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Everything posted by Magvay

  1. Problem is not with exploit getting in zone, problem is **** boss with difficulty of Underlurker HM drop BiS weapon, top guilds working hard on Revan kill and now that was just for nothing every casual player can get weapon and pretend that he is cool that is just not fair for all progression guilds, BW should remove this weapons or made Revanchist title not obtainable in game at may 4 that would be something atleast for guilds that down him before this 204 bs.
  2. Also 204 MH really put 192 there that boss doesn't deserve drop BiS weapon at all.
  3. Then lock down progression thread at may 4 if BW don't remove this weapon maybe? Also PCG guild got MH on TRE.
  4. Ok i know that one guild on Red Eclipse server exploit some location on Ziost and get to hiden daily area that will be unlocked on 4th may, and killed new OPS Boss while i don't care much about that boss kill i really care that this boss on HM difficulty drop 204 MH weapon. Now BW please answer why you spit in many good guilds who spent enormous time wiping on revan to get 198 if everyone will just get better one and just forget about Revan at all. I don't want you to punish anyone who exploited, i want that this weapon will be removed from this boss loot table for now, it's just does not look right or feels right. Please BW i really enjoying this game, i enjoyed Revan encounter, now you just ruin everything that was good by placing BiS weapon in easy boss loot table. Sorry for mistakes english is not my native language. And any player who care about this please /sign
  5. Hello mate please contact Curt or Xcurtx in game and we can make a run for you
  6. Your inconvenience? If you want this mount so much you should deserve it like many before nerf and much more after it but before 3.0. Bug with tentacles was even when it was originaly released, stop crying really, you trying to get it cheap way now so wait more untill they fix content.
  7. So here it is our flagship Phantom Wookie is finished, would like to thank everyone involved in commanders grind, decorations. Special Thanks to PCG guild who left last commander to us. http://imgur.com/oCdNrQd
  8. Got a poblem, i'm a gold key holder but i can't invade a planet simply don't see the button like on PTS. And i'm not GM but from what i saw gold key holders had this thing on PTS.
  9. All i hear is blablabla i can't afford that. Really i will not tell how much credits i have, but i will buy all Strongholds and unlocks instantly at release date and still will have big amount of credits left. Why i'm talking about this, that is not show off, that is "if you want something, you do something". Economic will be the same, who can't pay for items will either don't bother or will go and farm credits. Players spend insane amount of credits each day on every kind of vanity crap from CM, augments, kits, and still economy is fine. Also why you think so much players will buy everything at day 1? They won't, they can unlock it when they want, none forcing them to buy everything at the start.
  10. Magvay

    Conquest has PvP

    Does anybody saw them?
  11. Why i do this all quests in less than 4 hours even on my tank characters?
  12. But did you saw a bug, when after kiter getting soad, Raptus abilities pattern become broken?
  13. so basically guilds just waiting for this good try without kiter getting soad?
  14. From the kill videos raptus kiter is never getting SOA, is there hidden mechanic behind it to control who get's SOA or it can happen on any DPS?
  15. So much whine, watch WoW progression there is nothing wrong to skip boss if he is not doable, wowprogress just lower points on kill if guild that skiped him, down it later and that is all. But our holy internet crusaders start to crying about that move. Personaly i want to give a thanks to DnT for their will to progress. P.S. Haters gonna hate anyway.
  16. Give free game time to those servers that will not be transfered untill next week!
  17. Give free game time to those servers that will not be transfered untill next week!
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