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Posts posted by PulseRazor

  1. I am playing on Jedi Covenant, Imperial side, which I am told is not going to be easy, it seems like most games I play my teammates have 2-4 ships, and the Republic team has many players with 5 ships, which suggests a bit more experience.


    Thank you all for the great tips, I have learned a lot in the last couple days reaching out to vets.


    I dont want to jinx myself, but I think I am getting somewhere, bringing my dpi down from 1500 to 800 was the biggest difference, now I can score hits and chase people down and I can focus more on things like spatial awareness, intelligent skill activation, and discipline. I still catch myslef getting into gunfights without power to weapons. I'm still making mistakes but I expect that and I will learn from them.


    I'm also getting closer to how I want my keys bound, and using the binds to pick targets, determine what They are aiming at and predict their attack vector, as well as target and snap the camera to what might be attacking me so I can play to the strengths of the Ocula and turn an escape into a retaliation.


    This is a lot of fun, I appreciate all of the advice.


    The requisition points are a lot nicer now.

  2. I bought the Ocula premium scout ship, figuring that since I played the fastest and most maneuverable ships in another space game I play (STO) that it would suit me.


    I have tried Burst, Light and Quad lasers, cant hit anything with any of them. Targeting telemetry, distortion field, lightweight armor, damage capacitor, turbo reactor, turbo thrusters. I have tried to pick the best components to play to the strengths of a fast, light armor ship with light shields.


    I dont earn enough requisition points to upgrade anything with my scores, and the game constantly taunts me with 'You Are Not Contributing' - when I am, I am just not hitting anything and I cant get close enough to a capture point to turn it over before one of its pathetic turrets kills me.


    I dont have much trouble handling the ship, im not smashing myself into rocks or anything, and I try to fly as close to obstacles as I can to minimize enemy firing solutions, My biggest problem is that I just cant hit anything even when it isnt moving it just doesent seem to register damage, if I pull up to a probe or a turret I take too much damage trying to destroy it.


    I understand I am not going to win a joust shootout with a bigger ship in open space, but I dont understand why I can be <4000 away from an ai turret or probe and not see any damage when I have it lined up, if I could at least do that I might think about scoring points on something that Is moving, and controlled by a player.

  3. 7 hours played

    k/d ratio 0.14

    hit/miss % 15.7

    Average dmg dealt per game: 5378



    Et Cetera.



    I have tried so hard to play this game, I have read every guide I could find, watched hours of youtube videos, and i cant even win a fight against a stationary turret. Should I give up? I am not seeing any improvement, and I dont feel like I am learning anything or gaining any experience getting blown up as soon as something sees me. Whats worse, with a win/less ratio of 25%, I am not only having a miserable time myself, but I am forcing the people I play with to endure losses too.



    Is there any hope for me?

  4. Fair weather friend aye? Makes perfect sense to complain about issues and then deprive the techs of the financial resources to fix said issues. Well bio has my loyalty and the renewing 6 month sub to prove it. All who feel they need to jump ship-- feel free. I and other loyal subs will be picking up their slack in the cartel market.



    This is exactly the kind of attitude that makes EA games garbage.


    Loyalty should be earned.


    EA earned my loyalty YEARS ago, but it began to falter when I realized they were actually putting commercial advertising in their games, and filling them with commercial top 40 music whether it was appropriate or not, and disabling users from the ability to suppress or replace that music.


    Still I stuck with EA, because they seemed to have the licenses on the games I really liked, NfS, EASports, MoH. then they got the licenses on still more premium games, solidifying their value on the gaming market, or so it would seem.



    What EA enjoys today is called a MONOPOLY. Since they have this monopoly and no one can take it from them, they are free to release whatever they want, as frequently as they want, with as much attention to detail and quality as they want.


    You want to play a licensed NFL game, with real names of players. EA: Its in the game. Every year, for $70. Want to play it online? that will be another $$ a year. Want to play Star Wars Games? EA ONLY. Don't like the quality? don't play an EA game.... of that's right... you cant. EA: ITS IN THE GAME. Only in our games though.


    And suckers like this just throw their money at it, and EA will continue to destroy gaming.



    Monopolies are BAD.

  5. If it shuts down, it will be because EA made it shut down by not giving a **** about it. MMO players are a lot more demanding then the console gamers who don't mind shelling out 120 a title every 6 months, and even they are getting tired of EA's model. Battlefront has received exactly zero positive reviews aside from graphics and sound, which haven't been enough to impress gamers for a long time.


    EA is all promises, and no delivery. How could they possibly **** up Battlefront, one of the highest selling platform shooters of all time?! Greed - that's how. Unbridled naked avarice. And as long as people encourage it by handing them their money, they will have absolutely ZERO incentive to release and maintain quality products.


    No Bounty Hunter Contract Week, right after No Rakgoul event week, you have to wonder if the solution would be the same for both... turn out it was: Solution = We Don't Give A ****.


    EA - Its In The Game.

  6. I don't have a security key, and I only have to provide a 'one time' password if my ip changes, which is quite rare.


    I was under the impression that dynamic IP's were not used anymore, maybe just for my isp. Cul dthe op have a dynamic ip?


    Suggest they ask their isp, and if possible ask for a static ip.

  7. The problem with this grievance is that you bought Treek based on what you knew about it being a tank, healer, and general crutch of an overpowered companion. You learned all of this about Treek from other people, specifically: not the same people who sold you the companion.


    The people who sold you the companion didn't sell it to you on the premise that it was a healer, tank, OP super-combo. They sold you a Mercenary Contract For the Ewok: Treek. That is what you bought, that is what is available today, that is what you have.


    To take this car analogy: You bought "A Car" - The car you bought happened to be tricked out, but you weren't sold the glass packs, the decal kit, the spoiler, the stereo, whatever. The sales tag on the Car said: "CAR". Time has eroded this car, and now it is a Hoopty, but it is still "A CAR" and that is what you paid for.

  8. I don't believe you,


    If the server rolled back after you put them up, they would be back in your inventory.


    And if you know what they were worth, which I assume you do, you would know better then to sell them like that, all at once 43 at a time, single spread across multiple sellers (to create the illusion of market competition) or packed all up in 43... it wouldn't be smart at all. I don't think you could put 43 of them together without also knowing how to unload them sensibly.



  9. I think you not only completely misunderstood the plot so far...but you might have a few screws loose yourself.. :)


    At least I am safe from the NSA.




    He didn't just sever her connection to the force, presumably he could have if a few Jedi could do it to the Exile, if the Sion and Nihilus could do it to Traya: he was far more powerful then any of them.


    He cages the child's mind, restraining her from growing emotionally and intellectually. One could presume given the Sith Code that this was a most efficient way to sever one from the force, but the point is this: Vaylin has the mind of a little girl therefore she is one. This explains her actions and her attitude.


    So be careful.

  10. She is a child in a woman's body, therefore she is a child. It is actually nauseating that you would imply that there would be a possibility of romance with her.


    Go back and watch the scenes again, listen to the dialogue: She was held back, her growth was suppressed because of how powerful she was. Her potential was locked away... there are many lines that talk about this theme if you would only hear them. and they seem to not only imply a figurative sense of her under-developed emotional maturity but a literal intervention in her emotional, intellectual development.


    She acts like a child. she even sounds like a little kid.


    Get help soon.

  11. They have done something, because ever since their 'server reset' I cant load a single asset in the game without a perceptible pause in frame rate, and sometimes the game will just freeze for seconds at a time. Was working fine before.


    Another problem to add to the morass of **** that is this decaying game.



    Did the game lose a whole lot of staff or something? It feels like the whole thing is falling apart.

  12. Using every possible combination of filters I can find results that include, among other things:


    Augmentation Kit Mk-1

    Augmentation Kit Mk-2

    Augmentation Kit Mk-3

    Augmentation Kit Mk-4

    Augmentation Kit Mk-5

    Augmentation Kit Mk-6

    Augmentation Kit Mk-7


    If you can find a way for me to specifically find Augmentation Kit Mk-8, I would love to know it.

  13. I guess they don't want players earning crédits but crafing and economy is a big part of the game. I'm probably going to quit this game soon if not fixed beause now I have NO way to earn crédits.


    Yea, its just one more issue on top of the heaps of issues this game has now. I don't know what the hell happened internally, but ever since 4.0 the game has went to ****.

  14. You should stop using your basic attack the second you hit level 10. The first ability you are given in the talent tree is the one you use from that moment on.


    Having said that.... you may consider hotkeying to an ability you want to use for "attacking while moving".


    Other person said something about tanking, and yes I do have my basic attack in slot 1 even though I really don't need it there.


    Your basic attack will be still quite important even at level 10 on many classes, you will use it less as you progress in level, earning more skills and different passives/traits that will help to manage your class' resources.


    My Hatred Assassin uses the primary the most to pre-empt 0 resource, but on my Concealment Operative and Marksman Sniper it is never used, ideally. If I do have to use it (because I have no resource) it indicates that I have done something wrong to have ran out of resource in the first place. Same goes for my Carnage Marauder.


    That said, it is unlikely you will get to the point where you no longer have to use your primary skill until you have earned all your passive skills (lvl 65) and most importantly, you have mastered your 'rotation'.


    Dependency on primary attack is directly correlated to your ability to manage your resources.

  15. PUG usualy refers to Pick Up Group. But another is, Probably Unskilled Group or Potentialy Useless Group or Positibly Under powerd Group or... I'm sure you get where this is going.


    PUGs are the luck of the draw. Learn to live with it and stop complaining that PUGs stink. Most do but some don't. Get used to it or don't PUG... Many times players join PUGs to learn how to play their toons or how to do Flashpoints or Ops. Surprise that is what Group Finder is all about. Many player have never been in a group, Flashpoint or Op. So they join Group Finder in hopes of LEARNING from a kind and experanced player what is needed to be done so when they get with a group of experanced player they can carry their weight Not everybody can be of your preceived caliber or lack of overall class... End of stroy.




    So after telling my group exactly what to do on the Prototype droids in TFP False Emperor, they continued to run around like it was pvp, dragging the Droid out of the protective circle, and naturally it would one shot them, and everyone else.


    After 3 wipes and me not being able to do a thing about it because I didn't have a taunt, a player on a dps Juggernaut that refused to come out of his tank stance, a sniper that insisted on being 34.99999 feet away, and a some kind of sorcerer that was running around hitting Kolto stations as if they were health turrets, the whole group left because 98000 damage in one shot = broken flashpoint. Its like they don't even read chat. Chaos. Stop causing chaos.


    Good thing one only needs a single healing companion to solo False Emperor TFP

  16. Bioware: Here is a prime example of the impact of your overpowered companions.


    This player was carried by a healer companion deep into content they could not handle, and what is worse: they were not even able to perceive why they were not hitting the targets because the companions took so much away from the player that they had absolutely no awareness of how the game operates.


    Now how do you think this player is going to fare in a tactical flashpoint?


    This is just one of the ways you are destroying your own game.

  17. There is an easy fix - join a Guild where you can get a group of regular people to do whatever it is you're queuing for. If you're not willing to do that, and insist on PUG'ing, ... well .... it is a PUG, so stop whining about it. :)


    Missing the point though, pre 4.0 this wasn't a problem at all. You would get an odd bad group, but nothing as consistent as these days.

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