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Everything posted by helloder

  1. Bump. Have a very similar system. Same troubles. I asked at customer service forum to post PC which I should buy to stop this low FPS nonsense. No response from BW ofc.
  2. I don't know them, ( It was my IMHO, can be wrong ) And I said probably, And do they still play? ( these sages ) Do they play ranked? ( with their sages ) Who are they? ( why these stars can't show up at tournament? Too good to duel? ) And your main is who? ( I'm sorry if you have already told it, but I'm just curious ) Ty
  3. 2nd place. And btw he played as sorc healer against probably best dps sage at this server, both were alive at the end of 3-minute-duel, so in his spec atm he has proved to be 1st. And House can wish you to die very often but he doesn't brag in every sorc/sage/pvp/server thread about being world n1 as a person above.
  4. And publicly apologize for all sort of wrong stuff i did to him, like being too needy of him or intrusive/pushy. i seriously didnt mean to be that kind of guy. hope that you wont change fleet phase next time you spot me at fleet P.S. still like to watch your games at your http://www.twitch.tv/bleezlord and your job of making an unique looks for your chars.
  5. I love 8vs8 and I would love to see it get back in game. However the mysterious technical difficulties that bioware mentioned makes me wonder what else we have been cut off also? "Ding diog, sheloy! it's me open World pvp!"
  6. Don't tell me where to go, I didn't ask direction here, I made proposition. L2read Adequate person can do the following here: support or disagree or ignore.
  7. New players have to gear up, it's a norm. Old players shouldn't suffer the same difficulties every patch, it's doesn't motivate them to stay loyal to the game, since every big patch they are in the same boat as noobies. Emm.. I want good cool looking pvp gear each patch! The holders of legendary gear can gear new ones for the look Or for their fresh 55 alts.
  8. Its a dream job: be a secret government agent and play SWtor
  9. Khm.. Khe.. Traitors On topic: if pvp here will die out, I will just come back to real life and single player games like AC.
  10. Point is that next pvp-patch you will not have to re-do you gearing work, your stats will be auto updated. And people with x chars can jump to play ranked ( with any of theirs geared up toons ) in teams and solo rather then do the gearing work.
  11. No p2w here. You must get your own full obroan set ( for each toon separately ), then minimax it as you want and only after you can convert your hard earned ranked gear into a permanent ranked topgear. I propose to cut the repetition. If compare current state of grinding to leveling then it is like every new pvp related patch you have to lvl up from 1 to 55 all way up again. And it's fine when you have 1 char, but if you have 8? Should this one dedicated person gear up till next patch?
  12. i just want to make an alternative proposition to "lets buy pvp gear with CC" in case the words "buy" and "with CC" will attract EA financial advisers and this "bright idea" to buy pvp with CC will be forced into implementation. dont make it personal, you dont know if i have gear problems P.S. if i will have these problems i will rather open a club: Gear Grinders Anonimus then babycry at forum
  13. Preposition regarding pvp gear. Update: option 2 Bolster old top ranked gear up to the stats of new top ranked gear. No cc, just small bolster fix There are various topics about gear gathering in pvp.. How long it take to gear to full and how fast you have to grind new ranked gear. I will not argue about this, since there is no one solution here which will satisfy everybody. But I think the group who are affected the most by grinding problems ( time spend to get ranked gear ) are the people with several alts, who play competitive ( ye that fancy word ) pvp at ranked lvl. They have to regrind new gear x times for each of their alts and then double that time every time new gear appears. Clearly their current difficulties have not been met by developers. So what I suggest: let them convert with CC ofc ( this is to make EA interested in implementing this ) their fully collected obroan gear into "legendary gear" which will automatically update their stats ( mods/armorings/enchantments ) up to the next ranked lvl gear when it appears. !each toon separately ofc! ( update ) Procs: People's efforts to gear to full their alts are now rewarded having alts are additionally rewarded more diverse range of classes are played at high lvl ( through by the same players ) easier to adjust to any balance patches Once I have gathered my gear - I have completed that road, no need to do it as a new players have to - that gives us a more fair prospective I assume. Cons: Have to pay CC There will be a growing community of pvpers who always have up to date actual gear ( some might find it unfair, but the road is open to anyone ) Open to discussion
  14. These particular ego-driven Americans will brag about their super-skills and superior tactics up until the moment the cross server pvp will be implemented. It's cheap talk for them, since currently there is no possibility to duel Gerrike ( or any other group-queue pvper from ToFN ) after to back up their words Simply because there is no legitimate way to find out who is the best right now, cause no one will be enthusiastic enough to reroll overseas and play with 300+ms. However the fact that their's butts are still hurt a lot after they have encountered some West European guilds ( like Drama ) is an evidence why they mention about 3 day length exploit so often.
  15. Excuseslove, nothing can hurt you more than realization what have been given to you ( education ) and what you do for a living, selling food is even easier than preparing it. Mongoloid guys that came from deep Asia, who never saw a PC in their life take this job in Moscow as it is the easiest to get. That's why you try so hard to argue here with pretty much everyone, and get so butthurted when you realize no one buys your self imposed "supremacy", you ego desperately need some boost, but you fail again and again to provide it. Keep on failing
  16. Good guide, thank you! Watched it and I have a question about dealing with shadows/assassins. I need to keep them off my back. Should I use mouse for movement or do you suggest to slow them and press S?
  17. Yep, have 2 lowbies here, and I didn't bother to transfer them. For FP tanks are ofc best choice, but you do understand that they will do pvp sometimes, which is normal, and you will be surrounded by 4 defence guardians or kinetic combat shadows. So ToFN is acting stupid and TRE is a braintrust of all players? Ok, sry
  18. Yes, yes, exuseslove! Did you learn to swear people like this while serving food at your job? Born in the country with arguably best education system, went to work in fast food. So not dumb are u Or it's just one of your tricks?
  19. About your capital.. What's so terrible? P.S. I was in Malmo last year ( it's not far away, ye? ) and some not very sober Swede told me that "Iraq war reshaped this region". I left clueless but may be you can enlighten me
  20. And then you ask at the forums why there is no damage at pub lowbie wzs?
  21. Excuseslove said his word, he is not best shadow.. His new title is Roudysnotfarapart. Let's keep it close to the authors vision as possible, please P.S. +1 for keep going, solid read.. 9,5/10.
  22. Support you 100% Conqueror gear or expertise equivalent must me a criteria
  23. Actually it was quite a tight series of duels P.S. Sky won.
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