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Everything posted by DWho

  1. Give it a few weeks. Right now you have a lot of Ranked players expressing their displeasure at Bioware's decision to get rid of Ranked by making everyone else miserable. Eventually they will get tired of it and things will settle back down or they will leave.
  2. Part of the problem may be related to a mismatch between where the computer/server thinks you are and where you "really" are. This was introduced in one of the graphical updates a few years back and players that play a lot of certain content have learned how to break LOS using it (you can even be behind "cover" and have a PC or NPC shoot straight through it because the server thinks you are not behind it). There are also "holes" in meshes in a variety of places that can be exploited in a similar fashion.
  3. I watched it download it. It dowloaded 25 GB which took 15 minutes or so (which put it at 50% complete), then it downloaded another 25 GB which took another 20 minutes. So what they said is not what I experienced.
  4. That really shouldn't surprise anyone at this point
  5. There are four different planets with GSI missions (all of them count against the 10 you need). Makeb, Alderaan, Tatooine, and Hoth if I recall correctly. You don't need to do them all on one planet in one day. Personally, the only one I do on Tat is the find the droids one where you scan the sandcrawlers. The rest on Tat require way to much running around.
  6. That's for sure. Glad I have high speed fiber optic. It downloaded 25+ GB sections twice today. That would have taken all day on my old crummy phone-wire internet (DSL).
  7. Single pieces of armor sets tend to sell for less because they become bound to the character they are used on. Full sets command higher prices because they can be unlocked in collections for any character in your legacy to use (I believe it is account wide so if you are on multiple servers, they can used unlocked sets too). Getting all of the pieces, one piece at a time can be challenging, but if you are only looking for a single piece for one character, deals can be found. Even with just a few players with hundreds of billions of credits, there is always someone willing to spend the ridiculous numbers of credits, so boycotts don't work.
  8. Or remove the extra rewards for doing the missions through group finder. The intent was to get more people to participate, but in the end, what they got was increased friction between players.
  9. It's more the people you are playing with. If you are getting an inactivity warning and getting immediately vote kicked, that is just a knee jerk reaction by some of the more toxic elements in GSF (like all game modes, there are people like this). Most players won't vote kick for inactivity unless you are far away from an objective. There is a difference between the inactivity kick, which is automatic, and a vote kick which is initiated by another player (technically, you don't need any reason to vote kick some one, just enough votes to do it)
  10. 1) take a snapshot of your outfitter setup so you have proof for CS to restore "lost" items. Especially if you have old gear in it. 2) Find your snowball cannons Things to do after tomorrow's update: 1) Turn off chat for the next week or so - toxicity is likely going to be very high as Ranked players take out their frustration on everyone else. 2) avoid PVP warzones/arenas for a week or so - same reason as above 3) alternatively, just skip next week.
  11. How so, Your system creates an alternate currency that is well above what the vast majority of players will be able to acquire without buying stuff for real money from Bioware's cash shop and selling it on the GTN. The inconvenience of trading large numbers of credits is one of the few controls left on prices. If you made it easier to exchange large numbers of credits, prices would skyrocket. The game already has developed an alternate currency system, the hypercrate. All very large transactions are being done with hypercrates precisely because of the difficulties in transferring large numbers of credits. An alternate currency system removes any resistance to rising prices.
  12. So you want to create a new economy that shuts out anyone who doesn't have billions of credits (sort of like the current economy does). This won't fix inflation, it will accelerate it. Seems like a system that will just make it easier to launder credits and make off GTN trades easier (they need to be made harder so the limited credit sink that the GTN is can at least function). It also makes it easier for credit sellers to stockpile even more credits to sell.
  13. I've seen them, but overall the number of mats generated from them and deconstructing the Systech gear is down about 25% from what it is on live. It will make conquest gearing take longer.
  14. The problem with credits sinks, not that they don't need to be implemented somewhere (GTN would be the best place since the majority of credits in game pass through there at one point or another), is that they primarily impact the players playing the game (with new players impacted the most severely) and do nothing to shed the massive number of credits already in game. Many of the people with "billions" of credits don't even play the game enough to have any in game credit sink make a difference. The wrong credit sinks will move the game back to a point where someone playing the game won't even be able to afford repairing their gear, a good recipe for collapsing the playerbase. The key now to getting credits in game is forcing all player to player trades back onto the GTN where the sinks there can at least do something rather than being circumvented. Maybe titles like "Exploiter", "Credit Hoarder", and "Super Rich" for a couple of billion each could do something, but they're one offs. Eliminating credit buyers would probably be more effective than going after credit sellers (though they are really the same thing). If no one is buying credits, no one will farm them to sell to credit sellers and running bots 24/7 becomes pointless. If all of the credits that were earned by players no longer playing the game left the game instead of being transferred to credit sellers, there would be a lot less credits in the game driving up prices.
  15. This window is confusing in that everything in your inventory is "highlighted". Under the current system, only the stuff that can be deconstructed is highlighted. The new system makes sorting through what you want to deconstruct complicated when your inventory is full (you have to hover over each item to see what it is). Please either "highlight" the deconstructable stuff differently than the discard stuff or just highlight only the deconstruction stuff since the other stuff in inventory can be selected for discard whether it is "highlighted" or not.
  16. They could make the starter planet gear part of collections. You do get a Sith warblade in the Jedi Knight (Sentinel) storyline (of course the icon and name are still wrong, but the appearance is right). Those two got swapped somehow during the original coding of 7.0.
  17. Quite a few of these on Alderaan again. Two near outpost Bolyn and one more just outside House Alde
  18. Only one end of the strap is actually attached to the rifle. The other floats in mid-air out beyond the barrel when "holstered"
  19. It's a general problem with several KotFE and KotET chapters. Several are overtuned for the current strength of characters so you now must be over-levelled and over-geared for the content. When they reduced character health and damage in 7.0 they never re-balanced the content that was designed for the more powerful characters from previous expansions. The boss fights always pushed the limits of what characters could do at the time, now with weaker characters they are much more challenging.
  20. Despite the title of the thread, the entire discussion in the thread, including from you, has been about reducing the price of items on the GTN. When the only way you can afford items on the GTN (and a lot of items are off GTN trades now) it to buy something with real money to sell for in game credits, there is a serious problem with the game. I guess I should start a new thread the, "Reducing Prices on the GTN" and post the same ideas.. Maybe all player to player trade needs to be ended (not serious in case you can't tell). That would certainly solve inflation as well as the arguments over prices.
  21. First, we are not talking about inflation. We are talking about reducing prices 1) you're wrong, flipping drives up prices which drives people to credit sellers, that's simple math. Or do you routinely sell items for less than what you paid for them. 2) It's a percentage of the sale price so it increases with the asking price. 3) This doesn't take anything away from anyone but rather gives an accelerated path to the end. You still need to have the item to upgrade first (Which you can only get from the "appropriate" content). 4) it's the volume that makes it work not the maximum value. The current system isn't used nearly enough 5) I can read just fine, I just disagree with your interpretation. They were able to find enough resources to completely turn the gearing system upside down based on the complaints of very few players. This is no different except that it affects every player in the game and not just the handful upset that some player they don't even know has gear almost as good as theirs. As I said, it has to happen or there is no sense talking about controlling inflation at all because without shutting down credit sellers and buyers (and buyers is really the key), it can't be controlled.
  22. 4 of the 5 that I listed earlier all are viable. All 5 would work to reduce the cost of items over time. They would certainly be unpopular with players hoarding items in hopes of selling them for big profits since all would reduce the value of what they have stockpiled, but that is the price of speculating on a future gain. All are based on systems that already exist in the game. 1) They are currently able to identify items purchased from the GTN or traded from other players (see the thread about deconstruction not yielding augmentation components). 2) There is already a GTN listing fee, just don't refund it when the sale expires. 3) Making "CM" items saleable on a vendor is certainly possible and selecting them could be based on what people are stockpiling (which could be determined by a script reviewing their cargoholds). 4) Creating a drain on credits from gearing already exists with the Hyde and Zeek vendors, not a complex task to add "matrices" to a vendor. While perhaps not palatable to the "exclusivity" types, it is a sink that would be used by almost everyone and potentially drains large quantities of credits simply because of the volume of use. The only one that is difficult, though it is the most important, is to go after credit sellers and buyers alike. That one takes a commitment from Bioware to stamp it out, so players need to keep complaining about that to get some action. This is the one players need to push on the forums because it is a hard call for Bioware. What wouldn't work is reducing credit rewards from play even more (as suggested by some) because people already don't have enough credits to afford things on the GTN and will turn to credit sellers which injects more credits into the game than any gameplay could.
  23. yeah, I don't get those stacks either. It really has to be bots running 24/7 (or its a dupe cheat of some kind). I have 50 some characters on Star Forge with 6 of them being crafters (they also have the "mission" mats skills). Pretty much every other character has 3 of the 4 gathering skills and I pick up mats whenever I come across them during play. I have lots of mats but couldn't do pages of the same mat in stacks of 999 (certainly not more than once). I suggested being able to buy the "matrices" you need for gear upgrades for credits. I think that could be an effective sink without causing too much havok in gearing, especially now as we are nearing the end of gear increases for the expansion. I expect 1 more increase that takes everything except the newest Operation to 240 and that Operation to 250. The one thing I scrape for is usually the Daily Matrices for conquest gear. Unless you have multiple 80s, gearing up a character is a very time consuming process (once you get one there it's not too bad as long as the alts are similar specs). I think they need to find a way to tax player to player trades off the GTN too or "block" them altogether (perhaps with the other thing I suggested which is once an item is traded, it becomes bound to legacy). flipping items by definition drives up the price. No one would sell an item they bought for less than they paid for it unless they were trying to cut their losses. I still think that if you manage to level a character all the way to lvl 80 and complete all the story, you should be able to buy at least one good thing with credits without having to "farm" for a year all the while watching the prices go up. Edit: they could also make Crafting a viable endeavor again to help burn up some of those stockpiled mats.
  24. You'd be better off petitioning Bioware to offer a Character Transfer sale or even a permanent reduction in server transfer costs. That way you get to play on a high population server without harming other people's enjoyment of the lower population server. There's enough free CCs floating around now that you could afford multiple transfers if you wanted. Lowering the cost of transfers to that of one month of subscriber CCs would be a good place to start.
  25. I take it though, you didn't make those billions from mission rewards or conquest. Which is what was suggested as the source of rising prices by the other poster. You can make credits legitimately through the GTN. The only problem is a lot of credits now circulating on the GTN were made through exploits long ago and purchased from credit sellers. Had credit sellers been put away permanently (as well as the people who buy credits from them) years ago, prices now would be substantially lower. One flagship encryption should not cost 10 million credits (I remember when you could get them for about 10 thousand) when you need 200+ to unlock any room. That increase occurred as the game's population dropped, meaning less credits were going into the economy at that time from playing the game (which should have slowed the rate of price increases, not accelerated it). That is just one example of prices increasing while the game population dropped (thus generating less credits overall per year) I do like your idea of having some cartel market items sold for credits through an "price control" vendor. Bioware should run a script that totals up all the cartel market items in everyone's cargoholds and base the items they sell for credits off that. Penalize people for hoarding items like an alternate currency.
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