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Everything posted by helloder

  1. helloder

    fix sorcs/sages

    Why bother with sorc or merc? Your post indicate that you were chosen to play Rage specced Sith Warrior, any of two AC really.
  2. What did you expect? Stories about some hidden AC with 30m range and stealth?
  3. You should post defensively and make them pay for ignoring you!
  4. This inconvenience will only make stealth classes richer, since scoundrels and shadows will share for credits pvp daily and weekly quests at the fleet. Also, just for example: GTN, cargo hold and your ship is 30 seconds to reach when you are at the fleet and like 5 minutes when at outlaw's den. Lazy a s s ftw! IMHO If you want pvpers to hang out somewhere, make a proper nice looking place, like our own personal pvp orbital station ( x times bigger the usual station, with duels allowed area, GTN, ship docks, GSF Hangar where I can see my ships, bar, blackjack and twilek dancers ), not that cheap dirty den excuse.
  5. You forgot the undying rage / guarded by the force which makes marauder / sentinel perfect tanks* And watchman / annihilation spec also has healZ for the group! Marauder is universal multipurpose soldier * for 4 sec
  6. Good thinking about melee! Something like this after-one-immunity can help revive some uninvolved in pvp specs like scrapper / watchman.
  7. Not that convenient and therefore I'm against the idea. Why not just give you a separate mission terminal there with open world pvp mission only and some mount/cosmetic rewards?
  8. Stealth and ranged in this game? Only lag. Happens out of nowhere and follows anywhere. Very lethal at wzs. However must say BW does some good job fixing it, weekly maintenances significantly reduce it
  9. Yey, merry X-mas! P.S. I assume pvp event was on Hanukkah and ofc I haven't been invited..
  10. I'm not specialist but how about guaranteed back blast after shoot first plus interrupt? And the ability to annoy is priceless IMHO. When I play this spec, I'm sure most of my opponents either have never experienced before this effect from scoundrel or already forgot it Surprise surprise for them
  11. IMHO good suggestions. OP did a good job of planning and presenting them. Yet personally again I must say that 3 very viable dps specs for arenas and wzs both, for one advanced class is may be too much.. when there is still loud cry in scrapper/concealment forum treads, and some poor dd specs as vigilance do exist, easytoshutdown mercs and sages are still depressed ( some people say ) may be they must be a 1st buff priority?
  12. Just for lulz, please, don't take it as seriousbusinessnstread I have a weird idea Let's change left sentinel tree to "medwatch" and make it healing tree You will have two green kolto sabers And new abilities such as Dont your die on me: Doc's scream/bladestorm 30m healing strike, kolto slash, Kolto residue ( HOT ) after slash Recovery leap to ally, medium heal, 5sec cd Advanced recovery leap to ally when he's below 30% hp, no cd, free spam. cleanse bonk on the head kolto splash ( AOE heal 10 k )? Force push medpac 30m It would be weirdest healing spec in MMO history! The same weirdness for sniper would result in replacing marksman with shieldman! Post your crazy ideas here, just for lulz
  13. Hmm.. I'll try to do this short, but Bioware style. 1) no. 2) yes. Any more questions? P.S. OP and do you have any suggestions yourself? I would like to hear them, I like that class I assume your play one since you started this tread. Have you seen the tread scoundrel dps brainstorming at class-smuggler-scoundrel forum?
  14. how premade players see Uncelsam and finally BW's most current reaction on this hot topic
  15. But since you have a pic of some poor girl, who is probably unaware of that.. I will meddle for a lil bit, just for you: Crisis of identity?
  16. There is truth in your post. Yet Europe hadn't been non-democratic ( not sure this is grammatically correct ) before, except WW2 axis countries ofc. The spread of democratic ideas and civil rights started first in Europe after revolutions in Netherlands, UK and France centuries before WW2.
  17. I thought we were speaking hypothetically I don't know Dariann at all, and it's not my business to meddle in his/her personal data.
  18. Tank queues takes longer then dps or even healer. It's not group finder About animations, tbh I don't share your pov. Yet I prefer medicine operatives visible probes rather than scoundrels "stealth" slow release medpac. And before adaptive gear dat smugglers hat was the ultimate reason for me to play rep side
  19. He made 4 treads here and mentioned his skype several times. BW deleted all his treads by now ofc.
  20. It was attack by some twentybears97 guy. it wasn't server issue. I hope
  21. Dariann most amazing marauder/sentinel universe. P.S. Goddess or female or even grandmother- all are equally weird when placed at man's signature.
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