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Posts posted by TurokDarkstar

  1. I got this beat by a mile. Second round of voidstar, the Imperials (attackers) whole team spawns on the other side of the doors. They can't progress without planting on the first door. So they set charges from the other side, while we disarm them from the correct side. 6 minutes of that.


    Cheaters justice, I say.

  2. Greetings,


    Seeing as we already have several threads address this topic, we've closed this thread and...


    Ok, just kidding.


    But yeah, the event is a good thing. Say no to instance content and yes to world PvP!

  3. I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


    I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


    Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


    Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


    Can't tell if serious.

  4. Just seems kinda pointless if it is movement speed when we already have force slow 50% and Telekinetic Trow 50% =100% to lock stuff down.


    You don't need to face targets to use weaken mind, it's an instant ability with no CD, it lasts longer than force slow and it does more damage than force slow. Just an all around great ability for healers.

  5. "If I could leave you with one thought, remember, it wasn't me. They're trying to make me an escape goat. If I am fired, every single piece of copier paper in this town is going to have the F-word on it. The F-word. You have one day."


    "One day for what?"


    "That's-- they always give a ultimatum."

  6. AriTrk:


    My post was indicative of my general experience in both Warzones and those I've encountered doing the new Correllia dailies (i.e. I doubt I am based on the pool of players I've fought against post nerf).




    In Warzones, I am mostly ignored to the detriment of the enemy team (especially post nerf). It's also why I originally used the word, "stealthy" when describing the deep balance spec. Most of the abilities I listed aren't visually flashy enough to raise any red flags. Tactical positioning and movement also improve your chances of getting these attacks off successfully without having five marauders jump you.




    Let me be clear, if I'm focused I will die in under three seconds. I'm not claiming to be rambo, mowing downing legions of enemies before me. I'm saying that sage is still competitive and not broken.




    I'll agree that the GCD makes the balance spec very hard to pull off (especially relative to other class that can go through half that many GCD's and exceed our numbers). But some of our abilities have nifty little features, like not having to face our targets to use them. In this case, while kiting, some GCD's aren't that big of a deal.


    Edit: Let me clarify that when I use the word "broken", I mean just that. Our abilities function correctly (*mind trick* There is no delay with project :) ) for the most part and we are still deadly. But relative to other classes? Sure, we could use some tweaking. We could use some fixes, but we are not useless in PvP.

  7. Two things though. First, over-nerfing someone's favored class is more likely to cause them to unsubscribe than extend their subscription.


    Second, SWTOR is never going to be like WoW in this sense. Nobody grew up with Shamans or Druids or Pandas or whatever the hell classes WoW has these days. Jedi are one of the most iconic pop culture characters in the world. The developers had to know that the Jedi classes would be more popular, and I just can't imagine they think they can affect that with nerfs. As long as the Jedi classes carry lightsabers, they will be more popular than the other classes. That is unavoidable, and the developers must know that.


    Pretty much this.


    And I'm gonna give the developer's the benefit of the doubt and assume that isn't the case. But what the hell was it then? The only thing I can think of is, like the nerf to tracer round, the developers didn't want us spamming the same ability. Ok, that makes sense. Go ahead and nerf TK throw, but buff something else! Our DoT's could use a little bit of "omph" considering they can simply be cleansed away. How about an additional two seconds on sever? Something to compensate for our TK throw.


    Unless of course the developers thought us to be some kind of dps monsters.. Nope, our pebble throw visual is indicative of our actual dps.

  8. It's not a re-skin. I assume you are referring to the Tythonian Adept Robe. They are not that similar.


    And the level 40 pvp armor. They look similar enough to me, and rather fugly.


    I read something yesterday here on the forums that had me laughing and in complete agreement with. "I wouldn't be surprised if they expected male consulars to wear panties and bra's". Pretty much sums up with what we have to work with.

  9. mmo pvp is not, will never and should not be balanced for 1on1.


    The internet is not, will never and should never be lacking meme's.


    But seriously, I see this posted once in a while without any sort of subsentence. Why would such a thing be terrible and what MMO does not do just that?

  10. lets face the real facts...

    They said it was due to overpopulation, which was obviously driven by utility when it was simply driven by "wanting to be the emperor" when the game first came out, because its just Sorcs that are over populated, not Sages.


    I'd like to see a quote of a dev saying this. I'd be furious to learn we were nerf'd because there were to many of us. That's an absolutely absurd reason to nerf a class.

  11. Sniper is beaten by one simple strategy employed by any class, LoS. Cleanse can hurt our DPS, but LoS completely negates sniper dps. And assassins are no different from any other aggressive tank/dpser. Kite and DoT. If they use a closer, stun and get distance and start all over again.


    Anyway, this thread has run its course. Sage is not broken, it needs to be reevaluated (dps nerf was uncalled for and cleanse hurts our SUSTAINED damage way to much) at some point though. I don't mean to be rude, but your overreacting. The sky hasn't fallen, we're still valuable to a team (only smuggs/agents have as many tricks as we do) and a good player won't have to much trouble in 1v1.

  12. I win most 1v1s against Mercs/Commandos, Sorc/Sages, Assassin/Shadow, Sniper/Gunslinger, the only 2 I will frequently die from 1v1 are Maras/Sents and Ops/Scoundrals..


    Mara/Sents are doable. Initial stun and a few healthy applications of sever + DoT's while on the go will throw a wrench into their aggressive momentum. Operatives are a different story. I relied on Kinetic collapse to deal with them. It's gonna get a bit more difficult now. :(

  13. I'm not entirely certain of that quest (Belavis was a long time ago for me), but perhaps I can offer some generic advice that might help.


    • Turn off auto-holiday and manually use her when you need time to recoup.
    • Follow up with a deliverance while holiday is activated.
    • Force slow is your friend, use it it to effectively kite tough bosses while staying in range of the healer companion.
    • Apply DoT's on the go. The only time your stationary is when your trying to get a PoM proc.
    • Force slow is your friend. :)

  14. I need to vent. Call this whining if you like, but it's not even primarily about the nerf.


    Why have the devs completely ignored all the legitimate suggestions and complaints about this class? They have no problem nerfing a class that wasn't overpowered to begin with, but when there are legitimate concerns, they get completely ignored.


    - Atrocious, clownish outfits that no male character would ever wear. And what do we get in 1.2? The off-one-shoulder look. Why not just make our male Sages wear bras and panties? Absolutely agree. This isn't a matter of subjective tastes. The armor is universally unappealing.


    - Boring animation for our primary skill, telekinetic throw. And even more boring animations for our DoTs and Force in Balance. Which, now that most of us won't be using TK Wave, means all of the animations for skills we routinely use are boring as hell. The only decent animation othe than TK Wave is Disturbance, which no one ever uses because it is so underpowered. The worst aspect of the class in my opinion. Throwing pebbles at the enemy is not heroic, iconic or any other hot word that might kick the LA overmasters into gear. TK is a primary attack, we use it often -- and it's dreadfully boring.


    - Useless, stat-stick lightsabers. These last two could be easily fixed. No change in mechanics or balance required. Just an animation or two that don't stink. Maybe throwing a lightsaber instead of pieces of gravel. This I don't care to much about. I knew going in that this was gonna be a mage class and the glowbat was simply a stat-stick. Personally, I'm happy wih it. Especially the run animation, it's just awesome.


    I'm not even getting into the complaints about PvP.


    Suffice to say, they take away the one fun aspect of playing a DPS Sage (instant TK Waves from PoM) and ignore all of the other things people have been nearly unanimously complaining about or suggesting since the game was in beta. I am just overwhelmingly disappointed in the developers right now.


    The only reason I would like to see Tele as a viable PvP spec is for the ability effects. Everything in that tree is less boring than throwing brown rocks at people all day.

  15. Weaken mind



    TK Throw

    Mind Crush

    Force in Balance + Sever


    Reapply DoT's/Force Slow

    Kite + Sever

    TK Throw

    Target Dies


    Pick new target and begin again.


    All 1.2 did was force people out of AoE/Burst and into a much more stealthy, controlling, mobile and deadly spec. The Balance nerf's sucked, but it's not the end of the world. I'm not getting inflated damage numbers in WZ's anymore. Instead, my 250k-350k numbers more accurately reflect my single target dps.


    The only tears I'm shedding are for Seer's.

  16. Let me catch a lone mara on my squishy broken nerf'd into uselessness sage. I love catching them when their pocket healers are otherwise occupied. Then it's time for some marauder stomping. Perhaps I'm being too bold, and just haven't fought a decent one yet. But even post 1.2, it's like a fight between a wasp and a spider.
  17. Ranged and Melee characters are properly balanced. Both have abilities to escape from and close on each other. I'd say that the exception would be Ops/Scoun because their closer (stealth) isn't always accessible.
  18. Darth Vader, because he's awesome. I mean this really is a "who do you like better" veiled question, right? Revan has to much of a fanboy following for me to hop on board. Besides, he didn't really have a personality until swtor came out, and even so I'm not impressed with it.


    Vader is all business. I don't care about all the prequel/EU malarkey. Vader in the trilogy is just a great character.

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