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Everything posted by Qonor

  1. Are most of you using the web parser or the desktop parser? I haven't tried the desktop parser yet.
  2. Thanks! Well, that's an opinion. The Red Reaper is one of my favorite flashpoints.
  3. I'm trying to gear up Ashara, but these boots have defense on them. I did a search and didn't find any posts on this. What's up with this? On another note, my guildmate noticed that his Operative healing chest piece had defense on it also...
  4. What's the reason that not all flashpoints have a hard mode version? Hammer Station Athiss Mandalorian Raiders Colicoid War Game Cademimu The Red Reaper
  5. Lol, so wait...it actually costs 0 but the bug shows a higher amount, people don't notice and complain that it's expensive? That's fantastic. Love QQers.
  6. So...I'm not familiar with a parser even is. I guess I'll google parsing...
  7. I want to get started with this but beyond selecting the check box, I don't know what to do. And I don't see any stickies. Any help would be good. Thanks.
  8. I didn't know about this until now since I've never had a reason to change my skill points. Unless I'm misreading this, this seems amazing. Can anyone elaborate on their experience with the free resets?
  9. Or maybe since he's so close by he could loot for ya. /thread signed /agree
  10. This. I have no preference aside from this AND that the dps be one ranged and one melee.
  11. Agreed. This exact thing happened to a guildmate in my group a couple weeks back.
  12. I see what you want, I get it. But that level of gear is not required to do 8-man normal Ops. What do you think of doing normal level 50 flashpoints and Ilum and Belsavis dailies to gear up? A mix of blue and purple should be OK. That's what I did and was able to knock out the first three bosses of KP my first time in.
  13. sniper assassin dps (me) mercenary heals juggernaut tank
  14. Ah, got it. Didn't see on the right side where it shows "tech." Awesome, thanks!
  15. Lol, the first time I typed it it made sense. It's a typo, calm down bro. I think you're getting closer to what I asked. Regarding accuracy for tech abilities, even you wrote that accuracy would be "mostly useless to anyone who mainly uses tech abilities." How do you know his abilities should or shouldn't follow the tech accuracy rating (base 100%) instead of the ranged accuracy rating (base 90%)? I am not in any way saying you're wrong. I'm just asking.
  16. Interesting. Never thought of that.
  17. Nope. Take a closer look at your character sheet. Andronikos has 90% accuracy rating with ranged, as you say, but 100% accuracy rating with tech abilities. How do you know which accuracy rating his abilities are using?
  18. Why even post? Interesting. Although as I mentioned in my original post, I do not at all care about multi-target threat. This is about single-target threat on tank and spank fights. So even high dps shouldn't pull? Interesting.
  19. Short. Almost shaved head.
  20. OK. This is not to argue, I'm just asking...how do you know to use the ranged accuracy and not the tech accuracy (which has a base 100%)?
  21. Interesting. So generally speaking, a tank should never lose aggro on a tank and spank single-target encounter? Even if the dps class pumps out a lot of damage?
  22. As my gear has gotten better, on some single-target boss fights, while with various different tanks (assassins, powertechs, and juggernauts), I sometimes steal aggro from tanks midway through the fight. I'm not talking about fights with aggro drops or weird mechanics. In WoW this was a sign of 1) a very high damage character as compared to the tank or 2) a tank with poor threat. What do you guys think? Is it OK to use this as a measure that my damage is pretty good? I'm trying to find some meaningful ways of gauging my personal damage since I've played tanks and healers in prior MMOs, so it's pretty cool to try something new. Thanks.
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