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Everything posted by JestersRevenge

  1. Forum PVP not in the PVP shout out thread? *mind blown*
  2. Chong Li, Bloodsport. If I remember correctly, he uttered only three words the entire movie, "You're next!" and "Matay". He flexed his pecs like a boss.
  3. Confirmed this evening. Bets on how long he can hold his virtual tongue before the posts start in this thread?
  4. This. I'm suffering terribly with BF4 . After playing SW for nearly two years in third person, going to first is jarring. Let alone the loss of reflex.
  5. One good Smasher and it would've been lights out for us. Pretty sure most of them were bunched in the doorway most of the match. I was running Watchman (bored) and still topped damage on our team. Spent most of it chasing Fadera or being pulled away and set on fire. Nothing made me wish for respec more than that match. Sweet baby Yeezus you should've heard the rage in TS during that HB. I muted my mic and giggled...
  6. Figures that would be the night I decided to dust off the old Sentinel. That Huttball hurt, but we did alright with an earlier win in a AHG. So much PT-oil-slick-proto-flame pain in that one . I think all healers hit near 1.5M or so.
  7. Appreciate the feedback. Some follow up: 1) Unshieldable damage (crits, elemental, internal) make up what % of the attacks I'll receive? I had read somewhere in the mid to upper 30s? Wouldn't it be better to stack Shield and Absorb as a priority and then Endurance? 3) I had also read (forsaking Defense), that DR is roughly around 50% for Shield and Absorb. Being totally unfamiliar with the stat budget for a PT tank, is it possible to hit those numbers through gear alone and then perhaps stack the Endurance augs?
  8. Of course, that was the point of the post and the vid ... I couldn't take my eyes off of Magic Mike in the corner.
  9. I have seven 55s, one of each AC (need Shadow), and I've always either been DPS or heals. I've dusted off the PT and am trying my hand at tanking. I'm having a lot of fun, but I have a few questions as I gear... I've read KBN's guide in the Tank role thread and I've been digging in the MMO Mechanics forums. I've decided to go the mitigation route over the endurance route and will try to stay as far away from Defense as possible, instead stacking for Shield and Absorb. I'm assuming there's a diminishing return on those stats. What sort of rating / chance should I gear towards? Once I hit those targets for Shield and Absorb, is it then I should go for Defense or Endurance? And finally, for those going the mitigation route, which augments do you use? Appreciate any feedback.
  10. Captain Anderson and Rowdy Roddy Piper! /nerdgasm
  11. Shout out to The Chandrian, the Pubs, and especially Karma (1.6M heals ) for the VS last night. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/43/uks6.jpg/ And also to Karma's terribly under geared (old Partisan Eliminator, but mostly dedicated) tank .
  12. I had just dusted off my Juggernaut after a few months and my first match was a Huttball. Was in enemy pit, Interceded to teammate on edge...FAIL. Later, in enemy pit again. Charged to enemy above me on central ramp only to fall back into the pit. Again. SO...MUCH...RAGE...
  13. Breaking the rules a bit... Shout out to guildies Dreadnok, Shazzam and Trixxy. It's been awhile since I've laughed that hard for that long...and thanks for the win streak last night . Shout out to the Eternal guys for that hard fought Novare too. Apologies to Chasso and Paterius who grouped with me on my Jugg awhile ago after not playing him for two months . I'm back in the groove (as the fellas above will attest). Here's to redemption.
  14. Go away. Shouldn't you be posting in the PVE DPS thread or having your SW experience ruined by a premade somewhere?
  15. This, unfortunately ... Here's to hoping Wildstar, ESO or EQN delivers...
  16. I'm not sure if you're being serious, but you do know Imps fight Imps? In premade vs premade I've found it's always a good fight against them. You win some and you lose some. If you were being sarcastic, just ignore what I wrote . OP, I also know a lot of Undercon guys and guys from other guilds we grouped with are getting their PvP fix from games like DOTA. I see the Eternal guys online fairly often. Best thing might be to start with grouping up and going from there. PvPing Pub side in the evenings can be brutal going solo. Best of luck and if you get something going, let the community know. Could always do some sort of alliance thing at least if people aren't into leaving their guilds.
  17. There was a Fatedd sighting in Austin.
  18. 1-3) Apparently the lack of sleep also allows sarcasm to escape you as well. Less queuing for WZs/less trash talk = more sleep = less carrying for the rest of us. Profit for all. Cute guild name though.
  19. Hey, no need to be grumpy. I totally understand useless buffs taking up valuable frame space, but I think we ought to start with the basics, i.e. the gearing of certain Mercs in a VS with about 1400 - 1500 expertise, thus forcing the rest of the team to carry them. Thankfully, the derpness of the opposing team was a much greater contribution to our win. I expect a cut of the comms they earned. Just saying you might have bigger issues than buff space... PS: Does "hmd" mean what I think it does?
  20. Was solo queuing last night and ran into <Ctrl Alt Elite> (Caedo, Reich and others). Shout out to you guys for one of the most intense Alderaan's I've played in some time. Also, a big shout out to Recursion (sp?) from <Unconquered> who ended up on my team. His beast mode was in full gear and he ended up with something like 18 medals. GGs all around for a very close win.
  21. No. I can count on one hand the number of times I've missed the last tick of Ravage after playing Veng for a year. Sure, sloppy players may miss that window, but anyone with moderate skill will land all three on a Merc. It's better put to use on a Mara. Don't risk your KB. All the other posters have given valid responses. But I do agree with Saber Reflect. Been on both sides...and it hurts.
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