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Posts posted by DOHboy

  1. Every time I try to use my lightsabers It tells me that I am either not ready. unsure how to fix this any suggestions are needed


    what type of lightsaber, what class are you, what level are you, what AC are you.


    it says you are "not ready" meaning no target, unable to equip, not enough force/focus, out of range?


    your post is highly thin on information to help alleviate your problems.

  2. Yes, when wrong, apologize. You were wrong in this case, by your own admission it was your ISP.


    yes, please apologize I am so sick of this thing called the "internet" that the only way to fix it is to start over, the only way to start over is for someone to actually apologize on it!


    before long we'll be starting to divide by 0 and chuck Norris will lose a fight!




    What are they working on that it taking so much resources?


    I'm asking as a pollyanna/"whiteknight", not a doomsayer:)


    market research on how to please the forums...and in larger sense the internet. The 3000 super computers they have running 24/7 have yet to resolve the paradox of pleasing the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" crowed

  4. Dude my legacy storage is reserved for all the things being dropped by these new crates. 8 classes with 5 sets of armor each doesn't come with a low storage requirement.



    So most of my gifts remain on toons and I mail them around... just getting really old... and inventory consuming when I am out doing heroics.


    must collect ALL the things...you could just get rid of some of those armor sets, use em or sell em.

  5. I watched and reported (2-3 times) the same bot on Ilum for several days and they did nothing about it except close my ticket.


    they don't want the bot. they want the account the bot is collecting credits for so they can cut off the head. And not just THAT account but any other account associated with it as well. Ban the free account they just make more free accounts. Got to figure out where the paid account is and who is running it and where the money goes.


    think of it this way, don't just arrest all the low level drug dealers, in order to make a dent need to find out who they work for and who that guy works for and work way up the ladder. THEN arrest everyone at once.

  6. tacticals no complaints, however the wait times for the Hard Mode FP's is ridiculous. Can anything be done abt this?


    Of the general population, maybe 10% tanks, 10% healers, and rest are DPS. So, you play the numbers game where significant population of DPS compared to healers and tanks thus queue times are directly proportional to the number of tanks queued.

    However, probably less than half of the tanks will queue for hm fp and probably half of that half. There are many reasons, but you can primarily blame (some of) the DPS and or player base in general for alienating tanks. I know I will never tank a hm fp again as i see it mostly as just a giant waste of time.


    As an aside, flashpoints in general are a giant waste of my patience. Queued into a tactical once and was immediately kicked JUST for being a sentinel as was the OTHER sentinel that randomly queued. So why would I want to queue when i meet people like THAT when the vitriol shown to tanks is 10x that shown to dps.


    so want to change queue times, change the player base.

  7. o theres a another reason for it not to be there.. my hp is meant to be around 80000 at the min i just went to coruscant.. to fight SD-0 and big wop now at set as a level 18 with 8000 hp gess what it killed me.. 2 times with one hit i no hes a world boss.. but if the cap was not there i would of destroyed him.. very fast why are the trying to piss us off.. not far remove this crap !!!


    another reason for level synch, so people can't go to low level worlds soloing world bosses.

  8. A guy called Lord Britain playing on US servers. There's a joke for you



    or stop citing those laws as an excuse, Blizzard and World of Warcraft comply with both systems of laws and offer cross-region transfers. What is really preventing Bioware or EA from doing the same as Blizzard?


    per my understanding it is still not possible to transfer from EU to US in WoW a quick google search is showing posts as recent as 10 days ago that says otherwise.

  9. What the hell is going on? Is BW messing up with servers today? :mad:


    Would be fairly confident that i'm 100% positive it is between your pc and their server. meaning nothing to do on their end. With me this is usually a SNR issue with my cable modem or more generally with my ISP.

  10. BW / EA whatever you have have planned, please let people move from one region to another. Many of us have toons that are mothballed and taking up space on your servers that we could consolidate and move.


    I have 14 in the USA that I could squeeze down and move to Europe. I'd even delete toons in Europe to allow the move. Europe has recently changed several data laws regarding privacy that should help.


    Please, pretty please can it be done. Heck, I'd even buy a Hypercrate if it would help:eek::D




    want it so bad? get EU government to change their laws on digital information and BW/EA will gladly allow it.

  11. Look, I didn't say anything needed to be fixed on the GTN, if they want to charge that much so be it. I just posted here because I couldn't believe it and wanted to see if it was normal to charge $7M for one chestpiece.


    no in fact its quite outside the normal...usually certain chest pieces are 2-3x that amount for extremely popular and rare items.


    look up some of the pieces for revan, satele, havoc....7mil might get you a boot or a belt.

  12. But the OP is right: It is a rip-offTM ... and a scamTM ... and slap in the faceTM ... and unfairTM ... and part of EA/BW's "cash-grab"TM ... ad nauseam ... in perpetuity ... ;)


    I've reached the point where anyone complaining about any cosmetic items in SWTOR just sounds like a buzzing gnat. BZZZ-BZZZ-BZZZ. The "substance" of their complaint is moot on its face. Think the CM is unfair (for any reason), don't use it. Think GTN prices are too high, don't buy the items. Nothing is broken ... no action is needed.


    BINGO!!! or is that the bzzz from the electronics keeping you alive from having had a so many drinks in a short time. you trying to kill us?

  13. Not true I am within about 200 miles of the server I am on with a 50Mbps connection on a computer way op for this game and it still lags like a mother from time to time. Most of the time it hovers at 25 to 30 ms lag if you don't go into fleet I am running on max settings with this game. Many factors go into lag most are not noticeable but many are.


    it all depends on what people are calling lag.

    if by lag you mean you push a button and something happens, well that is a function of latency and processing (both sever side and client side).

    latency = the time it takes from signal to get from point A to point B. Nothing your computer does will change this time, it is 100% a function of distance


    Now, if you are talking lag as a drop in frame rate as measured on the client side, a good computer will help with that, but only so much as latency and server side processing also affect that number.


    server side processing is a function of both number of clients connected, sever bandwidth, and the performance of the servers themselves. More powerful servers do help, but at some point even the most powerful server built for average or slightly above average load will start to crawl under extremely heavy loads.


    additionally the more processing and synchronizing the servers have to do will effect your client side performance. which is why the most "lag" is seen in large scale pvp/operations battles with lots of effects, and lots of moving pieces. this is in part to 1) latency between client and server 2) client processing 3) server load 4) server processing 5) system bandwidth (not just CLIENT bandwidth but server side and overall internet traffic in general, i.e high demand times)


    so yes, "lag" has many faces and nobody really defines what they mean by it.


    Myth: I have HUGE bandwidth thus I should never get "lag": FALSE

    Myth: I have a HUGE machine with latest cutting edge technology, i should never get "lag": FALSE

    Myth: There are only a few people in my game, I should never get "lag": FALSE


    edit: I wont even get into the problems of packet loss and protocol overhead.

  14. partially it is about being able to actually see the darn thing. If they make them small, its impossible to see any detail and visual design at all. They realized this even in the movies where you needed multiple hilts of varying sizes. Some were small so could actually be held, others larger and bulkier for closeups and more visual effects.


    here, in order to see any detail there needs to be a minimum number of pixels before you can even see the thing. More detail, more pixels = larger size.

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