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Everything posted by RavenMuse

  1. From the looks of it most changes won't effect me in the slightest. I'm not about to start new toons (I already have 8 on both servers I play on, so would need to delete on to make room.... not happening in the foreseeable future).... family tree etc is simply fluff and irrelevant. The mailbox and GTN available on ship (Once unlocked) is welcome and will be convenient. I'm holding judgement on the crafting changes, but those IF done right will have the most impact for me (I enjoy crafting) Sure nerfs are going to happen... but that is always going to be the case, it isn't specific to 1.2, it is simply a fact of MMO life... nerf happens! I've a few levels yet (6) before I max my first toon, so the new daily will simply be part of what I get used to once I hit endgame. I've not raided with my guild yet so same with the new content... it will all be new to me, not just the 1.2 stuff.
  2. Piece of advice.... whilst it apparently goes against your base nature, in this case forget about 'being polite'... being polite once he turned into creepy stalker boy was what has allowed this situation to detract from your enjoyment of the game. /ignore is your friend USE it... if he turns up with an alt, /ignore that too and go about what you where going to do. If he starts griefing, put a ticket in regarding his behaviour... all of it. Baseline, the guy is a freak, what he is doing is inappropriate.... but by interacting with him AT ALL you are encouraging it.
  3. Stupid idea.... many items already take far more mats to create than the price the market will sustain the items to be sold for. Look at speeders for instance....just one part of that is 22 mats only acquirable from missions... regardless of any other mat cost that alone pushes the price higher than the market will pay = I don't make it, I don't use any mats = the value of the mats you have drop even more because I don't buy them!
  4. Given the rather small minority you appear to be in and you have so many people telling you it is working as normal (I picked up two more since that last post simply doing the quest directly outside DK space port)... it is LUCK however much you wish to try and paint it otherwise.
  5. Same here, Got commendation drops within the last hour on Drommund Kaas with my lvl12 maurauder. Your luck must just stink at the moment.
  6. And I differ with you. Either gear or skill or both IMO is the only way... especially lack of skill on the DPS side in effectivly taking the healer out of the equation. Healing does NOT need nerfing... especially not regarding PvE
  7. I have no sudden itch to play a race/class combo that I haven't already got.... But then I have my full compliment, 8 on each of the two servers I play on... and I'm certainly not deleting any of them just to play a different race when the only difference is cosmetic! The only thing I've seen so far in the legacy system that I will welcome is certain facility's being available on ship, such as mailbox and GTN... that's useful , the rest so far is window dressing that has zero functionality for me.
  8. OK, one reason I'm such an altoholic is I enjoy the crafting side of games.... I have 8 toons on each side and cover every crafting skill on each side... heck of a lot of work ahead of me I know (Only one maxed out so far, but only been here a month!) For there to be any point to having crafting in a game it has to be viable.... it has to produce something other folks want. Lower-than-max stuff is dependent mostly on folks leveling their alts (First character levelers don't tend to have the spare credits to buy that much off the market)... so lower than max, however well it is done simply isn't going to make for a viable system. It may surprise you to find that I agree that the very best gear available in the game should come from the top tier raids, NOT from crafting... however crafting 'should' top out higher than anything EXCEPT raid gear, IF people are gearing up through doing dailys then top end crafting needs to be 'slightly' better than that. Anyone can do dailys...... why the heck should crafted gear that requires mats from raids not be at least slightly better than stuff folks can get without anyone raiding?
  9. I've no problem with anything of that nature for PvP, IF you are doing it seriously then you are in a pre-made. Other than that there is zero interaction needed. PvE however, Heck I'd rather see none-at-all, not even same server (Though that would be the lesser of two evils). My issue is about standards of behaviour, some have come here with bad habits already formed because of being in situations where they thought there was zero accountability. Unlikely to ever randomly meet these folks again so no repercussions for nasty childish behaviour. If you have to go out and actualy put in work to form a group, your face gets known.... for good or for bad. Play well, behave well, be friendly and those people will be likely to keep an eye out for you in future and give you first refusal on any group slot. Act like an idiot and people will not want to group with you, your bad behaviour earns you a bad reputation and soon you couldn't find a group no matter what.... all your own fault and you ARE accountable. Bring in a Random grouper and that accountability is lost..... multi-server ones even more so. Bad idea unless the dev's WANT the hostile atmosphere and spead of negative behaviour from there into other aspects of the game. (And whilst kids ARE the worst culprits, they are not the ONLY culprits that lower their standards of behaviour when not accountable. I've seen players who I've known where older than me do so (Late 40's))
  10. Ship droid by a long shot... anyone else I don't like, once I have a couple of comps to choose from, if I don't like them they sit on the ship and quietly craft and don't bother me again. The droid irritates me every darn time I enter the ship... or leave the ship... or move around on the ship.... grrrrrrrrrr I want to rip out its vocal circuits!
  11. What a rather blinkered world view you appear to have. Not everyone who plays MMO's is some nimble fingered teen, some of us old farts have other things to account for, like arthritic hands. I'm actually in neither camp because I use a little of both, a few easily accessible keys for my main talents and click the rest when mobility isn't as essential.... but to try and access the full range of keys... not going to happen, I simply can't move the fingers that fast especially after playing for a while without a break. Not everyone who doesn't play the way you arrogantly assume is the best way for everyone is doing it wrong. and FYI... whilst I don't consider myself a great player by any means, I was good enough to have been guild MT in two successive guilds over the last 5 years, so I am certainly not the worst either. And another huge point you seem to miss... thinking you HAVE to play in a fashion you don't enjoy..... it's a game, if you ain't enjoying it, your doing it wrong!
  12. Glad I am not alone.... looked like a slope that I could walkdown... at least from my camera angle.... till I plummeted to my death.... ooops
  13. This is a continual problem when the devs pander to the PvP brigade... PvE suffers and games such as this one are primarily PvE (With a PvP sideshow).... I hope they wise up before ending up crippling their game like so many before them have done for this very reason. That said, one of the player skills needed in any game, especially one so new out of the starting blocks is periodically adjusting to changes in ability's to make the most of what you now have. So yes, some of my toons will get hit with the nerf bat... I will adjust, the group I heal or tank for will adjust (Both to their own changes and to the changes in My role) such changes may slow us down but unless they utterly screw it up to the point of unplayability, once we adjust we continue moving forward.
  14. I'm nowhere even close.... My lvl 44 has less than 100k currently but she just got cybertech to 400 and is within 16-20points of maxing her scavenging and UT. That last batch of recipies from the skill trainer was expensive. They need to put more GTN's ingame, I'd have been more involved in the market had that been the case, but I'm not going to fly to another planet to trade when I'm mostly leveling. Most of my crafting has however benefited my guildmates and I don't tend to charge guildies thus it hasn't benefited my credit balance LOL
  15. Maybe you just picked the wrong server... unless it's like 3am then both servers I play on have a reasonable population and the game isn't yet old enough that 95% of the servers pop are sat around at max level on fleet waiting for their next PvP or HM group, mostly 20 - 50 folks per planet that I've encountered so far.
  16. As someone primarily focused on PvE, for me they shouldn't put in a LF..FP at all. The random nature of such simply promotes negative behaviour through a feeling of lack of accountability. If people have to take the time to get to know folks and it takes effort to find groups then it promotes better behaviour as those who behave like idiots won't get grouped with again and those folks who are decent will get first call on any group. PvP it doesn't matter as much who you are grouped with, you don't tend to interact anyhow unless you are in a pre-made.... and if you are serious about PvP then you'll have found others who are too and be in a pre-made, kicking seven bells out of any random group.
  17. 1. Vibroknife/shotgun not being REable from the start and NO ingame notification that you are wasting your time/mats if you try..... leading to many people getting as frustrated as all heck before checking if there is a problem with those items. 2. uncollectable nodes cluttering the minimap 3. Not being able to be 100% confident that my companion will actually attack the mobs I've sent him to attack rather than stand there and watch the group of mobs kick the heck out of me. Those are 'minor' issues and fixable 4. Players with antisocial bad habits/attitudes/playstyles picked up in other MMO's.... unfortunately there is no patch fix for 'stupid'
  18. If I want to group... it will be guildies or RL friends..... if those are not available, I solo, I will NOT pug. Too many extremely bad experiences of PUG's elsewhere, total morons who simply can't play but blame everything on other people, in the most obnoxious and offensive manner possible. DPS standing in fire having pulled three groups of mobs whilst the tank is already busy with the last group... then ranting at the healer for not keeping his lame *** alive. Tanks that think healers have infinite mana and don't need at least a few seconds between their chain pulls.... and when the inevitable happens ... OOM! the healer is cussed to blue blazes and told to L2P And as a tank.... well don't get me started on the offensive diatribes that get heaped on you from clueless muppets. too many PUG's have the attitude that they are unlikely to ever group with these people again so it doesn't matter how unpleasant they are.... they are not accountable. Now I'm VERY picky about what guild I join.... ageist it may be but I don't care. Again experience has taught me only to join a guild with older leadership (Preferably 30+), a much higher chance that childish and/or offensive behaviour simply won't be tolerated and the guild maintains a friendly, helpfull, sociable atmosphere. As it happens I've found such guilds on both servers I play on, however before that point... I would have appeared to be one of those anti-social folks. So possibly there are less such anti social folk than you think, they just haven't found the right guild for them yet.
  19. Learn2healz? I did, first lesson was all about not wasting heals on morons. How to spot a moron? Easy, they are stood in red circles behind me and out of line of sight behind a pillar pulling 3 groups of mobs that the tank hasn't seen..... whilst shouting in all caps for me to heal him!
  20. Yes 100% happy no, but it is doing far better than I expected given its only been going a few months. Loving the storylines and a lot of the quests, but then as a dedicated altoholic, my progress is slow but inclusive (18 toons over 2 servers.... one of each advanced class on each side). I don't pug (Never will again, but that isn't because of THIS game) but found it easy to find two decent, non-elitist guilds, run by friendly mature leadership. As per expected most guild focus is max level but that's usually going to be the case. Crafting (Which is a high priority for me) needs a lot of work BUT the basic format works well. Just need to make it more worth-while (In terms of market and desirability... thus sales). I don't mind it being hard to RE something, the harder it is, the greater the potential reward for those who manage it (Assuming the product is desirable to the wider market) Really didn't appreciate the SNAFU regarding vibroblades, There was no ingame reason to believe they (Or shotguns apparently) would be any different than any other weapon and ended up wasting hundreds of mats before running a forum search to see if there was indeed a problem (Which there is)... Marking the tooltip or simply removing the availability to RE these bugged items would have saved player frustration... not just for me! Also too many bugged nodes around... annoying but not gamebreaking so I understand why they have a lower priority, however I hope it is something that will be addressed in the near future. Overall though, given I have so little to really complain about at this early stage... fine work and gives me high hopes for the future.
  21. If people are leaving because of whats here then they have rather immature and unrealistic expectations. For a game thats 3 months old it is doing FAR better than any I've seen so far. Yes there are a few irritating bugs waiting to be fixed, some that quite vex me, however they are rightly focusing on game-breaking things rather than just irritating things. The amount of shutdowns are surprisingly few for this stage. More things get fixed in a reasonable time than most games. Overall I'm happy to stick with it and I believe it will prove worth sticking with long term.
  22. Whilst I agree with you regarding purples (Frankly I don't bother trying for purple schematics at anything below top tier) blue is easily doable whilst leveling. The thing that stops me listing is that any spare I have tends to go to alts, guildies and friends. I tend to go for the blue schematics as I level anyhow for my own use and once learned it isn't much more difficult to get the mats (Especially as I'm leveling the mission skill also). But then I am not saving for the higher levels of speeder training (IMO overpriced and going to drop in 1.2 anyhow) so I don't need as much credits as some, so can use on crafting.
  23. It doesn't need any more nerfing, leave the reusables where they are.... it isn't overpowered, it works just like a consumable, has the same cooldown etc.... just saves on cost. Frankly if everyone and their dog is taking bio, fine by me... between my alts I have all the crafting skills and the less folks doing those the larger market share/effective demand for what they make.
  24. Thats the price of being an 'early adopter'.... For the first few months there will be more kinks in the system to iron out, so a few more 'couple of hours here, hour or so there' fixes are to be expected. If you can't handle that then you should have waited till summer, t'is common sense (Unfortunately not so common!)
  25. LFG tends to kill a community anyhow because people don't have to interact... they fall into bad habits learned in WoW (Where the PUG's tend to be dire and abusive a lot of the time). Whatever they do with the tool, I won't use it, I'll find a decent guild and run with them... if they haven't enough lvl 50's by the time I get there then I'll help my guildies level, end of problem!
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