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Posts posted by DOHboy

  1. In general I really enjoy the CM packs and have often purchased more than what would be considered reasonable by normal people. But I enjoy it and don't really have a problem with the concept. I enjoy the game and willing to support it as I can as long as I get equal "value" in return.


    The early packs were heavy on "filler" you got lots of stuff but little of the high demand rare items that people would want. You would often get a "rare/super-rare" that felt flat (5th copy of that belt you already have, or a third set of bracers) or even worse when it would end up being something like a credit boon or emote type item.


    Glad you removed the things like rep items and xp boosts as well as reduced the number of filler items (low quality weapons etc).


    However, I think the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction. Packs with only 2 items for their CC cost I think are a bit over priced, and think needs to be a "balance"


    If 200-300CC is the target price for a pack, I would think about 3 items would be a nice compromise.


    For example I would always include 3 items, one bronze, one silver, and one gold item. You would get a decoration/speeder, an armor/weapon, gift/emote/other.


    Now the gold would be in either decoration/speeder/armor/weapon, and the other would automatically be silver/bronze level. The remaining item (gift/emote/other) would be of any quality (I don't think a gift should ever qualify as a "gold item" . If the other item ends up being something like a gold toy/regen item, I would hope the other two items are minimum sliver and bronze.


    And I don't think something like a simple wall light should qualify as "gold" I am really not a fan of seeing of "gold items" selling for pittance either because of demand, or that they are not really as rare as they were meant to be.


    If something is going to be defined as "gold" it should be reflective of that value and either actually be rare, or hope that it will actually be something people want (understand not always easy to predict peoples desires).


    If you are going to keep just 2 items in a pack, suggest making the "filler gear" sold as one item rather than the upper/lower/supp. Nothing is more aggravating that buying a hypercrate and having 3 different boxed sets and getting 5 uppers of 1, 5 lowers of another, and MAYBE collecting a single set.


    I dont mind rare items being rare and fully understand random generation. Just think that when you offer only 2 items collecting any set of items becomes very very tedious.



    in summary.

    each pack has 3 items, a gold, silver, and a bronze.

    each pack will also have 3 types of items, decoration/mount, armor/weapon, other.

    boxed set items should be condensed to either have fewer boxes (upper = head, chest, gloves, bracers, lower = boots, belt, pants). or get the entire set as one item.


    I really enjoyed the extra "gold/super rare" item that was added to the hypercrates, think that was a great addition and would have liked it to continue.

  2. Apparently not, it's just for the Alliance system, since it's mostly generic lines and very repetitive ones at that.

    The tutorial displayed at that specific moment refers to those as "Classic Conversation" and links them to the Alliance System.

    Most likely upcoming chapters will still be fully voiced.


    metrics shows when people doing dailies, they space bared through everything to get to the choice/mission accept.


    so in SOR they removed the custscenes but left things voiced for the most part...people complained.


    so in KotFE they removed the voice and made them full cutscenes....people complained.


    Not sure if moody, don't know what they want, or multiple personality disorder,.

  3. Im just glad its not pop-up boxes with ambient voice dialog like rishi/yavin...


    people run dailies skip voiced dialogue, they remove the cut scenes people complained (although were voiced) so they take out the expensive part (voice) and added in the long part (cut scene) people complained.


    so next patch they will put in fully voiced, fully animated cut scenes, which people will skip after 2nd or 3rd time...and they say women don't play games! :D

  4. I made my free level 60 and it gave me auto spec. Can I change it?


    there is supposed to be an "advanced" tab or something were you can choose your discipline. Otherwise i assume you can always respec at fleet. I have too many 60s already that i dont need any new ones yet, so can't say for sure.

  5. after 4.0 came out the neglected to inform us that Flashpoints and Heroic missions will no longer give heroic loot!

    since we can't acquire custom loot without spending real money to get it. making a new character is no longer worth it because everyone will look the same:mad:. SO I WANT THIS THREAD TO GROW HUGE SO THEY WILL HAVE TO GIVE US BACK OUR LOOT SO REPLY AWAY!!!! :cool:


    not sure what you mean by "custom loot" you talking modifiable shells? what does any of that have to do with how chars look? cosmetic tab work just fine with any armor, doesnt need to be orange shells.


    in fact that was the main reason for putting IN the cosmetic tab, since if you found a piece of green armor you liked you could wear it without affecting stats.

  6. I'd pay 2000 coins to get the old conversation UI back. When I tried to play today I thought I was bugged somehow and kept escaping out checking my settings. Who thought this was a good idea to fix something that wasn't broken?


    it was broken, from the 8 classes * 2 genders * 50 companions/allicance options * 5-6 choices per conversation thats a boat load of VA that needs to be done for very little value.


    voice what is important (the story) leave the fluff alone as it isn't necessary. since eventually just going to space bar it anyway (who here actually does all the cut scenes anymore outside the first 10 times).


    fully acted dailies after the first day became a spacebar race to get to the actual dialogue that gave the affection points and the quest. I realized, others have realized it, bioware realized it...apparently others didn't.

  7. the instant level 60 implies you are going to start KotFE directly, and thus is "Assumes" you completed your 1-50 class quests, RotHC, forged alliance quests, Rishi,yavin and Ziost.


    aka. it locks you out of those so you can't go back and complete them you will have access to dailies i believe, but the main story quests will not be available. I figured that would be obvious that inorder to start immediately into KotFE, all previous stuff is assumed "completed" if you auto level, those are "completed" for you.

  8. why can my charater talk at the end if knight of the fallen empire chapter 9 when you get the companion quests make it so that player charaters can talk again in story missions this makes me not want to do them since my charater forgot how to talk


    wasn't aware it was broken.


    1) it is a toss back to KOTOR style cinematics

    2) 8 char * 2 genders * 50 alliance companions * 10 conversation options is a whole lot of unnecessary VA dialogue. Where as is, they only need to record the 50 alliance companions and their responses to the conversation options = much needed cost savings and time where they can spend it other places where it actually adds more value.


    they are fine and I rather enjoy having MORE options and knowing exactly what I say rather than what I think I'm going to say.

  9. Hello, I'm having trouble finding the Corellia Commendations Vendor and can't find a location on Google or anywhere else. If anyone knows where it is please tell me so I can get to it. :)


    was probably removed with 4.0 and replaced with level appropriate ones on fleet. So just go there to pick up any modifications from crystals (no longer called commendations).

  10. On my first Sith inquisitor I swear I got a quest to go back to fleet and claim my chapter 1 reward.. I can't quite remember what this, was this removed in 4.0? Just lvling another sith inquisitor now and just finished chapter 1 again.. and got nothing except for i think the legacy weapon, but it was given right away there.. is this part of the streamlining quests?


    probably, going to fleet did nothing, why make the travel necessary? So sounds like they removed it, which is a good thing.

  11. 4.0 hits. Patch won't complete tells me there is an error. Can't even get the play option. Call customer support about this, first thing out his mouth is instructions on how to remove Bitrader.. I stop him there and check add remove programs what do I see? Bitraider. I look in the folder, oh shocking Bitraider is back.. I ask him to confirm that the patch error is due to Bitraider, He does. Normally I remove it because causes issues in game. Now I can't even patch/ get in game because if it.


    Listen. I've removed Bitrader twice before. I was running SWTOR without Bitraider before 4.0 went live. Seriously enough with the Bitraider. How about cut the crap and present one version for those who want Bitraider and one for those who DO NOT want Bitraider. Or even better Just get rid of the damn BitRaider. Having to reinstall the entire game twice every time you have a major patch is silly.


    if you have non-bitrader version it will stay that version unless you uninstall or reinstall the game. If you do have to reinstall, start it, cancel right away, remove bit raider and the associated asset folders and reinstall from there.


    Had non-bitraider for 4 years with every patch until I had to recently reinstall, so i installed it for a second, stopped it, removed everything updated to normal version and have been fine ever since.

  12. I think the eyes of the Sith should light up easily, which becomes more intense depending on Korumptionsstufe. In Zabrak Sith and that should be at the beginning.


    If the character wearing a hood, the face should be wrapped partly in shadow. (Cool would be if one sees light up the eyes or pupils of the Sith).


    I know its Halloween, but is this epic necro necessary especially given adds nothing to the thread and plenty of other threads covering eyes.

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