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Everything posted by trevah

  1. Woooooooow, I did not know a tech tab even existed. I had to refresh UI to get the option to check the Tech tab though. Companion UI seems a bit buggy sometimes. Everytime I've checked the char sheet for him it has only listed Melee/Ranged/Force/Defense, which is all it lists for mara. This clarifies it, thank you! END THREAD: Quinn is dependent on cunning.
  2. I think that you're wrong. Go in game, check his char sheet under 'Force' and look under bonus healing. There is a section that allows force power to increase his healing. Similarly, there is no spot for cunning. The thing I truly don't understand is where the stat is for base heals/force powers. That would contain the info we would need. Since I've never played a caster before, I don't know where I'd find this info in the char sheet (ie is it correlated to ranged dmg?). According to his char sheet, the only thing that we can see that assuredly affects heals are power, fpower, and skills/buffs. I realize that everyone is saying that their columni-geared quinn heals them appropriately, I don't see any reason to think that his heals simply increase with level gain and +power. We are just assuming that heal growth is coming from +cunning but there is no evidence to support this. I don't want to spend all my money on +cunning gear when I should be making sacrifices for +power/+fpower.
  3. I swear guys, please read the post and respond accordingly. This post isn't about whether or not Quinn heals you. I'm asking if Cunning is a relevant stat for him considering on his character sheet, the only things affecting bonus heal is +power and +fpower. Responses?
  4. She's willpower, not strength... Right? But seriously, use quinn. You will pwn harder than with dual dps.
  5. Thanks guys! I ****ed up and made a female smuggler, totally missed the opportunity to recreate the captain! Oh well, she will be the female reincarnate. Sounds like I should really enjoy this. It already is SO different at lvl7. If anyone's on swiftsure and wants to say whats up, my name is TBooty-McShooty. Obviously.
  6. I've noticed that the zero downtime that Quinn offers allows for overall increased dps since fury/rage/juyo/annihilate stacks don't have a chance to clear. Once I realized this, I was clearing out my solo instances in 50-75% of the time.
  7. Anyone else? I feel like this is a big deal.
  8. K so I rolled a smuggler, lvl7. What spec should I use for levelling?
  9. Thanks for the response. I was so interested in them because of all the really good players in the 10-49 brackets, only the best could consistently beat me. Which is ridiculous, but that's why I'm intrigued. Well played, they absolutely seem like facemelters.
  10. Why hello there. I'm thinking about switching to republic and, more importantly, switching to ranged. I've played a mara to 47 and FINALLY wanna try ranged (I loved it so much it sated my altocohlism for all 47 levels). My question is this: Should I? Really? Please don't use this as a platform to cry about how ****** your class is (if you think that it is), brag about how big your e-peen is, or comment on how badly you hate side-switching marauders with names that start with T. I would just like to know your unbiased opinion. Here's what I enjoyed about mara: -DPS. For days. -Decent survivability -Complex (I had 24 keybindings, I used them all consistently in pvp) -FUN, please god let it be enjoyable -Sustainable in pvp or pve -Awesomeness/facemelt factor -and I GUESS team-utility I would love some comments from experienced gunslingers. Please include spec and level and if you prefer pvp/pve/both. Thanks!
  11. Seriously? So ***, is he capped on heals and our only way to buff him is with power? And force power I guess.
  12. Hey guys, So I know that the codex lists his primary attrib as cunning and I've been boosting his cunning appropriately. Up to this point I had assumed that his heals would be increased as I increase his cunning (since it's his prim attrib), but I just looked at his char sheet and noticed that cunning increases only his combat damage. Which I don't give 2 ***** about. The only thing that seems to increase his healing (again, according to the char sheet) is +power. This mara is my first character and I've had no experience with casters before so this was a huge discovery for me. Has anyone else noticed this? Should I be giving a **** about cunning or just making sure all my mods/augments boost power as much as possible? Because that's how it would seem.
  13. TROLLTROLLTROLLOL This thread is about relishing in the glory that is mara. Take your unsquishy, resilient jugg the eff out of here. Thanks!
  14. We should be friends. But you have more patience than I do. And I'm a teacher.
  15. And holy **** **** dear god almighty we are op. And so intricate. I thought our rotation was difficult to keep smooth pre40 but the addition of the complexity of annihilate alongside its reduced cooldown mechanic and high rage cost has made playing my marauder feel like I'm managing a hedge fund, coordinating an internet start up, and massacring an entire population of people at the same time. The amount of complex coordination and power afforded for the skill level is kind of awesome. Pvp has never made me feel like I worked so hard for a kill. And when I got it I *********** deserved it. And the kill was quick and sexy and had two lightsabers in it. Just wanted to rant about how much *********** fun this class is. Tis all.
  16. Just answered my own question 5 minutes ago. Took on a same lvl champ (39) with Jaesa twice. I got VERY close to killing him and probably could have if I played a little bit better. After the second time of me dying with champ at 2% I decided to try it with Quinn. I was never below 80%. I hate him but *****iiiit that ****er is good.
  17. That rotation seems pretty good but I really think that all your pieces should be as up to date as possible. Switch to using orange weapons and modding (almost) as often as you can using pve comms and the GTM. Keep an eye out for epic hilts especially. Also, I've found that having any green items is generally unacceptable. Items aren't that expensive and bolster is taken relative to your lvl from what I can tell and adjusts your current stats from that lvl. So if you're under in terms of str or end, your bolstered form is going to suffer even moreso. Make sure you have relics, implants, earpieces that stack STR END power surge in that order. Use force choke after you lay out all your dots. Hit berserk as much as possible. Don't be afraid of medpacks. Running like a ***** with force camo is okay. Interrupting like a mofo. Keep up charge for this exact reason. Lastly, PVP equip isn't that much of an upgrade if you've been keeping your gear up. Keep that in mind.
  18. Yaaa I know. It just blows my mind. I was simply equating all the mara QQing with the fact that I've seen 80% of us underperform on the charts in pvp. So I was making a logical extension that the QQ was coming from the ****** players. And thus my offering advice to them to change their class. And to everyone else: Yes, I know we don't do dmg when defending. Yes, I realize it could have been a ****** game. Do you think I would be using this (and most of my experiential data for my argument) if I hadn't thought about these possibilities first? If I was in the game with the 17ker and we were against a stacked team, I probably wouldn't have broken 100k. If he had 3000 objective points, I wouldn't be upset by his performance. This is my one and only point: If you suck at marauder, in pvp or pve, pick another class. Stop complaining, don't waste your time getting to 50. It is YOUR time. This game should be FUN. If it is not fun, either try something else that plays more easily or unsub. I am simply looking out for these people's sanity. Instead of being upset all the time about how terrible their swtor life is, they could be rolling a BH and having a fantastic time. TLDR Life Lesson: If things are too hard and you honestly feel like you aren't getting better, try something else. There are other choices, other avenues down which you might actually enjoy yourself. Otherwise you will remain unhappy and bitter while you flop around angry, frustrated, and impotent on the floor of your life.
  19. Honestly, you probably are. Although I would say that you should make sure you are fully geared before judging how badly you're doing as you might just be undergeared. If that's not the case then I would spec in anni, read the sticky above and get comfortable because it's a steep learning curve. But you will learn and quickly. Because if you don't you will die. A lot.
  20. Yes because lvl49 is TOTALLY the beginning. PvP IS different from PvE but not that different. If I came in to voidstar at lvl 14 never having pvped any mmo in my life and was able to break 100k by the third round, I think a lvl49 that hits 17k is a bit silly. Anyways, this thread isn't about better-than-thou. It's about me not understanding why people will throw away countless hours of their lives playing something they hate and crying endlessly about it when they could just as easily pick a faceroll class and bathe in the ignorant bliss that is BH.
  21. What do you consider to be the best time to hit berserk? As soon as it comes up, when rupture and 1 stack ds are up, or full bleeds are on? I've been assuming fullbleeds but I just want to clarify.
  22. No it shouldn't. It is helpful and still mostly relevant as a primer. It also represents one of the few posts on here that isn't qq, which is amazing in and of itself. OP - Maras, as a rule, don't particularly have a set rotation. This is especially true in pvp. Also, while levelling your rotation changes constantly as we get half of our vital skills 20+. The rotations listed in the sticky are good for opening but then it becomes more of a series of prioritization and CD management.
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