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Posts posted by fresnosmokey

  1. I would very much like to see the quests on each planet split into two for different levels. Half the quests at one level, then you leave and come back later to do the other higher level half so that the quests on each planet don't take so long that it turns into drudgery and you feel like you're making more headway and moving the story along better.
  2. I've only had the game for a couple of weeks so forgive my ignorance. I'm interested in healing, so I rolled a sorcerer. I was wondering about the talent tree/points. Should I be leveling in corruption? Or should I be leveling in madness for leveling and respeccing corruption later, as perhaps the talent tree/points might not be significant until a certain point? And, if so, what point would I need to respec? Thanks in advance for any tips/advice.


    **I'm aware that the answer to my question may be somewhere in the forums, but I don't really care to search through the forums and go through that tedium.

  3. Some things I thought of that may have already been addressed in this thread, but I'm not going to read all of that:


    1. Visual artifacts. Lightsabers appearing on and lightsaber blades appearing where they were at one point or will be. Weapon clipping. Khem Val's wears his vibrosword sticking right through his back and sometimes Kira Carsens lightsaber appears on and holstered would've sliced off a few inches off of her side.


    2. Mailing system is a bit cumbersome. Doesn't remember names especially.


    3. If we're all going to be doing the same things in the same places, items that we need to gather, turn off, turn on, take readings of, and whatever else need to spawn quicker. It is a real pain to have to stand in line waiting for a computer terminal to respawn. To me, this is one of the larger small issues.

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