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Everything posted by Vincire

  1. I'm probably not going to continue playing beyond today. I did give it a couple of days to see if I could put up with 1.2 PvP and I think I am going bow out of SWTOR until the fix the situation.
  2. The recruit gear is a waste of credits. It doesn't go far enough in lessening the gear gap since crutchpertise has been adjusted and battlemaster gear has had it's crutchpertise values incresed significantly. The gear gap between a fresh 50 and one with BM gear is just as bad or worse.
  3. I agree with the OP and cancelled my account also. I am hoping GW2 is like the first. Especially in 1.2, Gear trumps skill in PvP even if you spent the cash and bought the recruit gear. I'm not sure what BioWare intends for PvP but I think they should evalueate who they have leading the PvP crew and maybe consider some fresh leadership. It is not working.
  4. I've cancelled. I do not like what they have done in terms of PvP.
  5. I feel like this game is turning into Warhammer Online all over again.
  6. I am not sure what they are trying to do. I get the feeling that their PvP team is disjointed and lost. I'm reminded of Warhammer Online more and more. I'm pretty disappointed that when rated WZs come, you cannot queue as anything other than an 8man team. I thought their original plan was to allow us to queue solo through a full group of 8. GW2 cannot come soon enough.
  7. I agree with the OP. If Rated teams are thrown into games with non-rated players (those non-rated players most likely trying to gear up) AND receive ratings increase for fighting said ragtag PuGs, then the system is broken from the get go and will only server to arificially inflate ratings while diminishing the sense of fair play for the non-rated PuG. If Bioware is unable to gaurantee that the two types of PvP will never mix without cross-server PvP, then rated warzones should NOT be implemented until the Cross-Server PvP queues are ready for deployment.
  8. I'd like to see PvP experience bumped up myself but it's not a game breaker for me.
  9. Solo endgame with 3 companions? Sign me up! I would love some sort of non-raid endgame PvE along these lines. My only complaint about this game is that after you've completed the wonderful solo friendly leveling experiences, you're expected to be funneled into group-centric endgame content. I grew tired of that in TBC. Furthermore, I love the idea that it would have it's own progression and would fit very well with how the game is set-up. I might further suggest scalability so that you can duo these things with a friend. BioWare, make this happen and I will never buy another game
  10. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do other than grind out unfun warzones as an inefffective fresh 50. I was in the same boat and eventually dropped my 50 in favor of an alt. 50 PvP is about 90% gear and 10% skill which is a real shame. Stick it out and get your gear. At that point you should have stats enough to where skill will matter.
  11. So no Pve endgame for those of us that don't like raiding? Color me very disappointed.
  12. I kind of like this feature actually. I wish I could share companions across my characters also
  13. Why? There is no sane justification for this.
  14. I 100% agree with the OP and the sentiment that it will create a Rich Get Richer, Poor Get Poorer condition. If the situation the OP fears goes live, I will find myself very seriously considering leaving the game. I don't like 50 PvP in it's current incarnation but at least I am still able to stick it out and eventually get the same gear BMs have and level the playing field. If rated WZs implement gear with better stats, it will create an impossible to close gear disparity that will ruin normal PvP for all of us more casual players. Give them Titles, Mounts, and gear with different looks but don't ruin PvP for the rest if us by also giving gear with better stats as well. Please do not turn the PvP portion of this game into "Gear Wars".
  15. How is getting feedback and influence from the sub 1% player demographic a smart thing? Bioware should care less about such a tiny fraction of customers and potential customers and instead focus on making this game a good experience for all. Endgame raiding is not any kind of savior to this game if only a minority of Players use the content.
  16. This is true. However the ranged capabilities and over all versatility outstrip the Guardian. My powertech is better than my Juggernaut and Guardian (50 and 46) in almost every way.
  17. Range has a large advantage over melee so my vote is for Vanguard.
  18. ...... another one of these responses eh? This game already provides a fantastic 1-50 SOLO experience. Once you hit 50 you either group up, grind the same six boring dailies ad naseum, reroll, or quit. Why provide an excellent solo experience if it is not extended past 50 after investing all that time? MMOs are about options and different ways to play and not forcing everyone into one tiny little narrow view of what an MMO is supposed to be.
  19. Progressive content for solo/duo players is a must especially at level cap. This game has a fantastic solo experience from 1-50 and then ..... Nothing. A solo progressive endgame would do much for retaining subscriptions of the casual crowd.
  20. I'd rather see crafting become an alternative to raiding. The economy in this game would be so much better.
  21. My pyro powertech is incapable of healing or knockbacks at 34. Furthermore, he doesn't dish out much damage from range and must close melee distance in order to be most effective. Not all bounty hunters can do everything...
  22. While this might be true, the experience is not fun. Some of us like to actually enjoy the experience. What is the point of a game where you have to slog through a significant period of frustration just to get to the fun part of 50 pvp?
  23. Raids do not appeal to everyone which leaves a huge portion of the player base hungry for true alternatives that are more compatible with different play styles. With the few options available at endgame, it's a small wonder there are so many dissatisfied customers.
  24. I also agree. I play fairly casually and if what the OP is saying comes to pass, I won't be able to enjoy a level playing field which will result in me cancelling my account. PvP is too gear-centric as it is. However, if ranked Warzones allow casual/solo-queue players the ability to join and progress I don't the issue will be as severer.
  25. I've grown used to the restriction since Beta but I feel that the restriction was a bit unnecessary. The more customization options players have the better. Besides, my Light Sith Warrior received a number of nice Red crystals mailed to him he could never use..
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