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Posts posted by fresnosmokey

  1. Yeah, I think that the skills/talents system could use an overhaul/streamlining. It's got a bit of bloat and a lot of cost. I did like the way WoW simplified their system (Wrath or Cat, I forget which): simplify the talent tree, every odd level get a talent point, every even level (or thereabouts) get a skill, train a skill once and it levels with you. Simplify, but keep talents and skills because that's just as much a reward system as dropping loot. Just my opinion.
  2. Be honest. You also said:




    In other words, "BW is going to do what they want, not what you want, so shut up and play or leave."


    Well, they are. Whether it's their deal or something from the forums. It's what they're going to do and on their timetable, not yours. I don't have any idea what it takes to implement something in an MMO and neither does anyone else on this forum. And no, I never said "shut up and play or leave" I advocated for constructive criticism and being patient or just leaving rather than pitching a fit and throwing threats about leaving.

  3. If the customer provides no feedback, they have no way of knowing what the customer enjoys or hates, and thus no way of knowing which types of content to focus their resources on.


    Now, could people be more constructive? Certainly, but that's not the same as shutting up and taking whatever they are given.


    Where in my post did I say "Shut up and take what you're given"? What I said what "Give me X or I /ragequit" and "You didn't do what I want so I /ragequit" is getting old.

  4. Somewhere between 75-90% of the original subscriber base did that in the first few months. That's why we have a CM store today. We also have far fewer players today than at launch, even with the game being "free". It's not all smiles und sunshine, pretending it is does no one any good.


    "Give me X or I quit." and "You didn't do X so I quit" doesn't do anyone any good either, especially because after all this time it's just a bunch of BS talk, otherwise they would just leave because evidently whining, complaining, and raging isn't doing any good.

  5. I don't care "where" this game is going. As long as I continue to enjoy the game, I will keep playing. I just wish that the people demanding to be catered to would just leave rather than "give me X or I'll leave." Like they're going to do anything within any sort of time frame to prevent anyone from actually leaving. They're going to do what they're going to do when they're going to do it and they're not going to do what you want on your timetable, so instead of /ragequit just quit or give some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and be patient. The "give me X or I quit" or "you didn't do X so I quit" is getting really tiresome.
  6. I find this rather amusing. A lot of these "Kill X" quests (certainly not all, but a lot) you are going to do anyway while doing your story line quests, so why not get a little extra xp while you do them? And they are automatic and incidental. They could've made each and every one of these "Kill X" and "Gather Y" quests given by a quest giver a la WoW. Would we all rather do it that way?
  7. Coming from WoW I operate under the following rule when playing with people I dont know:


    I am here for the experience, fun, achievement, etc NOT the loot. If I get loot that is a bonus.


    If other people want to argue over it more power to them, Im already off on my own adventure by the time that happens. Its not just Freeps that do this, its a whole lot of subbers too. Sorry you had to witness people fighting over pixels but it is what it is.




    I agree with you. While I enjoy getting loot as much as the next guy, I stick by the standard generally agreed upon loot rules and take whatever comes without complaint. However, if someone has an extreme reaction to loot: needing on everything no matter what, pitching a fit and arguing, or whatever, I will use that to determine whether or not I might want to group with them again.

  8. Hey, can we get clearer and more readable maps, please? One would think that a futuristic map would be very clear and very readable. I've seen more readable maps from the age of exploration.
  9. If the Cathar are successful, the next races most likely to be added will be those that take the least effort to implement. More near-humans or humanoids that speak basic and that they won't have to create all new armor models for, at least not until they can justify spending the time, effort, and money. Zeltrons, Dathomirians, Duros and Sullistan could be possible, as well as Echani. Although you can fake Echani now with a light skinned human with white hair, but you can't get the silver eyes. I wouldn't count on Togruta (despite popularity), Devaronians, or Mon Calamari, or any other odd shaped races.
  10. This isn't all that important in the grand scheme of things, but can we please have the vendor price of things in the tooltip? All things. Just whites or better. Just greens or better. Any one of those would be good.
  11. Sorry but I flat out reject that notion they cant afford 0.50/day to play a game


    If 0.50/day truely is to much of a strain on someone

    Well they probably shouldnt be wasting time playing online anyways


    And dont use the disability/fixed income story as LOTS OF PEOPLE on fixed incomes find a way to afford 0.50/day cost.


    Im sorry but there has to be a cut off point

    Either you can afford this or you cant

    if you cant, you shouldnt be playing IMO


    Me personally, Im on a VERY TIGHT fixed income and I play TO SAVE MONEY

    $0.50/day here is ALLOT cheaper entertainment then any other entertainment out there so I actually save money by subscribing on a monthly basis


    Sorry but it comes down to personal choices and responsibility.

    If $0.50 day truely is to much cost for someone

    I gotta ask how they afford computers?

    Upgrade computers?

    Pay internet costs?

    Pay power costs of running internet?



    Which all brings us back to

    BECOME a Subscriber

    and you get the faster xp and all the other goodies associated with the subscriber account.


    I'll never agree that F2P is good for a game because cash shops are unreliable income that rarely gets put back in games and almost always lead to developers working harder on updating cash shops (which is already happening here btw) then updating game for subscribers.


    I agree. This game is a luxury, not a necessity. A subscription MMO is one of the best entertainment values out there. Unless you can still get TV on an antenna for free, you aren't going to do better than fifteen bucks a month for hours and days of entertainment at any time, day or night.


    What the heck do you people expect? Do you expect to get the whole game for free? Just how long do you think the game would last that way? If the powers that be start relaxing the restrictions of f2p then where is the incentive be for us subscribers to stay subbed? And just who do you think that the powers that be are going to want to please? Those that give them money? Or those that don't?

  12. Well, I played WoW for years and SWTOR did several things right in comparison. Fully voiced questing with choices rather than reading (probably not) paragraphs of text. Those tedious "kill 10" and "gather 10" quests being incidental and automatic when doing storyline quests is a much better system. Short two man and four man instances (while leveling) rather than 7 man (minimum) long dungeons that end up being ignored and even shunned after a certain amount of time. Companions and romance, although I feel there is plenty of room for improvement. If you're doing that in WoW (at least in your head), get some help - - now. Yeah there are issues, but like someone else has said what game hasn't? Many things in SWTOR I will be looking for in future MMO's that I might play and for now I am really enjoying myself with this game.
  13. Just a little thing, but can we please get rid of the lip liner on the male NPC's? The mascara isn't so bad and sometimes adds some depth to the eyes. The lip liner makes the guys look like they've been munching on Oreo cookies with dry mouth. It's so minor that no one is probably going to care, but it actually looks kind of gross and disgusting. Getzo in Nem'ro's palace makes me want to retch.
  14. No. Dear God, no. And not just Gangnam Style idiocy, either. No fad baloney at all. Forget the fact that it was idiotic to begin with, it is out of style. That makes it even worse. That's why they shouldn't do any fad style anything. When things inevitably go out of style, they look stupid and when they look stupid in the first place, they enter the realm of idiocy.
  15. I could go for this. I could also go for making some of the non-standard colors available at lower levels through some other game mechanic than the Cartel Market, as well. I wouldn't mind colors other than blue, red, green, yellow, and maybe orange that didn't cost several hundred thousand credits a piece (on the GTN).
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