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Everything posted by MikeWatt

  1. I used to think the same then I watched this... Use the WASD keys as suggested and all the space missions are fun and achievable.
  2. I used to feel the same then I watched this... Using the WASD keys has made all the missions doable and fun again.
  3. Out THE window. Stupid auto correct.
  4. Brilliant. I was a whisker away from throwing my pc out they window, now the space missions are fun again. Thanks.
  5. I think it woudld be interesting to make the GTN available not just on a ship but everywhere. I can access eBay on my phone anywhere, I don't see why an in game system can't mirror that.
  6. Just adding my voice to the clamour. An improved interface with an auctioneer type add on would be a good start. We need the most straightforward method for making my stuff your stuff for creds. Also I think it woudld be interesting to make the GTN available not just on a ship but everywhere. I can access eBay on my phone anywhere, I don't see why an in game system can't mirror that.
  7. In it's current format the GTN is pretty unwieldy to use. Also the inclusion of a price tracking function, similar to auctioneer in 'the game that must not be named', would reduce the chance of getting ripped off or not getting a decent price for a sold item, make the experience much less frustrating. What plans are there plans to revamp the GTN & will we see them in 1.3?
  8. I hardly bother with it. Hopefully the more noise we make about it the more likelihood of some improvements.
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