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Everything posted by Lucridate

  1. Facing only Groupings in Ilum now, I actually wish this was "KoTOR 3". I was far more drawn into the stroy arc than the action by the end and want that to go on. The fighting has just become an expensive grind-a-thon. I inwardly groan now when I see mobs awaiting me on my path to my next objective.
  2. That's the official word I got from Support as well. Though the Support guy who responded to my query about this stated that they had to be Level 10 by the 28th February which seems not the case for others. As long as the character was created by that date seems to be enough for some. Stated reason: "We are sorry to hear that you have some concerns with the guidelines for eligibility for character transfers to the new servers. Unfortunately we had to introduce a strict set of minor guidelines in order to ensure the smooth operation of these transfers which we are unable to waver as all information is gathered on specific dates and times from our databases for the eligibility. I understand this is not the news you were hoping for but trust I have explained our reasons for your understanding." So that's bascally it. I won't be transferring as I've spent too much time on Group Flashpoints, Heroics etc and have my secondary toon at Level 20 now and quite happy with his progress. Be a waste to throw that all away for the sake of a couple hundred ping (which really has not affected my experience at all). I just hope "The Harbinger" doesn't become a wasteland as other US servers seem to have become.
  3. +1 It's also a matter of practicality as well. While my LS Jedi dual wields red and blue lightsabres, it is far easier to tell from a distance where each character's alliance lies. See red? They're Empire/Sith. See the Rainbow, they're Republic/Jedi. The n of course there is yellow, which is a bit generic but I believe should go to the Dar Side only. Light Side can have Orange. As a purist, though you would be more ticked off at the distinct influences from the Prequels on the base Universe of "TOR". I wish now that Lucas had followed through on his initial promise of 9 movies made when "Star Wars" was first labelled "Episode IV" (which was not there the first time I saw the film at the cinema on opening day). Three Prequels and three Sequels was the plan.
  4. I see if your character was not Level 10 by Feb. 28th you cannot transfer them. I'm afraid that's a dealbreaker for me as that toon is now Lvl 20 and I won't want to go through the hours and groupings all over again. Pretty rubbish limit when we are only talking two characters in total. What a shame.
  5. Why is only one of my characters listed? I have two active on the same US server but only one of them is available for transfer. All very messy.
  6. Okay no need for for vulgarity ("buttthuirt" - must be a generational gap).. I read it one way you meant it another - we''ll leave it at that, no harm done. I have not played many group quests (heroics, Flashpoints etc.) so it wouldn't have bothered me previously. Now on Ilum it appears that that is all there is left to do (unless BioWare do expand the story arcs as I hope they will). Legacy is a bit pointless without a continuing story. With the way the game is shaping up, though where Operations, Flashpoints etc are becoming the focus then even on The Harrbinger we are seeing a mass migration from other US servers that simply cannot provide the numbers needed for these. My concern is that this will be the case for me on Asia/Pacific. I never played "WoW" but have played "STO" where the sever count is nowhere near what we have here. Need a group, there are always players on hand to help out. As for the migration invitation and this grey-out form I'm sure it's just a result of the new webpage coding...at least i hope so. If noone knows what is happening, at the bottom of the "form" you have three options and all are greyed-out so Inaccessible.
  7. Before you go flying off the handle, I am in the EST Zone (as In Queensland) and yes, many of us do not work 9-5 but work most evenings. That's good that it's "no where near light" for you, but what is Light? If this is an indication of the welcome 9-5 Aussies will give their own when coming over then I'll gladly stay with the US server and put up with the lag. I was asking for information most likely from those that play out of "normal" hours, or Peak. So thanks for your input, but no thanks.
  8. Might have something to do with the new website design, but still. BioWare appear to be aware (no pun intended) of this as they have bumped similar threads to this one. I wonder though, with main character at Lvl 50 on Ilum (Story over, side missions completed) with only Flashpoints available now if there will even be enough players to form Groups when I play. Have to really weigh up the pros and cons at this stage. Can always find willing players on The Harbinger however Asia-Pacific servers are always "Light". What to do, what to do........
  9. Doc is geared up well as are all Companions really. Best money can buy:) It's strange, as I have just completed "Gentlemen's Agreement" (or whatever it is) and it was a breeze. I had not purchased any new gear nor done anything else. After the previous mission this one, all four stages were a walk in the park. Then again, bosses did not fly in from half a parsec away to join but acted as they always have and only got involved if nearby. Even then they were a doddle. Curious:rolleyes:. PS. I never use Stims, as the times I have I seem to actually do worse after using them. Waste of credits in my experience.
  10. Had the choice to do this with others several times, and received positives with Kira from the Light decision. Get nothing from Doc on Illum and T7 just happily chirps for anything Republic - so far. That's why I am wondering if there is going to be a change a'comin in my chracater. With the new Legacy system in 1.2 I'd like to make my Jedi as the "main" and my Sith Warrior as his half brother so this might make sense (they look almost identical for a reason). The "saviour" Jedi turning Dark because of his attachment and a shared past with a Sith who so far is "grey".
  11. Perhaps not so much something wrong, as something we are missing. Class could also play a role. I have a Jedi Sentinal that needs different companions with different abilities at differnt times. On Illum the JS seems to need a DPS, Heal andTank (as in Lord Scourge) and the Ranged Support at different times. Rusk and Doc go down pretty fast most times when hit by two/three up close while the Ent is tied up with 3 or 4 of his own Lvl 50's. I'll need to get better gear for Scourge as I haven't bothered too much with him, so Kira will have to do as a "Tank" until then ( and so far she's done pretty well). If you are doing Heroic 2+'s on Illum, you obviously have much to share. Better use of Abilities is likely one, but diffferent Clsss approaches is another. The last brings me to another question: why were 90% of item drops/Lockboxes for my Sent with Doc or Kira in toe "Heavy" items? If the implication was to use Rusk or Scourge then that explains much.
  12. Not in some Space Missions. Once the targetting comes up for a torpedo ( as it does in "Zosha Advance") you cannot fire missiles no matter how many times you tap the mouse button. If this one gives you trouble, removing the launcher is the only option as only then do missiles alone become n option (generally 4-5 per generator).
  13. Hardly constructive and in no way helpful. One might even say worthy of a Troll, but I will not lower myself. Even with Artifact gear and the best equipment credits can buy, Illum is tough - and expensive for me. With Companions equally buffed, yet taken down quickly a lone fight against a half dozen Lvl 50+ (as in bosses) is short and ugly. Corellia and the Emperor combined were a doddle compared with Illum.
  14. An interesting take on it. However, when I first installed my launcher it indicated 4 and did so until I failed one mission (having fired one torpedo off) for the first time and from then I only had 3 available, no 4th. Uninstalled and sold. Picked up a new launcher later on yet it only registers 3 but has 4. I believe it is a bug. That being said, missions are far easier without Protons except for "Kahless Expanse" where they are not required, yet it is one I have recurring problems surviving. The others are beyond easy, just trickier with Protons.
  15. I agree, now having completed Crystal Ball (with the surprising decision tree twist) and now face Gentleman's Agreement. So far it has been a wearing and costly grind completing the missions, and often just getting to them. The final stage in Crystal ball was indeed a HEROIC if not in name certainly in nature and should be flagged as Red not Yellow. Then again, no Story mission should be Red as if you run out of credits (easily done if it takes a half dozen attempts to complete) you can't proceed. Pulling in bosses from 100m away to enjoin a deadly battle is just plain weird as if you are meant to take down every re-spawning Imperial around you. Need to grind some Space Missions to get credits to proceed now.
  16. After several attempts with different companions as a Jedi Sentinel, I finally worked out the strategy to take her down (a very expensive and time-consuming war of attrition as this is more like a HEORIC than anything else I've encountered including the Emperor). Won't go into who found the fight easy and who hard as we all have differnet approaches, classes, kits and experience - I just know that my Sent spent much time and many credits at the Medbay. What did surprise the heck out of me is what happened in the conversation after defeating her:
  17. Not sure what your point is, but having swapped out Kira for Doc I'm having no issues and can subdue foes of equivalent levels with little issue. My problem was going with Scourge on Hoth, or Kira as she's been my best companion for a while now and is kitted out quite decently. Now with a higher Skill level set at 47, and using a good combo for my play style it was basically just a grind with re-spawning uglies in the caverns of Belsavis to go from 45-47. Spend my last 3 points in Focus and I should be fine for the endgame (T7 is kitted out well too). Now for the ugly mobs I keep hearing about on Voss. Belsavis was bad enough with wandering frogmen and the occasional accidental blunder into an Imperial Outpost ("Tagged for PVP in 7,6,5...").
  18. I hadn't used WASD before for any mission, not being a native WASD user yet I see now the importance. Drexel can overwhelm if you are not watching for the incoming hits, and I wasn't. I'll try it again. Gave Zosha Advance a go this morning and just could not get more than half way. Even with Lvl 5 and a prototype Armour fitting I just took too much damage. The problem I see now is the incoming fire and no mater how complete the shield is, the hull is ripped to shreds by the point I get to. It's the darned special ship you say to avoid in Drexel. I go after it in Zosha to get rid of it's firepower. Obviously I should be dancing around it instead. Try, try again:D. Thankyou for your videos...at least they don't belittle those having a hard time like many other posters do (ie. "They're simple. You suck!").
  19. Thanks for this, as I have had no problems with space missions, getting all objectives and more (taking out the bridge on a Captial ship is grand) with rarely a drtop in health. Then I hit Levels 42 and 43 and oh my! 1/ Kalee Fortification - I see what you've one, and where I was going wrong. I was concentrating too much on the Capitals' turrets and shields as these appeared to be taking me down when I flashed past. I'll try your way and see how I go:) 2/ Hydian Way Blockade - it's hectic, it's long but as long as you conserve some missiles for the minelayer you'll be fine. I set a missile on each fighter and follow with a laser blast and that finishes them quickly. Now the problem missions: 3/ Drexel Sweep - I only need to survive the asteroids and the oncoming waves of fighters really, but the shields and armour (the latter an upgrade from Grade 5) just do not hold by the time the last big Star Cruiser appears. Then it's swarms of fighters, multiple turrets and hurtling asteroids. Have not competed this yet. 4/ Zosha Advance - Aw hell, that one is a tough ask. No matter what strategy it's never enough to keep me alive with swarms of fighters and Star Destroyers catching me every time in their crossfire. I like your approach and will try that out. 5/ Impossible Mission - Haven't received that one yet, but with my poor performance in these advanced missions I'll be wanting some upgrades up from 5. I don't pretend to be a fabulous player, and my reflexes are slowing with age, yet they are a tough ask at Lvl 44....for me at least. Most are just plain boring now, and can be done while daydreaming or having a coffee - no need for WASD. These Advanced Missions - like going from "Easy" to "Murderous" in one move. I thought "X-Wing" was difficult at the time it came out, until I learned the strategies required to complete objectives. I'm guessing its the same here.
  20. Dare I say that an easy solution would have been to have a Jedi guardian as a sentinel's Companion and vice verse? or does that defeat the purpose of Group/ Heroic quests? I don't think it's the latter, and would make for a much better teamed fight than having two dps's.
  21. I have both sidebars on as well as the bottom two and use them efficiently. Not just with hotkeys and fingers dancing on the keyboard, but mouse clicking for a health pack or a droid disable shock. The Sentinel does not feel "broken" when fighting, but on Hoth at least many of the fights were unbalanced. It was the scenario that put the lightly armoured (though he has Medium) melee specialist at the wrong end of exploding shells, punches and waves of ice pellets. When he goes in with twin sabres ablaze, using all abilities as fast as they cool down (intelligently, btw) the re-spawning Corporals and Technicians are the "cheats". I can take four tough ice men down, but with lowered health my Sent is fish bait when the wandering mini boss decides to join in. Pity "dead is dead" did not apply to many of the Hoth missions as they do with most others. Then again, many of the Hoth missions are open to all at the same time, which can be quite irksome standing around waiting for objectivess to reset, all the while battling re-spawning heavies. The nature of MMO's? Yes. Does it have to be hard or boring? No. So no, the Sentinel is fine in a fair fight, and I enjoy playing the role. Just one question. Why, if these scenarios I've described are made for all classes and not just "heavy" classes is 75% of the loot I get for Heavy Armour/Pistols/Rifles? at this stage I only have T-7, Kira and The Doc. I've rarely picked up any thing of use for the Sentinel class on Hoth. It's all for the Troopers or for Companions I have yet to unlock. Brings me to a real gripe. If you don't like reading up on who you are going to have as your next companion but let the story unfold, you have not stored equipment and weapons for them in your locker. There really should be no need to research how your story unfolds as the game itself should be giving these tips. Heavy weapon loot appears - tooltip pops up telling you that you might/will need this later.
  22. Well tea and medals all around, guys. Seriosly, well done. However some of us, who were not born into the computer age but were young adults when it first appeared have not played many of these games, do not know the tweaks and quirks and usually play by ourselves, not communicating with anyone in-game or out. That's hiow gaming was in my twenties and it's what I'm used to - getting better at MMO's, but this is only the second one I've played. In other words, a casual gamer who is just out to have fun. Fun does not include facing down 5x Lvl 40 OP'd Pirates when you are Lvl 43 and at 50% health in seconds. We all know where that leads with 4 more foes to vanquish. Aside from being annoying and frustrating, it's expensive. Say what you will, and bash anyone who does not play MMOs as if they know them inside out yet give us our freedom to express dissatisfaction with facing nigh on impossible odds at time to "push" the story on. Don't want the game to be "easy", but when it is just plain work instead of challenge...ugh! Haven't had a problem until I met the Ice Pirates on [sl]Hoth. I got off Hoth (hell hole that it is) then went to face down the Emperor and that was a walk in the park compared to Hoth. Died a few times, but completed secondaries and destroyed Lord Ugly Chops without more than a 50% drop in health....still at Lvl 43. I'm not bashing the Sentinel Class overall, but sometimes he/she does need a hand, just as I've often jumped in and helped sa Guardian/ Smuggler/ Trooper even though it's not a Party mission and I get nothing for it. It helps someone else play the game, and that's what you obviously good players should be doing. Can watch YuTube till the cows come home (and I don't) but a useful guide written by players who know what to do, what to wear, how to use strategies the best would be welcome. If you do well at Sentinel, please explain how best to use the Class. Don't just give us a littany of your accomplishments. It would be very helpful indeed.
  23. On Hoth at present, and while I appreciate what you are saying about Sents my experience is horrific on this one planet. others have been had their problems, but I've never died so ofetn so quickly than on Hoth...and it is very, very exensive. Even at Lvl 43 with gear that far exceeds anything availble on pickup or vendors (credit or commendation), if you are taking on a group of 4-5 and a wandering mini-boss decides he wants in, it's game over. I'm always at low health, as is my companion (no matter which) after taking on 4 Ice Pirates, or 3 Imperial Ice Troopers and need to perform Introversion. That's when I get bushwhacked by an OP wanderer. By the time the mission is complete, and going back to a med centre helps not a bit, I've got a repair bill that when it is all added up is generally 3-5,000 credits. I'm losing credits but gaining XP. It is not a good trade-off. Apologies if this comes off as whining, but my experience is that Hoth is no place to be for a Jedi Sentiel and the fun just is not that there. It is a grind just to complete the story arc, and that's not what gaming is about.
  24. It's a devil of a class to play period. No one wants you in their Party for Heroic or Flashpoints - it's all "need LFG", and with good reason - it's a fragile class. Even the standard quests are hard to beat without a load of healing and in the case of Hoth, Revives. At Lvl 42 with top range rigging for myself and companion, I battled for ages against the Pirates, only having to finally abandon the side-quest with the repair bill coming in at over 9,000 credits. Problem was re-spawning bosses wandering around and joining in every single skirmish I was in - that really should have been negated by making this a story quest instead of a free-for-all. That was using both Kira and Doc alternately, and after they went down I followed in a hail of shells and explosions from 6 different sources. LFG and Trooper would have no problems, but Sentinel - forget it. I do know how to play my class, and do so carefully as I've realised that many quests are built for "tank"-only and if you get through on Sentinel it comes with a heavy cost and very, very careful planning. Pick your fights and try to skirt around as many as you can on Hoth, otherwise you're in seriously bad shape for the mission itself.
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