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Everything posted by zImperium

  1. TL;DR: I came up with an equation for Player/Item Adjusted Work (Think WoWHero) Okay, so, our guild has had a conundrum. Everyone who has played WoW knows about WoWHero, where someone figured out a simple equation that spits out a number, telling you what your "Player Total Adjusted Work" for your character is, so you could go to the correct instance. Right now, all guilds are figuring it out differently. Some (like ours) are using Average Gear Rating. Some are just saying that you have to have X purple, Y blue, Z green to get into Raid J. All of the systems are flawed, because they aren't scientific, they are subjective. Before I get into equations, I wanted to figure out "this is what helps in PvE". So, I set out some rules: 1. Each class has a Primary Attribute (Aim, Willpower, Strength, or Cunning). Any stats in this primary attribute are the most. - Classes also have a secondary attribute (where they affect 2, instead of 3), which means it has the capability of affecting the character 33% less. - Classes have tertiary attributes (affect 1), where it is 66% less effective than the primary attributes. - Some secondary and tertiary attributes affect stats that do not affect (positively) the user, which can drop the benefit down one tier, even 0%. 2. All classes benefit from Endurance and Armor, but Tanks benefit from these more than non-tanks. 3. In PvE, no classes benefit from Expertise or Presence. 4. Off-statistics (such as Crit, Alacrity, etc) are worth a lot less than Primary Attributes because they only affect it in a lesser capacity. - Off-stats that aren't the primary stacked, but are not the secondary stacked (50% or more of the Primary Stacked) affect less than primary stacked. - Off-stats that are not secondary stacked give even less. 5. Finally each stat has a soft cap (and possibly a hard cap), which needs to be figured into the equation. Without figuring in Soft Cap and Diminishing Returns: PrimaryAttributes +(SecondaryAttributes*0.66) +(TertiaryAttributes*0.33) +(Endurance*(0.35+TankModifier)) +(Armor*(0.40+TankModifier)) +(PrimaryOffStatistics*0.50) +(SecondaryOffStatistics*0.25) +(TertiaryOffStatistics*0.10) From this, I can get "Item Adjusted Work". "Player Adjusted Work" is just Sum of Item Adjusted Work. This gives a singular number that says "Your gear is pulling X work." Which means, all things considered that if you have PAW X to Y, instance J is probably the best instance for you. The end result is that I figured out a "baseline". This isn't a complete project, yet. First of all, I still need to calculate diminishing returns, soft caps and hard caps into the equation. Secondly, I need to make sure that getting X Primary Attributes is indeed 10* better than getting X TertiaryOffStatistics. What do you think? Does my logic sound good, or am I missing the mark?
  2. It sucks that the Darth had to die. He was the most interesting character of the entire movie.
  3. A guildie got to 50 during the pre-release and had a day to spare. (total was about 5 days played, I think) He was offline for a total of four hours during the pre-release.
  4. That post is green. It hurt my eyes and was filled with whining. It was also too long. going off of your Subject (since I couldn't read it without getting a headache): Travel System is fine.
  5. Don't rush to 50? I didn't...I did a decently brisk pace. I had plenty of 50s to play with when I hit it. But...why are you complaining now? There should be plenty of people Level 50 right now
  6. As it stands, Biochem is the only Level 50 Crafting skill that is viable. The problem is that the schematics that you get in Operations have items with statistics with less than desirable statistics. The only thing that I saw drop worth while was in Nightmare Mode, a BoP Implant for Cybertech that was Columi rated. No one cared for it, because by time you're in Nightmare Mode, Columi is not an upgrade anymore. My suggestion: Make all items that are BoP from Craftable Schematics that drop in Operations equal (maybe even slightly better than) the items that drop in the instance. This would be a very simple fix to make the other crafting professions viable in raid. It wouldn't be a terrible issue, either, since the you can only get a limited set of items from the Schematics (such as Cybertech gets Ear and Implant, while Weapontech gets Weapons and OffHands). It would fix the issue that BT is becoming more and more required for Operations.
  7. It is indeed possible to implement this system. Servers are already scalable, and server farms are adjustable. Our server went from Full to Heavy in an hour, despite the fact that the population increased (it turned to primetime when this happened). Taking one server and slowly increasing its population cap and making sure that every planet has a population cap (100 on Rep Fleet, please). Since you go into another instance for every Heroic, you wouldn't have an issue there. I just wish they would implement Occlusion.
  8. Looking at the polygon count statistics of the game, I can tell you that Occlusion isn't really done well at all. Although, that isn't the biggest problem. The thing is that occlusion isn't done for players. You render all of the polygons available for a player regardless if they are close or not. It causes high population areas (such as Republic Fleet) to render very slowly because all of the polygons (even the ones in people's faces) are rendered, regardless if they are on screen or not.
  9. That sounds awesome. Good idea. Now bob can find what we want really easily!
  10. I'm not too sure you guys enumerate your rules enough. Some people post the most rude, disrespectful comments and I see them up for weeks, yet mine is continuing the "obviously flamebait" discussion that should have been closed three days ago. If you believe that a post is violating the rules, you should instead try to post on the page and try to steer the discussion away from issues. Censoring your community is the way to cause serious issues in your PR, since people will be afraid to post in your forums. One thing I wish you all would do, as moderators, is be fair and consistent in your rulings. I have receieved two messages from you guys, and some things I have seen said have not been touched, and some things have been banned to oblivion. I understand that you all cannot get to every post, but when I see that some posts are banned, and posts in between are not, I have an issue with that. One thing I would like you all to consider is adding in a "Moderator Crowdsourcing" program with people with zero warnings on their record to help you out with Moderation queues. It would help the community since it would be the community assisting the community, and it would allow people to understand the rules better since the community can help enumerate the rules on the forum, bringing a much happier place.
  11. Agreed. I also wish that if your Resolve Bar was filled, that you got immune to every CC. Right now, if your resolve bar fills, and they wait about 3 seconds, they can CC me again, and it doesn't throw me over to Immune to all CC, it just puts me at 100%. It requires you to be at 100% Resolve and hit by another CC in order to get completely immune.
  12. ^^ This. Please. Please please please let us turn off auto-assign.
  13. Welcome to the Dark Side. Here's your free cookies. Seriously, I love this game. We all complain about these issues, but, we only complain about them because we want this game to be awesome.
  14. Don't hold off making an Alt Character. It gives you more Legacy EXP and will give you more options. I'm levelling two other ALTs and doing dailies all the time. I'll probably be LL20+ before they release these Legacy features.
  15. Omgawd, if things are slightly chaotic people complain about nothing. Although, there are two things I'm complaining about: Severe slowdown with large groups of people on-screen. Ability for the winning team to easily complete their dailies without PvP. I'm annoyed at the fact that Imps outnumber Reps 4:1 on our server, and they can complete their daily/weekly without PvP whatsoever, and we can't do anything to stop them. Don't even say attack them, because when they have 50 people on the center, and we got 10, there's no such thing as us "doing what they are doing".
  16. Initializing Translation Matrix... Installing "Self-Righteous"... Installing "English"... Loading "Self-Righteous" -> "English" Translations... Translating... Closing program.
  17. Man, the stacking puzzle brings back memories. Everyone else remember the ones where there were 5 disks? My family got me a 9-disc one for my birthday when I was 14. I was engrossed for a month trying to learn the trick of the 9-stack. I guess I was easier to please back then, but I find that I really enjoy the stacking puzzle. I guess its just because its not just "click until you win," there's a strategy to the push of the puzzle, and working together with two people to do the puzzle...and the rush of the timer counting to zero when the guy enrages.
  18. I got two subscriptions queued up, both set at a 6 month stint. I love the new stacking puzzle in Hutt Hospitality.
  19. So, yeah, all my responses are in red.
  20. Its so fun that I have two 6-month subscriptions coming up in a few days.
  21. You're making the assumption that Hard Drive Speeds are the cause of your lag issues. Things that are probably the issue with your computer: - Your memory may be running out. Windows 7 runs on 0.5-1.5 GB depending on your version. SW:TOR runs off of at least 1.2 GB on a good day. I've gotten up to 1.8 GB. If you need to page file SW:TOR, you need more RAM. - Your memory may be too slow. If your MB can't support any faster RAM (because its too old), its time to upgrade MBs. - Your CPU may be too slow. Right now, I'm running on AMD Phenom II Black Edition 3.5ghZ 4-core with 16 GB (I know, overkill) DDR3 RAM. I have at least 38 FPS in Carrick Station, 65 FPS anywhere else. Ilum last night (200+ bodies on screen) *did* slow my computer down to 10 FPS, though.
  22. Seriously, here's how to prevent camping...ramp up the difficulty of the turrets to 85k Damage per hit. Maybe then we can push out.
  23. Me is a thinkin' that if you're spending on 300k credits a day on medpacks when they have 20 uses (which will cost about 20-80k credits in missions, depending on your luck) means that you're wiping too much and have really bad healers... I use about 3 Medpacks maximum per raid, and so does everyone else in my raiding group. Heck, I don't even use Medpacks (unless its necessary) in most raids or flashpoints. I really don't see the bad issue with 20 Use Medpacks instead of unlimited. I kind of found it comical that reusables were at Unlimited in the first place.
  24. Except...we have those kinds of people on our server. Their primary goal is to prevent Reps from capping. People on both sides hate them because Imps have to wait an hour before Reps come around and cap one base, and Reps hate them because they have to respawn and fly to the north and cap bases.
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