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Posts posted by PulseRazor

  1. every time i log in its the same amount of players or even more then before. Seems like the game is picking up speed. I cant wait until GW2 etc comes out so these pro gamers and their inflated expectations, pith, and ire, find another game to spit on, and SWToR is filled with Kotor/SW fans, like it was intended.


    Its shiny, its new... but it obviously isnt for you.


    So many people play this game with no interest in the lore or franchise, just to be on board the latest new thing.


    I hear Kotex has a new line comming out, you should try it. Then you can flood their boards with your complaints about how they dont fit.

  2. There has always been a theme of dissent within the republic, the fact that star wars isnt colored with crass, ham fisted brush strokes of Good and Evil is what makes it so rich with flavor.


    Sorry you are not pleased with your game experience, maybe you can go to college and start a career in video game developement and see if you can do any better. I look forward to playing your game.

  3. I chose Republic, since I knew that most people would roll Imperial, and it would make for a more challenging world pvp experience, and I would fully know the game by the time I rolled an imperial which I intend to be a complete and total World PvP menace with, and in teh event the game didnt turn out the way I hoped, I could always have the evil fun factor to fall back on.
  4. Nah. Think of it like this. The Stims on your hotbar are like.... in your pocket. So if you are rummaging around for creds to throw at a cantina Twilek and you jab a stim in your thigh.. thats on you. Put your stims in your inventory if they are that important to you, call it your back-pack. press your inventory hotkey, and have them ligned up where you can click them fast.



    or stick it at the top of your left or right hotbar. I cant say I have ever accidentaly popped a consumable on a goof-job.

  5. I get about 50ms ping max, 30ish fps on a system that would be rated as 'low end' - My processer doesent meet reccomended spec, and my graphics card is a gt550 nvidia that I grabbed from a clerarance bin almost 3 years ago. And I dont play on max settings minus bloom.


    My computer runs this game better then it ran World of Warcrap.

  6. Doesent sound like there is any reason for you to continue, this game obviously wasnt made for you, apart from the "ITS NEW" appeal. Might I suggest, Call of Duty, or WoW...


    I continue because I like Star Wars, I like Kotor, Sci Fi, Et Cetera, and I like seeing pixillated avatars die by my design. In Fact, these are the reasons I came to this game in the first place.


    Why did you come? What did you expect? This game delivers everything it said it would.

  7. The game gets fun when you set aside your expectations for it to be a wow clone and embrace the fact that it is Kotor Online, nothing more, nothing less. When you embrace the fact that it is a Theme park MMO, based on a theme that you enjoy.


    Why people stick with something that isnt fun, and go a step further to try to persuade others subtly or blatently that it isnt fun sounds a lot like having a sore on the roof of your mouth that would heal over if you would just stop tounging it.


    If you arent having fun with Anything this world has to offer, turn away from it. Find something that satisfies you. Dont waste your life hating just because our current social age has everyone hating something and being unsatisfied with their lives.



    I have dozens of reasons why I think WoW is Garbage. I have never shared them with anyone before because I dont think it is necessary, no one benefits from my opinion, it adds nothing constructive to society and undermines people's enjoyment.




    For me, this game will get a lot more fun when all the MLG/$3k PC Rig/Min-Maxer wannabes realize that "We dont serve their kind here." - The game will get fun when the Droids are left outside. Dig?

  8. I wonder how social individuals within an MMO community are as a demograph.


    Someone has to initiate conversation, and if you notice the social void, maybe it should be you. This can be something as simple as saying " Hello Empire, Hello Taris" and wait for a response. After that it is up to your social skills to forge a friendship.

  9. You can look forward to hearing nothing but pith and ire on the forums, as is the current social trend to belittle Everything. Most people satisfied with the game (the type of people who embrace wat the world offers them, and simply turn away from things that dont satisfy them) are too busy playing the game to bother posting mon the forums about how awesome it is.


    That said, it isnt WoW, it was never intended to be, and will never be WoW. It is Kotor ONLINE, rich with Star Wars/Kotor lore and art, and was intended for people who enjoy it, not intended to capture WoW market share. Star Wars is one of the most sucessful fiction franchise' in history, and this game is currently its best offering in virtual interactive entertainment.


    The game isnt gonna 'die' in March, subscriptions will undoubtably increase as it moves forward, the game will only get better.

  10. Best gear in one week?


    I shudder to think how much you are playing to run through the game in less then a week. I consider myself a pretty heavy gamer, and I play this game every day for hours... I am no where near the end of act one on any character, I am thoroughly enjoying the game.


    Maybe if less min maxers played the game 24/7 and treating it like a Job would take a step back and evaluate why they are playing this game to begin with we could have a constructive forum.

  11. Republic vs Empire is a political faction theme, and within any political system there is room for good and ill, hemce the constant themes of Republic Corruption, implying that is isnt against cannon for a Republic citizen to be dark side alligned. There have even been instances in the Clone Wars cartoons where Empire citizens were very moral and 'light alligned'. Being conquered by an evil empire doesent make you evil.


    There is plenty opportunity for a emp to be 'good'

  12. Thank you, I understand now, I was under the impression that the title was made up for Tarkin, which I believe I read somewhere in the Dark Lord Trilogy.


    Your clarification is appreciated, but some could have explained it with less pith.

  13. The Title Grand Moff as I understood it was invented by Emperor Palpatine, Tarkin was the first to hold the title. I wonder if Bioware considered this before placing a 'Grand Moff' in their game during the OR era. I doubt inconsistancies like this will change because of the voice acting scripts, but it would have been nice to have finer attention paid to these details.


    Great game though.



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