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Everything posted by Smuglebunny

  1. LOL you are a grown adult with kids that has posted a whiny quitting thread like a teen. 1. Insults America out of nowhere (Cuz its too mixed, racist?) 2. Cant take verbal "abuse" Welcome to the internet. 3. Loses in PVP, blames hackers. We care about your opinion on the game and that you are leaving. We care. Really. Honest. We do. Wait, no we dont we are too mixed here in America to care, nevermind.
  2. I have been dealing with this game crashing to desktop at random times since the launch of the game. Its just a quirk of this game. It a happens on all machines I play this game on occasionally. Including friends PCs, and newly built PCs. It happens lets say...2.5 times a week. If you figure I play about 3 hours a day averaged out over 7 days.
  3. Would...would you like all the people who are smart enough to realize that the being in tank spec with DPS gear on is the optimal way to play jugg right now to apologize to you or something? You cant blame players for wanting to have the most advantage in a WZ. Remember tankasins...that could out dps everyone, with crazy survivability AND could heal themselves on demand with force lightning? Players will move to whatever spec works best. Like how everyone thought sorcs were OP till they realized only GOOD sorcs are OP. And its funny that a sorc would talk about another class having lots of survivability and dps.. anyway.. I am playing tank guardian in DPS gear right now because of how strong it is. If BW nerfs it, I wont cry I'll just move to the next class and spec that is the top performer. What is the point of arguing about it? A long time ago I realized that BWs updates always cause an imbalance somewhere, I have every class on every faction already so when one of those classes becomes the top dog, I play that class. Like many others.
  4. Leap pull HO crazy damage heavy armor no casting attacks at all ranges aoe stuns sounds fine, no nerf needed ::starts to main pt::
  5. Wow that trailer... I kinda think that rebels show is better than the movie that came out...
  6. I dont think BW will care because its a foolish idea. You'd do dailies faster at 65 on multiple toons than just making a 60 over and over. He could have multiple characters by now. He's nerfing himself thinking hes smart lol.
  7. ugh, i thought this was a player suggestion and I was about to say how lame it is...sigh.. They REALLY cannot do anything right. Its comical.
  8. You are asking BW to fix a problem that has existed since launch. So they arent going to lol. ::shrugg:: The thing says if you go somewhere like your ship for 5 min the flag should drop off, but it doesnt sometimes. Another fantastic coding job unfixed for 4 whole years. Because BW both cares and is good at their jobs.
  9. Unless the Sniper/GS knows how to play, then they are pretty good.
  10. I dont understand why this thread has been posted.
  11. yes, more frequent. BUT they need to not be ridiculous changes. BW...no ridiculous changes... Stop buffing already vastly OP classes Stop giving mercs a tiny thing and then taking things away, actually make them playable. ROCKET OUT?!?!? REALLY! Mercs can run away for 3 seconds...before dying? derp move. Rocket out is unneeded and nearly useless. And in exchange for the uselessness mercs got HO nerfed. WHAT A GOOD IDEA derp derp derp No more freaking roots stuns slows hindering ect. No more teleports, in fact remove some. but yea...more frequent. If you can do that and also keep the game functional.
  12. Agree with all but #3 and #8. My i3 4330 3.5Ghz, AMD 7870 2GB and SSD can handle High. If your PC is better than that it should be able to handle High graphics. And Healers are still OP.
  13. Im pretty sure the first guy was saying some people are too stupid to breathe and the other guy agreed that they only live due to the fact that breathing is autonomic. I dont think anyone is suggesting autopurchase of packs.
  14. When you say tunneling, you mean farming. Farming not winning and ending the match intentionally to "farm" medals Tunneling would be the other team focusing a single player over and over to death. As in "tunnel" vision, focusing on only one thing.
  15. Smuglebunny

    Best 1v1 Class?

    As a Jugg, sorc or sin, I can easily and regularly defeat most concealment ops opening on me from stealth. 90% of the time. the other 10% of the time, they win. But really conc op is pretty hard to play perfectly compared to jugg sin or sorc, so only that top level of conc op is really the king. If you are not a master player or at least really good. You'd do better 1v1 with sorc, sin or jugg. If you are a pvp master player, conc op DOES have the most capability. I find though that really, excluding merc/mando, most classes are no more than 5-10% away from each other and that a very skilled player will win 1v1 90+% of the time, regardless of class.
  16. right, its something that needs to be fixed with an update from BW. But it does seem rare. I have only experienced it one time in my years of playing this game, it was about 4 days ago.
  17. Well. I decided to put a 240GB SSD in my old HP DV7-1285DX core2duo @2.4ghz , 6gb ram nVidia 9600m GT /512MB ram and install swtor. After the install it worked with no issues on low-medium. I mean, not perfect and low fps, i cant pvp, but it worked and caused no issues. Im a PC tech, and what you have said makes me think you have some kind of operating system issue or graphics card issue. Or even malware. Im not sure. But thats not a normal experience for installing the game and playing. Might wanna go through your system and check everything best you can. Even maybe uninstall and reinstall fresh new graphics drivers?
  18. I have never seen a full listing of all. But at Dulfy.net they have guides for getting them for each area. Just search "Achievements". On the site.
  19. As a tech support person. Let me just say. Windows 10 when it works its great, but it seems to have so many bugs that I would never install it on any of my PCs just yet. Uninstalls programs at will during updates, every update breaks another 3rd party or OS program or feature. MS is on the way out, its a debacle. Hopefully google will create or update one of their OSs to takeover the desktop. Windows its the most problematic system OS currently in use, all versions. And people only really use to Game, run office and photoshop lol. For everything else you dont really need it. Once gaming moves to another OS its over for windows.
  20. I got this bug INSIDE A WARZONE the other day, and Im lvl 65 founder with full pvp gear, after a death where I died with some kind of burn buff on, I just kept taking blue electric burn damage for 3-4 hits and would die, in spawn or out over and over and over till the WZ ended. Then it stopped. lol So, its a bug and it happens elsewhere too.
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