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Everything posted by keimox

  1. How about correcting maintenance time. Which one is correct, system alerts time or one in this thread. Date: Tuesday, January 21st, 2014 Duration: 2 hours Time:3AM PST (10AM GMT) - 5AM PST (12PM GMT) From system alerts page.
  2. BTW! I made in-game ticket about this matter and got response today that my ticket has been forwarded. I hope they make some changes soon.
  3. Older parses might have bigger crits for discharge but then I had 131 more power than now. Changed it to crit if it would increase sustained dps. Still I find RNG keeping it around same numbers. Personally I would prefer power but we have to stack more crit than any other class since they get more crit from skill trees. Also most classes get 6-9% more main stat from skill tree and that helps with crit-% too.
  4. What u want to know? U can check my parses thou there aren't many. Already posted few to low slash thread. I'm 1 implant short from full DF.
  5. http://www.torparse.com/a/550116/2/0/Damage+Dealt without spike. http://www.torparse.com/a/552235/1/0/Damage+Dealt with spike. Not ideals to compare due the critical hits at start (opener point-of-view), but it shows imo that both ways are viable.
  6. I have used long time spike + maul proc opener and I use combat stealth -> spike -> maul plenty in boss fights and in dummy parsing. Recently I have tested evo's opener and dropped combat stealth + spike from rotation and used CS + recklessness + discharge instead. Overall the dps is pretty much the same due to the infamous RNG. Still I think IF the stars align and crits go smooth it's better to have more maul procs than in regular rate. Its easily the hardest hitting ability we have.
  7. Hearing lot's of slinger/sniper cries over orbital nerf.
  8. It is just better if you do comparing by yourself. Then you can see what works for you. In the long fight the dps remains around same numbers in the end.
  9. In the end it doesn't matter which way you open, dps remains on same numbers at the end of ~5min fight. RNG makes sure of that.
  10. This thing needs to be fixed asap. It makes shadows and assassins in unequal positions.
  11. That its not possible to take VS without taking impose weakness in deception tree. So don't know it dev's really like republic side more or they have made mistake on other side. Which side I can't say, but they need to fix that. Not quite fair if other side can pick some skill without having to take some other and other side u can't.
  12. Well. You can't take VS without impose weakness. Clearly dev's like reps more. I just tested with respec in game.
  13. Well as i said. I tested your way and it doesn't matter in the end dps wise. Only difference is in force management at start.
  14. Some might. I'm on TOFN in imp side. Nothing hard on dp/df hm with deception. Since this nick doesn't have any similarities with my character's name they can assume anything from me. As far is I know I'm doing around same numbers as ppl u pointed. And i can say that by looking my dps from torparse. I don't have any problems with force or dps all thou i think bioware should do something about horrible RNG.
  15. I don't care if u agree or not. I did parsing and dps wise it doesn't matter at all. RNG takes care of that.
  16. Opinion noted. But really it really doesn't matter if you use spike -> maul -> discharge or discharge -> vs vs etc. as opener. The RNG makes so much variation for deceptions dps so that they are on same level in the end.
  17. No impose weakness? Why not? You know it's for spike opener and for combat stealth + spike every time possible in PVE for extra duplicity proc.
  18. Overall good guide. Only thing that bugs me in deception spec is that is so RNG heavy. RNG can change your dps with 200-300 in 5min dummy run and dev's should do something about that. Otherwise it is my favorite AC.
  19. But hey. Assassins dps can stealth res and "tank" so they obviously they don't need any buffs for dps.
  20. Well the 10% increased force regen means 0,7 more force in second. Not much as a buff. And forceregen is already ok. You just need to watch buffs and procs for skills before using them and use blackout and combat stealth properly to regen force. Also 2/4 PVE setbonus increases saberstrikes forceregen. PVP is different story but u don't need to worry about force in pvp fights since they are usually so short.
  21. Yea I know. That's why I said narrow parsing since i had time only for 5 fights per setup.
  22. Impressive parse and overall crit-%. I did some parsing with bigger crit-rating versus more power. Can't say for overall crit-% since torparse was down and had to use mox but I got some average dps with narrow parsing. With bigger crit-% average dps was around 3080 and more power around 3230. Crit difference from crit-rating was around 2,5%. Both dps could be bigger since i didn't use any adrenals or overcharge sabre. Just wanted to see some average dps and difference with them. With bigger power i broke 3,4k dps which is my new personal record on dummy.
  23. Gotta try out with bit more crit and see what happens.
  24. How much do you have crit pieces in your Infil-gear? I have currently one 180-rating crit mod and 2 180-rating acute enhancements. tried with 2 mods and 2 enhancements but i didn't find that ~1% of crit doing that much difference in overall dps.
  25. Complete or compete? I have cleared df and dp hm with deception assa several times without being carried by other dps. Sure assassins fall behind in DPS for other classes but it can pull enough DPS to clear content.
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