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Everything posted by Nesta

  1. Merci de nous montrer ça, je savais pas que Totalbiscuit faisait des interviews. C'était intéressant, Gabe répond a pas mal de questions; on peut espérer une traduction officielle pour que la communauté francophone en profite ?
  2. Je te conseille surtout de bien étudier la question, car tu poura pas changer de classe avancé sans reroll. Sinon le malfrat est tout aussi plaisant que le franc-tireur. Tout les deux ont un style different mais plaisant. Si tu préfère jouer de la gachette à une bonne distance et que le système de couverture te plait bien prend le franc-tireur, si tu prefere la furtivité, jouer à courte porté et soigner prend le malfrat.
  3. Comme vous devez le savoir, le consulaire et le chevallier débutent tout deux sur Tython, le soldat et le contrebandier pour leur part debutent sur Ord Mantell, la planete du départ vous menera du niveau 1 à 10 (voire plus); Après l'avoir quitté néanmoins vous pourrez facilement grouper tout les 3 (car vous serez logiquement sur les mêmes planêtes), on peut toujours rejoindre ses amis sur leur planète de départ mais c'est fastidieux et je crois qu'on a accès à aucune missions sur place, de plus vu qu'on ne fait pas ses missions de classe on bloquerai sa progression. Sinon pour grouper un simple /invite suivi du nom fera l'affaire.
  4. Pareil ici, pour l'instant je suis plus que satisfait; j'ai hâte de voir les correctifs et futurs ajouts qui seront implementés.
  5. Ah la sémantique... Quel débat passionant ! Libre à chacun d'utiliser son propre vocabulaire, après c'est toujours mieux de se faire comprendre. La majortié qualifie sûrement ce jeu de mmorpg après si quelqu'un souhaite le qualifer de corpg ou je ne sais quoi parcequ'il n'a pas 500 autres joueurs à coté de lui, grand bien lui fasse. @necrolineage : C'est vrai qu'un outil de recherche de groupe un brin plus avancé (pas automatique pour autant) serait le bienvenue afin de trouver un groupe, mais je ne pense pas que la difficulté liée à la recherche de groupe soit rapport au nombre de joueurs mais plus à la pauvreté du systeme de recherche de groupe en place, et que la majorité n'a pas envie de faire l'effort de chercher un groupe activement. Car on peut voir de nombreux joueurs recupérer une mission sur un pnj et personne sur la zone concerné (trop long de trouver certain rôles en spammant). Un simple système permettant de voir clairement les offres et les demandes en un clic serait largement suffisant et mettrait surement plus de massivité dans votre jeu.
  6. Pas mal comme idée. C'est quand même marrant de voir que même en sachant vers quoi on va au niveau de l'histoire, qu'il reste suffisemment de zones d'ombre pour nous faire une histoire bien intéressante. On peut aussi penser que c'est l'empire qui l'emporte, puis avec le temps la domination des Sith s'éffondre d'une façon ou d'une autre (conflit interne, sabotage) et les Jedi reviennent en sauveur de leur exil (ce serait pas la première fois que ça arrive); avec l'absence des Sith la démocratie reprend le pas et l'empire devient La république.
  7. Nicely put. There is still room for more class archetypes, hopefully we'll see that in some expansion pack.
  8. Sure grand moffs hold no power as demonstrated in the black talon. While on the other hand republic army Majors get to sit at the senate. As far as I've seen the Jedi order is more like a peacekeeping force than anything else the true political power is in the hands of the senate. Anti assassination laws ? Are you for real ?! The Jedi order has its own assassins (Shadows I mean). Additionally I'm pretty sure the SIS is not only there for intelligence gathering. As for imperial trooper being cannon fodder, come on ! How are the republic troopers any different ? And the tide of the war before the treaty of Coruscant was in the empire's favors, and the war was not only waged by Jedi and Sith but mostly by soldiers, take that as you will.
  9. Are you aware that there are 4 force user classes ? Two of which are part of the same order (Jedi Order) ? And that the other two are part of its empire counterpart (Sith Order) ? And that gameplay wise they are mirror classes ? I repeat myself but how is having two soldier classes such a scary idea ? Being a new class it would have its own story as well as its own gameplay; I can't believe Bioware has made every concievable class concept in this game as of yet, there is still room for new classes in expensions. And there seems to be a demand for the imperial trooper as this thread demonstrates. Additionnaly sorry to burst your bubble but there are lots of stormtrooper fans out there, and the imperial trooper would be its closest equivalent in the era of the game, for the clone trooper on which is based the republic trooper are poor substitute for that soldier fighting for the apparently evil side and having to deal with Sith. That Plus awesome design.
  10. Closest but not quite the same they're not military, it's like saying the republic trooper is the closest you'll get to the SIS agent. And, it's not about mirroring the republic trooper style, there's the BH for that. Now back to the situation at hand. Take it easy guys, no poking fun at the brits or disrespecting each others ! (and alienstalker thank you for quoting me but stop multiposting for crying loud, its a disservice to your arguments whatever they may be) We're mixing up the galactic empire and the Sith empire once more ! The Sith empire is whatever Bioware says it is (with LA consent of course) Even though it's obviously based on the galactic empire don't take one for the other. And as for whether the imperial trooper would be elite or not; of course he would be because as we said before, gameplay dictates that you are one of the finest members of your faction upon leaving your starting planet.
  11. Il me semble aussi avoir vu ça, après est-ce qu'il y a eu des citations récentes à ce propos ? J'ai rien vu de tel depuis un moment. Et une petite recherche me donne que des on-dits.
  12. Alors mais absolument pas ! Exemple, mon agent impérial. J'ai suivi à la lettre tout les ordres que j'ai reçu j'ai assassiné tout les gens que j'ai apprecié trahi la confiance de personnes autant de fois qu'on me l'a ordonné, mais j'ai montrait de la pitié et de la retenu quand c'était nécessaire et pour le bien de l'empire, je n'ai accepté aucun pot de vin. J'ai suivi une ligne de conduite logique rp en me demandant à chaque fois : que ferais mon personnage ? Et non pas : Je suis obscur ou lumineux ? Et avec tout ça au niveau 32 Je me retrouve 3150 Lumineux et 3500 Obscur. Soit quasi neutre total (-450), je peux utiliser aucun objet reservé à un alignement parceque je ne suis pas un sociopathe ni mère Theresa ? Mouais D'ailleurs il manque souvent un choix neutre dans les possibilité qu'on a, exemple : executer un ennemi desarmé, ou le laisser partir, Et pourquoi pas le capturer ?! Nan mais desfois. Après dire que c'est impossible de jauger la neutralité... heu pourquoi pas additionner les deux score ? Utiliser un niveau de personnage (comme dis plus haut) ?
  13. Je peux comprendre les traducteurs sur ce coup, étant donné que le son θ (si je ne me gourre pas) du TH n'existe pas dans la langue française, on se trouverais avec des Dart Vador ou pourquoi pas Darz Vadère. C'est surtout dans un souci de prononciation au final. Tant qu'à faire ils auraient aussi pu traduire le nom du jeu en "L'ancienne république" car j'ai pas pu acheter "The old republic" près de chez moi mais "Zeu aulde république".
  14. I would have replied something along those lines, bad strategy happens. Additionally the battle of bothanwui was a defeat for the empire even if they destroyed the defenders they lost too many men and had to retreat, were the imperial troopers truly cannon fodder the empire would not have released its grip on the planet and would have stayed at all cost. The empire ressources are not unlimited. And i'm pretty sure the regular imperial trooper is better geared than his republic counterpart, because due to slavery the imperial industry is much better, and the imperial trooper is also better trained because of the militarist society of the empire which has a whole conscript caste (as I understand) as opposed to the republic recruiting left and right to hold its ground and match the empire's forces. And even if the imperial trooper were truly cannon fodders, tell me how being the one succeeding against impossible odds would be bad.
  15. This thread is going round in circles, apart from warm support we get the same odd arguments against this class over and over. 1) Imperial troopers are cannon fodder. - This is war people die, as for Bothawui bad strategy happens. Additionally Imperial population is far less than Republic so using this tactic can only work for so long the empire is just not afraid to spend its ressources. 2) Imperial troopers are treated like crap. - So are aliens and slaves (Sith inquisitor anyone ?). 3) Imperial troopers hold no power. - Neither do the republic's. 4) Imperial troopers are useless. - The sacking of coruscant could not have been done by Sith Warriors only. 5) The imperial army doesn't have any elite troops they rely on bounty hunters and mandalorians only. - Come on ! How is that true ? 6) Imperial troopers are bounty hunters. - Trooper and bounty hunters are only mirror class they have nothing more in common apart from being non force users. 7) Imperial troopers do not exist. - Come on please, they sure do ! 8) Troopers already are on the republic side. - Force users have 4 classes wielding lightsabers and using force powers, the Jedi order and the Sith have 2 each, how come having two soldier classes (in a war that is) is such a crazy idea ? 9) Their story would be uninteresting. - The Republic trooper have a rather good story why would it be impossible for the imperial trooper ? Now if any of you could englighten me as to how any of these points are valid, please do.
  16. You don't have to go that far to see that these soldiers are expendable (as are the republic's, which has more than the empire) just look at the battle of Bothawui... It doesn't make it any less interesting to be the one guy succeeding where everyone expected him to fail, rising from the bottom to the top. (Sith Inquisitor anyone ?) Now about you belittling the imperial army, is being a Jedi just being a space hippie praising peace and walking around with a glowing stick ? No, nor is being an imperial trooper just standing guard and verifying ID credential, this is just poor rethoric on your part. Exactly, you can see some soldiers harrassing an alien in Dromund Kass for instance, they are not that powerless. I still can't believe that you cannot be part of the imperial army, which is omnipresent in the empire storyline, moreso than its republic counterpart, given its martial society.
  17. Excacly, as a republic trooper being part of the havoc squad and spouting things like "Reinforcements have arrived", and then proceeding to kick major buttocks on your own while the rest of the army is in awe of your deeds is not something I really enjoy, I wish my character could be part of something greater than his own self. I see what you mean and I can agree with that but you have to understand that once you finish your starting planet you have to be worthy enough for Grand Moff Kilran to personaly contact you so you can take control of the Black Talon. By level 40 as a trooper you're a captain, the rank is not too over the top (for a hero that is) but being the CO of the MOST POPULAR BESTEST SQUAD EVER is just too much.
  18. NO. Surely you could satisfy both points of view, beginning as some random soldier that gets unexpected results and gets quickly promoted, but in the end I agree with you you couldn't be some random cannon fodder, because gameplay dictates that you have to be on par with the other players (be they Sith or Jedi). Though I can see their point and hope that the hero thing could get tuned down. Now as an aside note we can also regret that we have no character classes based on princess Leia surely we could play as some SIS agent negociator that could try to get treaty using aggressive negociation and political manipulation.
  19. What people here seem to fail to understand is that it's not about having the same gameplay as the republic trooper, the bounty hunter is here for that. Nor is it about being some random cannon fodder, surely you would be some kind of spec ops soldier. It is about being part of the imperial army (which is a big player in the story), witnessing its inner conflict, playing an engaging story and wearing this damn armor !
  20. I'm with the op on that, it's been bugging me for some time now, given the importance of the imperial army in the lore. I rolled a republic trooper and everytime I see an imperial trooper I wish I could roll one. Their armor design is so much better I wish I could steal it from the NPCs. The story would have so much potential (Yes I want more questionable orders, I want to strive to be respected and most important I want to serve the empire rather than the republic). I tried the imperial agent, and it's fun but he's no trooper, he doesn't wear heavy armor nor is he part of the army. The more I play the more I wish I could be an imperial trooper.
  21. T'as la diplomatie et aussi les missions héroïques qui sont répétables si tu tiens à modifier ton alignement.
  22. Évidemment, c'est bien connu que l'herbe est toujours plus verte ailleurs. Mais bon, laissons-les faire leur course, chacun son truc.
  23. Merci, j'y met de tout mon cœur. C'est vrai sinon que le coup de se plaindre des gens qui se plaignent des gens qui se plaignent ça se voyait à 2km, faut pas tendre le bâton comme ça. En espérant que le /1 soit pas le domaine de Chuck Norris, à bientôt les amis
  24. C'est vrai que j'avoue que ça peut couper la faim le fait de savoir qu'on va partager nos serveurs avec des pleureuses gâtées pareilles. Mais bon c'est pas si hors norme, fallait s'y attendre. A vrai dire il faut avouer que ces fruits pourris auront le mérite de faire encore plus ressortir les gens sympas qu'on rencontrera et qui seront telle des fleurs au milieu d'un océan de déchets toxiques (mais qu'est-ce que je raconte ?!). En attendant patience, patience et bonne nuit.
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