to keep the lights off there are tun's of off sight places to spend real money for in game credits witch then can be used to PR2W but i see as long as its good for the raiders its ok i have nothing against raiders just the point of a lack options for enjoying it
  16. again real slow if you are buying the best mod in the game that can only be obtained from raiding or paying a raider 2 mil for it if you are buying it its PAYING A RAIDER TO WIN i know P2W is looked down on in MMO's by PR2W is great and a good thing for the game
  17. i don't join guilds for the simple fact i wont fly a flag that marks me as with so and so that acts like a bully "telephone tough guy" guild need to set a new standard for in game behavior this is the only way things will change GM's and officers need to set a new standard and hold there members to it i would be ashamed to say iv been a MMO player from the start and allowed my community to become the online Chicago i don't pug tank because i do suck but my 55 jug still gets invites to group for GF from good pl that are dps that wont a fast q that don't mind working with me but im a great healer and dps and that does not make pl magically nicer
  18. this would quickly lead to 50's getting kicked out of the groups for the reason there there GEAR "fast GF run for com's be geared and know the fight"
  19. i have a 55 jug and i say NO NO NO did every sith get his legs cut off above the knees and left to close to molten lava I'm going out on a limb here and say NO
  20. i did not single you out you responded to my post with a quote and a bunch of questions i answered and i responded have you seen Gen chat any time after 6:00 pm if that's not pay a raider to win i don't know what you call it "WTS mods that can only be obtained by raiding or PAYING A RAIDER TO WIN "
  21. that sucks bad bit they have set things up for a individual accomplishment if it was a fight then guild would wont the fight harder youll see iv said i suck at 3D platform jumping and i have 2 good eye and no spider bit if your on shadowlands i have a sorc that can give a pull any time you need just send me a PM
  22. how can a silly game like mindcraft do it for free if its so costly ?
  23. accepted the game for what it is that's a laugh you better have a look at the old threads for the great EXODUS and for my 10% #'s is just having a look at fleet BW could end this with a # of player that have completed X ,Y, Z, ticker As for PAY A RAIDER TO WIN what should it be called when you can pay 2 mill for a mod that can only be obtained from raiding ? i play solo do to the fact iv never seen so many self serving rude and down right mean people in one place your attacking this guys idea for the simple fact this is a easy doable thing that would strip 80% of the worlds population what do you think the next 6 months holds for the game ? the sec CM sales drop the game end the CM is just a way to recover losses
  24. you guys are a riot you can say its a MMO all you wont but the fact it its a RPG/MMO that loud MMO players have all but killed and you totally killed the direction of the game for 3 raids and you still could not fund the game dress up is only going to keep the RPG players around for so long and when we go so dose the game lets look at what the loud MMO players that knew how to push dev have provided to the game FREE TO PLAY /PAY A RAIDER TO WIN/ and cartel dress up o yea 3 raids that 10% of players have cleared
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