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Everything posted by waterboytkd

  1. Calm down. This isn't a bannable thing. It's like the ship-bolster bug. You don't ban people for equipping their ship, and you don't ban them for using an arm slot item. You just fix the problem and move along.
  2. 100000% a bug. I feel for anyone who shells out the coin for a set, only to lose the reason they bought it.
  3. Without FiB at 30m, do Hatred have any 30m attacks that can stop a cap? Not counting using Recklessness. If the answer is no, then sure, let FiB be a 30m attack.
  4. If it was really a cost-benefit issue with giving us new maps and games for PvP, they could simply do what Bungee did with Halo (and I'm sure others did with their FPSs): have the new maps gated behind a paywall. Pay X coins, you can get into the new games/maps. They could even have a special queue for a month or so after new content drops that ONLY puts you into the new games/maps.
  5. Agreed. It bums me out. And it's such an obvious and huge QoL boost for PvP.
  6. I'll be one. Give my Kai Zykken! An alliance between the Corellian Run Smugglers and the...Hurling...Temple...Crew? Heck yeah!
  7. It's not a bad model, really. It's just that the mini-games need to be less...mini. Robust systems for multiplayer don't need a lot of constant work once they're in place, and they can keep players happy between story chapters. The problem is Bioware's multiplayer wasn't robust at launch, and has been plagued by poor decisions they haven't, or have been slow, to correct. All it takes is one expansion or big update where they focus only on multiplayer systems, and focus in a way that makes them inclusive, not exclusive, and it's relatively minimal work on multiplayer from then on. The problem is such an expansion or update would be costly in terms of resources, without any obvious "cash in" objects. So such an update needs to be presented as an investment in the game that keeps it going strong between story expansions.
  8. Honestly? Nothing. Musco already stated today that cross-faction isn't happening. With the xpac only 4 months out, they aren't doing any kind of sweeping systems overhauls. They're just releasing new single player content. When something as obviously beneficial to PvP as cross-faction is staring you in the face (SoR and KotFE both make it thematically easy and, I can't stress this enough, predicted/expected by a significant chunk of the players/forum posters), but you ignore it anyway? They just aren't looking to balance PvP, at least not with anything that takes significant resources. Number tweaks for gear costs? Number tweaks on abilities? Those they might do. But a systems overhaul? Nah.
  9. I make it a rule to not point out typos and grammatical stuff on forums, but this one just tickled me. If you don't divide fractions, you're doing it wrong.
  10. Why not? This has been a feature that a lot of people (especially a lot of us PvPers) have been asking for for a while now. It would be a huge balancing factor for PvP, help PvE Group Finder queues pop more frequently and faster, and with the latest story content released, makes sense thematically, too.
  11. Our character gets tasked with stopping a terrorist, oddly enough a black man with blond hai. In the course of capturing the terrorist, he blows up a building that was in fact full of innocent hostages. We get blamed for the explosion and the powers-that-be decide to freeze us for a while as punishment. The weird part: when we get thawed out, all our Crew Skills will be replaced with Knitting.
  12. The only problem is when they take a spec with an already tight rotation, and try to cram a new rotational ability in (Watchman/Annihilation, for example).
  13. Not when the gear increase also coincided with a level cap increase. Level cap increases have always come with crafting level cap increases, too, which has always come with new augments. That's probably the worst thing... If they maybe only did crafting level bumps every other level cap increase, I'd be ok.
  14. No. The cost is also reduced. Dark Reaver armor costs 1400 reg comms.
  15. Hell, I was perfectly happy at 50. Both level cap increases have mucked up the balance in PvP.
  16. There was a vocal group that demanded it be left on the Centering/Fury system by default because that's "better". That is, you can spam Tran/Pred faster if you use the Centering/Fury system. But yeah, it is definitely not better. Being able to open with Tran/Pred at the start of match or on respawns without wasting a Heroic on Contemplation/Brooding is huge. After that, always having it ready for when you get slowed/rooted is massive. Ardor/Relentless really should be the default mechanics for Tran/Pred. That would allow Jedi Promulgator/Cloak of Annihilation to go back to Masterful tier, and it shouldn't be too hard to dream up a useful Heroic utility.
  17. So after running quite a bit of Sentinel/Marauder this weekend testing on the PTS, I gotta say... I take back anything bad I've ever said about this utility. It is not better to just use your Centering/Fury to spam Tran/Pred. You NEED to use Zen/Berserk if you want to have appropriate damage output. Which means, if you want any mobility at all, you need to take Ardor/Relentless, so you can also use Tran/Pred. It makes me actually enjoy Combat/Carnage so much again, I'm tempted to make it my "main" again.
  18. This. Exhumed is pretty painless to acquire right now, so go for it. Don't bother min-maxing though, just get as many pieces as you can, as you'll need them when 3.3 drops. Then save up everything after that for 3.3, only buying Dark Reaver if you're at comms cap (and then, probably just buy cheap stuff, like mods or earpieces/implants/relics). I don't believe that to be the case. Exhumed is still there on the PTS, and they usually only do new gear with bigger updates, and they give us a pretty good heads up before hand. Granted, were still 5 weeks from 3.3, but there's definitely a logic disconnect between having us mess around with new Exhumed costs on the PTS if they're about to be removed.
  19. Pretty much in total agreement with you on this change so far. It doesn't fix anything (this wasn't an issue to begin with), and gameplay feels the same...so what's the point?
  20. As long as we're bringing up PITA-to-obtain Expertise crystals, I'd like to mention regular Magenta. There is no Advanced Magenta War Hero Crystal in the game. If they do any kind of QoL adjustment for Blue, Cyan, and Purple, it'd be nice if Magenta could get added in to the mix.
  21. You've pretty thoroughly derailed the thread, and any publicity is negative... As for hosting a PvP tournament, it makes perfect sense to put it on the PvP forums. It's PvP related, after all. Sort of like when Kre'a was posting about his organized team ranked stuff. That was on a server, too...
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