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Everything posted by Qonor

  1. I noticed that most of his attacks are not instant-cast. If the only two choices left are alacrity or accuracy, which one would you choose and why? This is not a conversation about cunning, crit, or surge.
  2. I want Andronikos Revel's haircut (or a little longer).
  3. Wow, this would be even better! Interesting. I did not know about the 50 auction limitation. At the end of the day, I just want my listings to sell. And they sell less often when I put up a giant stack.
  4. Nevermind. I figured out the ridiculous process of having to abandon the quest.
  5. I've done hardmode Black Talon a bunch of times, so there's no issue with that. But I tried to find a similar means of activating Directive 7 hardmode (which I've completed several times on normal), and don't see where to do so. Is there a different way to activate hardmodes for each of the flashpoints? Kinda weird. Or maybe I'm missing something.
  6. That's horrendous and I'm glad I posted this as a suggestion then. The GTM basically forces you to act like a Costco, by only selling in bulk.
  7. And I can agree with both of your statements. At the end of the day, I'm realizing that the loot method that will work (since we're primarily discussing heroics and flashpoints I assume) is the customized one determined at the start of the run. I could very much see myself at some point setting up a run expressly for the purpose of gearing up a companion or my off-spec (I did this in WoW for my warrior's Arms spec eventually). I would at the start of that run mention that I am doing that and that I will be hitting NEED on items for that companion or off-spec. And whoever in that run does not agree with it, could leave. Any loot system within reason is fine as long as it's fairly discussed and agreed upon. And I'd rather have a custom one tailored to the particular run than not.
  8. Isn't this just to split a stack? So I would have to split one off the stack of 80, and then list that one, split off one of the remaining 79, the list that one, split off one of the remaining 78, then list that one. If that's what you're suggesting, that is terrible and I'm not doing it. This is exactly what I do not want to do. WoW had a one/two-click method that would automatically do this. SWTOR should implement it.
  9. WoW had this. And maybe I just don't know how to do it in SWTOR. Say I have a stack of 80 of something. I don't want to list 80 at one price. I want to easily sell all of them, but in stacks of five, or perhaps 80 individual listings. This would greatly increase liquidity of items such as crew skill materials.
  10. Agreed. This pissed me off quite a bit the first couple of times I created my character because I was reading a bunch of the character creation stuff and alt tabbing.
  11. Agreed. Dicsussing beforehand fixes all. My original post wasn't an attempt to get something into the UI developed by BioWare, it was more asking what people are planning on doing in their groups. I plan on doing off-spec > companions.
  12. There are often two people of the same class in a group. While mostly true, hitting NEED on an item that doesn't make sense for your role shows that you don't know what you're doing. To your example about "tanking for yourself," if you get all damage gear (no +defense stuff), you will kill faster, and not need to tank things. You'll be more specialized. If you match that with going more into your damage tree (few to no tank skill points), you again will kill faster, and not need to tank. And if you take this route, you can make up for your deficiency with the correct companion. But from the sounds of it, you like the safety of being tanky. I recommend you go full out tank skill tree and tank items and use a dps companion (or a healing companion if you really want to never die while soloing). That way your gear and role will make sense, and when yo do group you won't piss people off. But yeah, don't just go hitting NEED on everything because your character can equip it. It just looks dumb.
  13. If dual-specs don't come out, I don't see myself here long-term. I don't care about anything else. But killing my ability to group with the people that I already know, but that currently can't group with me because our roles don't match up perfectly every night, really bugs me. For example, tonight two tanks are online, me, and a dps...oh well, we can't do a hardmode flashpoint smoothly. That's just dumb.
  14. In WoW, I used my off-spec even for raiding (protection warrior main spec / arms warrior offspec). By that what I mean is I really had two main specs, meaning off-spec loot was really important for me. Many in my guild did the same, as did people on my friend list who I ran things with. I will be surprised if things end up being very different in SWTOR once dual-specs come out. So, what makes you say that off-spec items mostly go unused? My experience is the complete opposite. Yikes. Based on what you wrote, you are playing this game incorrectly. I'm not trying to be mean, but if you are already level 50 or approaching it, I would start looking for help from in-game friends/guild or the forums. Otherwise you are going to find yourself upsetting many people that you group with due to your lack of basic understanding of how to play a game like this. I mean, think about what you wrote. Your specialization is to be unspecialized (putting points in many different trees) and having different types of gear (dps gear versus tank gear). I can agree with this.
  15. Once dual-specs comes out, how do we see the need/greed system in a PUG or otherwise going? need main-spec > need off-spec > companion > vendor
  16. Explain to me how the loot was clearly outlined at the start of the run. If it was not, it's your fault. i define loot at the start of every flashpoint where I care about the loot. I have almost never had this issue in any MMO. Even including WoW since 2005.
  17. Hmm...I do have four companions sitting at 10,000 affection who I haven't sent out on missions for a few days. When you say purple mats, what else can I focus on aside from the grade 6 purple gemstones? The option to send companions to find grade 6 gemstones sometimes isn't even available!
  18. This is what I referenced, but thanks. Ah, didn't notice the "drag" part.
  19. I would rather not attain the crystal than change crew skills, but thanks. Awesome. I'll give this a try.
  20. Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm liking the enrage timers a whole lot at this point. It gives me the ability to gauge how the rest of my dps are in the guild, since I am the constant damage dealer in our HM FPs.
  21. Do I need to change something in my UI preferences or something?
  22. I'm at 500k right now. I sometimes do all the Corellia and Belsavis dailies, but not every day due to time constraints. I'd like to get this crystal, but at 200k a day it seems this will be tough to do depending on when patch 1.2 hits. So, maybe there's a better way than dailies? My crew skills are artifice, archaeology, and treasure hunting. Obviously every server and economy is different, but is there a way I can make a quick 1.5 credits this weekend? The type of response I'm looking for is, "if you do ______________, it seems to be making a lot of money in the current patch." And no I will not consider changing my crew skills. Thanks.
  23. Very helpful responses. This will help our guild on recruitment decisions. Dual-specs sure would fix a lot of this...
  24. I did my first hardmode flashpoint last night with some guildmates. After some hefty repair bills, we finally get to the end boss of Black Talon and wipe a few times. On our "last attempt" of the night, the boss enrages again and both dps die as well as the healer. 312 HP left on the boss as I watch from my corpse, and it's just the tank. He dies, as does the boss, and the rewards window pops up. This ending to my first HM FP wouldn't have been as cool if enrage timers did not exist. I hope I can look forward to more of the same in the rest of my end-game. Edit: This is not meant to be sarcastic. This is a "please don't nerf content" post.
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