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Everything posted by Skirata_Kal

  1. Yea, the doom and gloom haters are annoying...as are the fanbois who can't tolerate criticism or suggestions for improving the game.
  2. I agree that f2p is not necessarily a death sentence and that some people are over-reacting. With that said, going from 2 million to about 600-800k in about half a year...I'm sorry, the "You can't please everyone" argument just doesn't work. Especially when EA is now calling SWTOR a "miss" and they have a history of pulling the plug on something that isn't making a profit. We're not there yet, of course, but if they don't turn it around fast...As I said earlier, I hope they can still pull off a miracle and turn the ship around, but my optimism took quite a hit with that "miss" remark.
  3. The 40% were people who indicated that the sub model was their reason for leaving. "Many" of them said they "might" come back if it was f2p. We're never told how many "many" is so you may very well be right about the 10%.
  4. I have mixed emotions about f2p. I don't think it's necessarily a death sentence by itself, but let's face the facts. 2 million copies sold and current subs are said in the call to be 'well over' half million (notice they didn't say 'just under' a million, I think there are inferences available there). No matter what the actual sub numbers are (600-800k I'm guessing, and yes, it's just a guess over a significant range lol) the fact remains that less than a million people felt this game was worth paying a monthly sub for. I'm sorry, but there's simply no credible, positive way to spin it (especially when they say on the call this title is a 'miss but made up for by BF3''). I don't believe that all of that 40% who said they left due to the subscription model are coming back even if 'many' of them said they would (how many is 'many' btw?). Look, I'm not a hater. I looked forward to this game, had high hopes and spent alot of time defending this game from its naysayers. But there are things I disagreed with and as soon as I voiced them with suggestions, I was branded a hater even though I overall was happy with the game and was just trying to make suggestions that I felt could improve the game. Many others had the same experience I had. I'm not saying my suggestions would have 100% saved the game (enough people disagree with me that I'm open to the idea some of my suggestions may have made it worse, though deep down I don't think so). But there's a reason why some games succeed and some don't. Many good suggestions by many people were ignored and/or villified (on at least a couple of subjects by the devs themselves). Despite all that, I'm still subbed and still hope this game can turn things around. I'm just not as optomistic as I used to be.
  5. OP, try the following thread. Many who have had the same problem, including myself, found this helpful: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=470077&page=4 Edit: I forgot I bookmarked page 4 and am used to just hitting the page 1 link after going there lol. Yes, I'm lazy.
  6. As I recall, they allowed it for a short time during one of the early Beta's. That experience led to them realizing why most MMO's don't allow x-faction communication.
  7. It's posts like this by Caelrie that make me wish we had a thumbs-up button to click on.
  8. You're ignoring the fact that all of the bad behavior described in this thread existed in MMO's long before WoW developed its x-server tool and it existed in this game long before the current same server tool. In fact, I've seen more of this type of behavior in the general chat spam groups then I've seen since the group finder came out (and people claim self policing on same server prevents this type of behavior...LMAO!). Were there bad groups in WoW? Yes, but most were good. I can say the same of the same server groups too. If you have a problem with the tool, simply don't use it and only group with firends...problem solved.
  9. LOL, give it time. Sooner or later someone will start saying: "You're a tank!!!! No wonder we lost! We could have had someone with a real PvP spec in your spot! You fail! And because of that we failed!" Trust me, sooner or later it's going to happen (if it hasn't already somewhere).
  10. Very well said! I almost NEVER give my vote to the top damage dealer, since too often it's some moron who just goes off and fights without helping with objectives (the infamous 'road warriors' who are allergic to flags, nodes, etc.). I like being able to give that vote to who I feel actually helped with the wz. I'll never forget one AB I did in WoW. My hunter ended up staying at farm because noone else did. They spent their time getting their 'leet' damage numbers up. Alliance attacked farm constantly. To their credit, my teammates did usually respond quickly when I called out the incoming and I was a good enough hunter to prevent the flag from being taken long enough for the others to arrive. We somehow managed a victory and then at the end, I looked at the scoreboard and saw that I only had 1/3 of the honor that the road fighters had. I quit WoW pvp that day. So no, top damage dealers don't get my mvp vote unless they get those numbers while helping with team objectives.
  11. Correct...unless EA overrules D.E. and the others...which I don't expect...<hoping> I actually liked the Vong story, myself, though I thought it was drawn out over too many books...and I agree it has no place in SWTOR's timeline.
  12. Yea, I lol'd at that too. Very funny for that video to be so prominent in that particular article.
  13. There have always been rude people in MMO's. And I still find MOST people polite. MOST people are receptive (and often grateful) for the occasionaly kind suggestion.
  14. Welcome to MMO's OP. All of the bad behavior that people are mentioning here, existed long before the group finder in "that other game." It also existed in this game before the tool came out. I guess I've been lucky, all of my groups via the tool so far have been good (just as the vast majority of my lfd groups in that other game were).
  15. Sadly, I must agree with this. Our guild does EV HM and KP HM in our sleep...and we still haven't downed Kephess on story mode yet (we just came together after the merge so I'm actually happy with our progress). The other Denova bosses we have down pretty well, but I still hesitate to say we have them on 'farm'.
  16. On my heal spec'd Scoundrel, I actually use Risha. Once she's geared, she kills things so fast and has enough survivability that I can easily heal her through any of the intended solo content, and with the use of CC's I can even solo some of the 2 man content. I took a similar approach with my heal spec'd Operative once he got Temple. My Vanguard tank uses Elara exclusively, My Sentinel switches between Kira and Doc (Doc sometimes forgets he's a healer...moreso than the other heal comps in my experience lol). My Marauder uses Quinn. Most of my other toons are still with their first comps since most of them either haven't got any new ones yet or I don't like the ones they have so far.
  17. Agreed! Outside of warzones and designated PvP areas, the only way a person should become flagged on a PvE server is if they manually toggle the flag. On a PvE server, a person should be able to quest without any concern about becoming flagged. They should be able to use their full rotation when fighting quest mobs without worrying if their aoe attacks hit a flagged member of opposite faction who is lurking in stealth (or who runs in). They should be able to right click on a questgiver or quest item without worrying about a flagged opponent jumping in their way as they click. They should be able to use their companions without worrying about the comp pulling them into PvP. When entering an FP, Op or instanced heroic, all members of the party who are flagged should be automatically unflagged so that buffs can be given and heals administered without that act flagging you. In short, as I've said in other posts, avoiding PvP on a PvE server should entail no extra effort/precaution on the part of the player (even if some of us have played MMO's long enough that those precautions are second nature lol).
  18. So we should just make all servers PvP? No thanks! PvE servers are PvE for a reason. If you want the excitement of having to look over your shoulder then a PvP server is where you should be.
  19. Google "SWTOR Datacron". First choice should be the one you want. Locations and walkthroughs for all the datacrons. For this specific datacron though, the previous posters have told you all you need to know. (HINT, there's an important item for yet another datacron in there as well).
  20. I understand exactly what you're saying. I still do those dailies once in a while if I'm in a full guild group, therefore noone with a companion out, but doing them solo without a comp? Not an option for a heal spec'd toon (actually it could be done, but way too much of a pain...my T1/T2 equipped Risha knocks stuff down quickly lol). If I need money from dailies, it's Ilum and Belsavis for me...not as many roving bands...though I'm getting mighty tired of those lol. I too spend alot of time on the alts of late.
  21. LOL! My Imperial toons are on DPB. My healing Operative just hit 50, and my wife's sniper just hit 49 so we may see each other soon Refering to another of your posts, if you censured your comrade and apologized, then that's cool and I apologize my for my earlier criticism. You clearly weren't part of the roving bands on Harbinger (and if I haven't said it before, I'm fully aware that this behavior is not limited to Empire players). As for the other posts, I know my philosophy/opinion on PvE servers may be a minority opinion and if so, so be it. That's life. As I said in another post though, if Bioware would just fix the exploits and actually punish the exploiters, I'd be ok with leaving the settings as is. It still feels silly though for someone to have to put in extra effort to avoid PvP on a PvE server when all they're doing is killing quest mobs.
  22. If someone consciously flags themself willingly then have at it. I actually have no issue with "If it's red, it's dead" as long as the person's name is in red by their own conscious choice. Despite that, my philosophy is that PvE servers are PvE for a reason, just as PvP servers are PvP for a reason. If someone complains about getting ganked on a PvP server, they are met (rightly) with sarcasm and then suggestions to reroll on a PvE server. Why can't the reverse be true? You yourself, if I read right, admited that someone in your group tested the exploit to see if it can be done. Testing an exploit is still exploiting, so yes, your group is part of the problem (if I read wrong, my apologies). If the only people you had attacked were people who willingly flagged, then no, you were not guilty of griefing (my statements still stand against the wolfpacks that are very clearly griefing). I still feel that PvP should be limited to DESIGNATED PvP areas such as on Tatooine, Ilum, warzones or on PvP servers (I do sympathize with those who complain about the limitations of PvP-able areas on PvP servers btw).
  23. You're right...it SHOULD not happen, but it does due to a bug that the wolfpacks are exploiting. They stand next to a player's comp, do an aoe and then the comp bugs and attacks, flagging the unsuspecting player. Many of us have seen this exploit and have reported it...to no avail. To be clear, it hasn't happened to me yet, but I've seen it happen to others. I've learned from the misfortune of others to dismiss my comp when I see the wolfpacks arrive, and I know from previous MMO's not to buff or group with someone who has their name in green and to take my aoe attacks out of my rotation when yellow named players show up on the scene. But as some of the others have said, we should not have to go to that level of effort to avoid PvP on a PvE server! If you want world PvP, roll on a PvP server or at least go to the designated PvP areas! Amazes me that this is such a difficult concept for some.
  24. I understand what you are saying. The issue here, however, is a bug that allows these wolfpacks to grief people who just want to PvE. These wolfpacks know about it and no, they are not looking for world PvP, they're looking to grief (it's not just Black Hole, btw, it's 50's hitting the quest areas of Hoth and other planets as well...don't even TRY to tell me they're doing something other than griefing!). If you want world PvP on a PvE server, there's a place on Ilum and one on Tatooine for that. If you can't work up some world PvP there, then that tells me it's not as popular as you might think. Did you consider that the great response you got was due to people wanting to help out fellow guildies/friends who you were preventing from questing as opposed to an actual love of world PvP?
  25. I'm glad you had some fun. I remember the old days in Vanilla WoW when we had some epic pitched battles in STV, Hillsbrad, summoning stones, etc. Those were fun....however they were on PvP servers. Reroll there if you want that kind of fun.
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