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Everything posted by zImperium

  1. Levels are difficult to come by, simply because they need to be designed, balanced and skinned. This can take lots of time, but we already have Warzones, why don't we just "repurpose" the current WZs and simply add some new game modes. I understand this may take some coding, but it would mean that new content could be added without involving any of the level designers, freeing them up to make more Operations and new Warzones. Novare Coast Defend and Destroy - Team 1 starts out with all three mortars. Middle and Far mortars are locked until Close mortar is captured, which then Middle is unlocked. Far mortars become unlocked once middle is captured. Once a mortar is captured, it is uncapturable. Attacking team loses if they can't capture enough mortars by time their base is destroyed. No base shields in this game mode. Bomb Loading - In addition to keeping the mortars, bombs are coming in from the coast. In order to fire the mortars, you must deliver mortars that appear at random places along the coast to a captured Mortar. No base shields in this game mode. 2x Damage if you deliver to Middle. Team Deathmatch - No mortars, no capturable objectives. Only the center, and 5 lives per person. Players that join post-start get the Average Number of lives remaining (rounded down). Coast Defense - Team 1 holds all three objectives and instead of mortars firing at the opposite base, they are defendable objectives that provide boosts, including turrets, droids and such. Team 2 must fight from the beach to the objectives, planting a bomb on one of the two bases. Dr.Lorrick's Revenge! - One of Dr.Lorrick's assistants has infected one of you with a Rakghoul Virus! 7 players must kill the one player before they can infect everyone else with the Rakghoul Plague. Rakghoul Plague changes the abilities of the infected, increasing their damage and health. Huttball Capture the Slag - Karadda the Hutt has come back with a new game mode: Capture the Slag. Colored molten slag must be taken from the enemy's slag pit to your own. Careful, its hot! Holding it reduces your speed by 10% and deals internal damage consistently. Slag cannot be thrown, and drops at your feet when you perish. Slag cools to nothingness in 3 minutes after being taken. Slag cannot be turned in if your own slag has been taken! Team Deathmatch - Karadda the Hutt just loves to see a bloodbath. 5 respawns, last man standing wins. If you stay near your friendly base too long, Karadda will drop gas bombs on you (deals increasing environmental damage until you join the fray). If you lose all of your lives, you can freely leave the WarZone and still get full credit when the game ends. Owner of the Hill - Karadda doesn't think anyone should be King, but temporary ownership of an area is nice. Each "hill" that spawns is on one of the "fire traps." Fire traps do not fire on their usual intervals, and when they do fire, they deal 180% of Health over 9 seconds in Environmental Damage. Instead, Fire Traps randomly go off, with warning of 1-3 seconds. 1 point per person per second inside the area (if you have the most). If you don't have the most, 1 less point per second. When 50 points are awarded, the Hill switches to another fire trap. First team to 300 points wins. Backstab - No Teams. 16 players are all placed in the center, and three of you are "it." You can talk amongst yourselves as much as possible (whispering is disabled). Once one player is killed, they are revealed if they were "it" or "not it." The "it" players get to secretly choose one person (collectively) to kill, and Karadda will feed them to his pet Rancor, going back to the first stage. If the number of "it" players equals or is greater to those that are "not it," players (regardless if they were killed or not) on the "it" team wins. If the "not it" players successfully kill all the "it" players, the "not it" team wins (regardless if they were killed or not). Players that are eliminated do not need to remain in the WarZone, and will be awarded credit as if they were there the entire time. Lights Out - 3 Life FFA Deathmatch...with a twist. You can only see people within 5 meters. If you spot someone, you can see them for 15 seconds (regardless of how far away they ran). Initiate Combat with someone, that person can always see you as long as you are in combat with them, and others can see you from further and further away (maximum 60m). Ancient Hypergate Data Collection - The Gree wish to discover your ability to be a Green Bisector while your enemy units are trying to achieve Black Perpendicular with you. Instead of delivering items to the Hypergate, Data Units spawn at regular intervals at random places from 3m-20m away from the center point. Take these data units to the opposite team's under area (the area underneath where they respawn) to score them. No explosions. Other portal is chosen after 15 data units are delivered, or after 3 minutes. First to 35 Data units wins. Team Deathmatch - No deliveries. Explosions will still occur. 5 respawns. Last man standing wins. If you lose all of your lives, you can exit the Warzone and get full credit when the Warzone is over. ... I'm actually drawing a blank on cool game modes for Ancient Hypergate. It actually is a really bad map for anything besides its primary game mode. Voidstar Extended - Same as Voidstar Base except that when you capture the data, you must then deliver it to the exit! Traverse through everything you have conquered and get the data to the exit. Team Deathmatch - Randomly chosen section to fight in, either Stage 1 (1st Bomb), stage 2 (both bridges are connected), or Stage 3 (3rd Bomb). 5 lives. You may leave the Warzone after losing all five of your lives and still get full credit. Baradium Charge - As Voidstar, but Baradium Charges (one at a time) must be delivered to the doors instead (icon above their head). Baradium charges are heavy. While carrying a baradium charge, you move at 50% (not half speed, 50%, same speed regardless of what buffs you have), and cannot use any abilities. However, Baradium Charges detonate as soon as they are within 3m of the objective. Baradium Charge dispensers move up to half way through the hallway when you advance. If you die with a Baradium Charge, you blow up! You cannot retrieve a Baradium Charge for 1 minute after you blow up. You also blow up if you don't continually advance towards your objective. You cannot be pulled or pushed while holding a Baradium Charge. ... I don't have time for Alderaan, but you get the general idea.
  2. and also a fight through the lair thing...Hmm (rubs chin)
  3. Yeah, sorry, credits are waaaaay too easy to get in this game... I mean, you can get 100-200k/hour doing dailies.
  4. Quote your sources before saying that. The developers have said that they have chosen the BEST Downtime because they have discovered the low time in Old Republic is approximately 3am to 6am PST on a Tuesday.
  5. 1. If you're on a PvP Server, transfer away. 2. If you're not on a PvP Server, why are you flagged?
  6. As a Shadow Tank with Aisthesis, I have one Question, and it goes along the lines of how Mitigation and cooldowns for us goes. Currently, Shadow Tanks are suffering the highest problem of mitigation issues due to the fact that we have the lowest armor. Unfortunately, Percentage Based mitigation mechanics are causing a lot of progression teams to "roll a d20" to determine if a Shadow Tank will live or die. At the present moment or time, we are suffering from the fact that we are unable to accurately determine when we will live or die because we do not have any mechanic that allows us to lower damage 100% of the time, even on Cooldown. At the present, both Guardian/Juggernaut and Vanguard/Powertech tanks both have cooldowns that increase damage reduction (a 100% chance, % based damage ) cooldown, while we have to resort to two cooldowns which have only a percentage chance of working (Resilience fails 1-5% of the time, Deflection only increases our percentage chance of stopping an attack by 50%), and another cooldown which can only work if we do not die (Battle Readiness). Is there a plan to add in or replace one of these cooldowns with an ability that we can guarantee that Shadow Tanks will have reduced damage for a short amount of time?
  7. These guys are great...except...for the Xuvvas. Oh yeah, you should bring your social party bombs to each op you go with Tam/Keyboardninja, he loves it! ;-) But, seriously, these guys are great. There's a main progression team (which is pretty much locked) for NiM 55 Ops, which is pretty much closed, but we're constantly running HM 55 Ops, working on getting the 2nd Progression Team to HM 55 on farm (getting close!) Even if you don't go to operations, these guys/girls are great people to talk with, hang out with, and bs with.
  8. Mods, move this to Customer Service...its where it belongs. OP: Call Customer Service.
  9. I was listening in when they were doing it. It was probably the most comical thing ever. I believe the phrase, "Stupid Xuvvas" was uttered a thousand times during the night.
  10. One thing I find that I'm doing is that I'm discovering the lowest price/unit on the GTN buy and just setting it to 1-2% under that. I think the GTN should query the lowest per unit price, multiply the amount of what is on there, and use that as the default buyout price. If there's nothing on the GTN matching, it should use the last lowest price (when something was there). If not, just use what the current system is.
  11. Its primarily a PvP/Operation-type heal. I find it useful, but not entirely necessary to spec into it until you get to Operations, or if you PvP. I would suggest keeping it.
  12. I agree. The biggest barrier for entry right now is that there is that its a HUMONGOUS download. We need an initial download which gets everything up to 2.2, which has all of the patches up to the point, then patch from that point.
  13. I would like to make "Bound Reusables" into Abilities. When you click them, it adds it to your abilities tabs instead of keeping it into your inventory. If you no longer met the prerequisites (such as a Reusuable Biochem Stim), it would just be disabled until you gained Biochem back to the way it was. Things I really want turned into abilties: - Social Reusables, such as the Galactic Party Bombs - Reusable Medpacs, Stims and Adrenals - Glowing Eyes - Regenerative Items, such as "Pocket Sarlacc" and "Kolto Tank" - Holo Statues - Trees - Banners - All of the reusable Jawas
  14. 1. I fail to believe that if the launcher kicks you back to the login screen in less than 5 seconds that it tried more than once to contact the server. At most, I bet the code is like this: try { using (TORSocket socket = new TORSocket()) { var response = socket.AttemptLogin(loginInfo); return response; } } catch (SocketException ex) { return new ErrorResponse(ErrorResponseType.UnableToContactLoginServer); } 2. I also can't believe that the code doesn't attempt to try to regain the socket in an attempt to "save" the connection. There can be two types of "temporary disconnections." One can be too much packet loss. You still have the socket open, and its just that connection noise (which can happen with wireless communications, or dirty lines) causes packet loss along the way, resulting in the game refusing some packets temporarily. Renewing a socket can "clear" the line, just like flushing a toilet does. The second type of temporary disconnection is when the connection is lost completely. This can happen when the ISP on either end, or even the routes in between temporarily cycle, requiring a redirection of your connection. When this occurs, both sides can't send packets, because the connection cannot possibly be regained with that socket... it was lost somewhere along the way. If a socket is renewed, a new route is established, and you're able to continue the connection.
  15. That's what I got from http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6510625#post6510625
  16. Never mind...nothing to see here
  17. One thing that has really annoyed me is that the code is built to just give up after the first try. Can't access the login service? Return that it was inaccessible. Lost connection for a quarter of second? Return to the server select screen. Getting 20 second lag? Continue to wait without a so much as a Socket Release and renew. Lagging too long, go back to server select screen. I would really like to see that the game would try to recover from what is obviously a temporary internet hiccup. That way, if we temporarily lose connection in the middle of a boss fight, we're out for a couple of seconds...not a minute and a half while we have to load out to the server select screen, then load into the character select screen, then the main game.
  18. The big problem right now in PvE is balance with Shadows, though. Shadows can't take all the NiM Content as well as Vanguards and Sentinels. Its a big problem with PvE, and we're still having problems with PvP balance as well.
  19. Meh, that's all about Hunter changes, and its only on the PTS server. Devs, you need to be part of the community...not something that changes it behind the scenes.
  20. None of their responses have been on balance, and even if it is on balance, its only just to give us patch notes. This more is like they don't want to have to deal with the problem that the community will provide plenty of details to back up their claim. To me, developers being silent just says that "Hey, we don't care, and we don't want to start a riot on the boards, because we're afraid of putting our Moderators to work." There will be people hotly opposed to anything the developers say or do...but, congratulations, we're in a game. People get fired up. You want progress? Devs need to speak up.
  21. Then again, I bet that it will probably be a joke of a "Subscriber Appreciation" and they don't want to say anything because it will cause people to unsub.
  22. Developers, why are you so silent about the balance of the game? People have been complaining about the balance of many abilities. While I won't name any here, I will say that its annoyed the hell out of me that the developers refuse to comment on any of these threads. Seriously, Developers, do you care? Your silence conveys the following message: A. Developers do not care what we think. B. Developers are not supporting this game. C. Developers hate the players. Sorry, its just how your ignorant silence is coming across.
  23. Jeez, I wish DEVs would comment on this... Even a "Hey, we don't care. Shadows are fine," would be preferable to absolutely no response whatsoever. Developers not responding to anything on the forums makes me believe that the developers just don't care.
  24. Sorry, allowing F2p to be prevented from being kicked is so much...no. I kick players for the following: - (L35+ FPs only) Pulling mobs when they aren't the tank - (L25+ FPs Only) Not healing when they have selected to be a healer. - (L40+ FPs Only) Tanks unable to hold threat on more than one target. - Players that disconnect for longer than 5 minutes. - Players needing on everything, even stuff that isn't for their class (Needing on Strength Gear when they are Willpower based) I don't want this to go away.
  25. I can confirm that the pets are not part of the collection system, but they are part of the "Collector's Edition" system, which means that every character will be mailed a copy of the pet. In other news, whenever I create a new character, I start off with 9 mails.
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