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Everything posted by sirullrich

  1. LOL I got that, but it still isn't relevant to the argument.
  2. Bro it's not gonna matter who you try to explain this too. It makes no sense. I've played many games too and you can't compare apples to oranges. If you want to use games as an example then name the games, otherwise you are just talking out of your ***. This game has resolve, cc breaker, defensive cool downs, and believe it or not you have your own cc's.
  3. Don't even take that guy seriously. He's bad and just wants to make his marauder OP. He wants everything in the vengeance tree plus he wants cc immunity after being hard stunned. Basically he will be immune to all cc for the whole match.
  4. What you need to do is L2P rather than always asking for things. Just because you pay does not give you the right to ask for anything. I paid for college does that mean I deserve a fking A because I pay for it? Should I go to professor and ask him "hey this class is too hard can you make it easier?" "Give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach the man how to fish feed him for life"
  5. LOL This guy is always asking for more help. I need this, I need that, this class sucks, blah, blah, blah.
  6. what time do you guys play now. I was on around 8pm pst to around 9pst and no one was q'ing. I was with solow and we couldn't find players and teams weren't q'ing.
  7. There is a rumor going around that imps dominate pubs now. Is this true?
  8. So people say that premades are baddies who need other people to win right? Well I premade all the time and I am the no. 1 ranked guardian on my server. I have never q synced in yolo q's either. I mean with that analogy shouldn't I be in the bottom of the rankings because I premade and Im supposedly bad? I also q for ranked 4's all the time. I'm the one utilizing all aspects of pvp and how is it the pugs who only solo q REGS ***** about it. For all of these so called self righteous pugz why don't you try and form a team with equally skilled pugz and q for ranked. Let's see how you fair against the top pvp teams. It's easy to say q for ranked if you are going to premade and I will retort by saying it's just as easy for you to start your own group and premade. Pugs choose not to do it so why should anybody go out of there way to help you if you won't help yourselves?
  9. HAHA! Okay you win then.
  10. It's fking loser not looser!! /THREAD I WIN
  11. Honestly if something is wrong it should be changed. Taking things for what they are means that we dont want change, but the world around is always changing. When things are broken and wrong it should be fixed period. If people didn't like the game then people would not want change. It's because people like this game that people ask for change. THEY WANT TO MAKE IT BETTER. Why be satisfied with being mediocre?
  12. Honesty man IDK. I shouldn't have flamed you for trying to make the game better. Sorry about that bro. Until there is a bigger player base I don't believe there will be a real solution to ranked.
  13. Well didn't you just prove his point? He said theoretically speaking a person can lose all there matches and be on top. You said the best player can lose all of his matches depending on who he is playing with and against, but if he lost enough matches he would still be on top. I dont get your argument. Were you trying to debunk him? He also didn't say it's likely to happen. In the op's scenario a person who is 20-0 will have a lower rating than someone who is 20-10. Now do you really believe that's the best way to go?
  14. Thats what I told him when he posted on harbinger server forums.
  15. It's both. Well this last week I played 3 matches in 7 days.
  16. You and I are saying the same thing. I'm just saying maybe the other player is just better at using his stuns and defensive cool downs. Maybe the reason he is getting globaled might not be the game, but the player.
  17. What I find funny about this post is that. Whatever his happening to the OP he can also do to the opponent. So basically what I am saying is that maybe just maybe the other players are just better.
  18. Dude it's not even worth logging on anymore. No group no solo rank for me. People tell me they see tanks in q and I can stay in q for over an hour and not get one pop.
  19. Nah I dont really even care about the rating anymore. I don't get q pops as tank anymore therefore will never catch up to the top 3 overall guardians/juggernauts. I don't even get 3 matches in a 3 hour span. I was just proving it to him that the elo system is working as intended and just like you I only put my rating in there the further prove my argument. I don't care if my rating is lower than yours. You also get 5X's more q pops than me and so does every other dps. I don't need yolo q rating to know I'm a good player. Btw the elo system is not flawed it is the matchmaking system that is flawed.
  20. Solow changed his name to akiva. Check it he is number 2. Like fusebox said it is not the ladder system that is wrong, but the matchmaking. You say it's not serious business, but isn't the reason why you posted on the forums because YOU CAN'T GET OUT OF ELO HELL. Don't put this on other people and then say it's not important. You brought it up bro.
  21. You have 82 wins and rating of 1015 and solo has 299 wins and 2798 rating. He averaged 9.4 points a win while you averaged 12.4 points a win which means elo is working as intended. Theoretically speaking if you won 299 games then you would have a better rating than so'low at this current rate. Therefore the reason you are not getting higher rating is because you are LOSING TOO MUCH. Again elo working as intended. You have no idea who solow is therefore I don't think you should be talking out of your ***. Solow has played more ranked on this server than anyone I know. Even more than feyt. You say solow would not be able to keep his rating, but he has. You say people can't get out of the hole, but UFO was almost 700 points behind him and now he is higher than solow. They were in the same guild and both play scounderl heals so your theory of sync qing does not matter in this convo. We all have the same advantages and disadvantages in solo q and the only way to get out of your **** rating is to win much more matches than you lose. Ufo is like 5-1 or 6-1 while so'low is also around 5-1 and mine is around 4-1. What is your win loss ratio?
  22. 1300 rating is ****. You said if two quality teams are playing against each other you would get more rating, but what constitutes a quality team? I also don't understand how you can say that one person with 500 wins will get 16 while the other one only gets 8. You don't think by the time both have played 500+ games that they would both be quality players therefore both will have quality teams. Okay with your point being said. Player A 20-0 for 16 points a piece which will give him 320 rating right. Player B is like 20-50 getting 8 points for a win and 3 points for a loss which will give him 310 rating. I still don't feel that the person who has 50 losses should be remotely close to someone who is undefeated. No matter what you say a person has the potential to lose every match and still be top. That is just straight rubbish imo. Solow is rated at like 2600 and only gets like 2-4 points a win and 17-20 points a loss. So for him losing one game he has to win 5+ games to make up for it. Even with that he is still 2600 rating. So imagine someone who gets 3 points for every loss potential is endless for them to troll.
  23. I know feyt personally and he is a SHE. Medals are useless in 4v4 ranked bro. Not a good measuring stick of ability. Also some games are 2 rounds and some are 3 rounds and if you used medals the people who go to 3 will always have the advantage then. Again not as fair as you believe. I main tank and no. 1 on this sever and if we did it your way I would never be able to move up. Nobody q's for tanks and so do I get punished for not being able to find people playing? You can't just take wins into account because then losing wouldn't matter. In what competitive environment does the loser get points? So basically you are saying because some people play more than other people they should be rewarded for effort? Let's say player A has 500 wins but also has 250 losses. Player B has 500 wins 50 losses. Player A would have a higher ranking then player B just because that person played 200 more games. IMO Player B should have a much higher ranking because this person has won just as much, but lost 200 less. How can you justify player A having a higher rank now? So with your way of rating then ANYBODY could reach the top just because they played more. Yes we want more participation in ranked, but I don't want some PVE scrub with 1300 expertise in there because they know that no matter what they are going to get points.
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