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Posts posted by HelinCarnate

  1. snipers are sort of overtuned as well. if they had 3 H2Fs like mercs, they'd actually be worse


    Commando and Merc would be OP as well if they had 3 H2F. They only have 1 that is close and you have to spend a utility point to get to heal to 70%. If the commandos / mercs you play are able to heal to full 3 times then the fault lies with you and your team for healing them.

  2. ... every game you see a mass quantity of merc's and snipers.....t


    Was in a game earlier today with 8 sorcs / sages, 2 commando / merc and 0 slingers / snipers total. Clearly the mercs and commandos are over represented in every game

  3. This game is CPU heavy so would go for better power there. I5 runs fine, can find decent ones for 200-250. For graphics cards a GTX 1060 should be able to handle most anything you can throw at it for most people. You only really need more if you are running multiple displays at high resolution. 8GB of memory should be fine as well but 16 couldn't hurt. One thing I would also invest in is SSD drive. I noticed my load times into planets was cut quite a bit when I made the switch.


    Did some quick digging on amazon and found this for under 1200. Not bad for those that are not familiar with how to build your own.



    This would be closer to the top end with the 1080 card and high end CPU for just under your 2k budget



  4. Can't help the OP but in the US the EH server is not so bad pub side. We tend to win around as often as we lose overall. Some days we dominate, other days the imps do but over time its around average.
  5. Maybe I'm weird as the fight in mid bores me but fights at the pylons are super fun for me.


    For some classes - especially those with speed boosts - I will usually run to mid to start getting orbs. Especially sent/mara, as you boost everyone's speed on the way there and/or back.


    If everyone else runs off, I'll stay instead, regardless of class - and then ask in chat if there's better choices for a guard.


    If I am playing my 'Sin or Op, I will preferentially stay, even if others do, because that's just fun. You can often delay the cap against 3+ enemy with just stalls and little fighting at all - that delay is awesome for getting reinforcements too. But I am usually at their pylon, not ours, if I am a stealther. One situation I find myself in somewhat commonly as if playing a stealther is that I've run to their pylon to stall and then pulled off a cap. In that case, guarding is probably the most fun PvP in the whole game, due to the enemy reaction, especially if your team throws in and helps.


    Was in one game earlier today where after a while in round 2 no one capped the other side. As I was bringing an orb to our side, I checked the map and saw no one from our team there. So I ran from our pylon (which still had 2 guards because we had a stealth messing with us) all the way under the spawn point to get the speed boost and was able to cap the other side with a bit over 1 min left that round. They left it uncapped and unguarded that whole time.


    I do find more and more games though where both sides are fighting at both pylons and have had several matches end due to time limits because both sides get stalled and no one caps.

  6. It is a level issue. If you are under 65 you get normal xp. At either 65 or 66 (not sure which) you get reduced xp on the KotFE and it goes back to normal once you start KotET. Not sure if that was intentional or not and they just forgot to correct the numbers in the mission log. The mission reward when you look at the quest will say something like say 600k but you only end up with around 60k.
  7. Unless there are several "fluff" damage dealers, in YOLO, with a healer, that all it is, fluff. One aoe heal (that they probably would be casting anyway) gets rid of most or all of that damage. All it does is pad numbers and does not contribute much to killing people. Now if no one has heals or you have several people on the team spreading dots to everyone then yes that can create more pressure on the healer, but with just one, the extra damage is insignificant.


    Numbers CAN indicate what a player does in the match but not always. For example, 3 times I helped stealth cap in a Hypergate match with another stealth. The 2 of us would roll up, I would sleep the guard and the other person would cap. As soon as he broke CC I would sleep him again and the other person could finish the cap. (why they didn't add more guards after the first time Ill never understand). The numbers on the board don't reflect assists like that.


    They also don't show how many times someone passes to someone in huttball that end up scoring. They don't show how many times I drew people away from objectives fighting 3 vs 1 to make it easier for others to grab those objectives. Sure it shows that I may have died several times but it has no reflection on how I contributed to the most important stat on the board, the win.

  8. I don't think stealth is OP, but I do think the OOC mezz needs a CD. I am not a good Op, and even I can keep multiple people busy at a node for plenty of time without even breaking stealth.


    Thats an issue with multiple people trying to find and kill you instead of all capping at the same time forcing you to whitebar all of them and come out of stealth sooner.

  9. FACT: Mercs are more tanky then Juggernauts.

    FACT: Broken as hell.


    Considering that Mercs can do the same damage from ANY RANGE and doesn't need to worry about

    any CC except stuns to stop their damage, compared to Juggernauts which are melee dps tanks that

    are highly vulnerable to any sort of CC that totally negates their dps.


    A class with the safety of range should not be able to tank AND CC at the same time.


    I'd love to see a developer Vs Developer fight where one is a Merc and the other a jugg, then tell me the

    classes are working as intended.. namely the Merc out-tanking and out-damaging the jugg.


    They are not as tanky as actual tanks. A team that knows what they are doing can totally shut them down. The problem is many teams do not know what they are doing (at least not as a team) and someone will open with a stun (before they pop their shield) followed by another stun in an attempt to burn them down. This fails vs any merc/commando that is used to playing the class and had to endure 4.0.


    Exactly. Accuracy is not the issue. The issue is that some fights were created for specific levels and bolster does not grant those abilities. Blood hunt was created based on having all your abilities. You just don't have all the tools needed at level 50 being bolstered up to 70 to take out the first boss. Unless your team is very coordinated and they are all familiar with the mechanics of the fight (much like the team in the vid) you will not do very well on this boss if you have under leveled members on the team as dps even if they have enough accuracy.

  11. I was a merc for the whole 4.0 and it's one of if not the greatest pvp experience i have had in this game.


    I would agree. And those of us that had to suffer through always being the first target got used to playing the class that way. Then we get some serious defensive buffs in 5.0 and don't seem to get picked on first anymore. When they do, most times someone on their team is dead before you can take them down. Although if you get focused as soon as you come out of stealth I would take that as a sign of respect.

  12. I find the problem is that nobody tends to focus the other healers. This is more for unranked. Which means I usually am on the enemy healer to keep them tied up. Which means I'm not freed up to peel. If I could rely on my teammates to focus the healer I would have no problem peeling enemies focused on our healer.


    Most players in unranked have little to no situtational awareness.


    You don't need to focus a healer to win. Just pay attention to what they are doing and keep them out of the fight. Granted this only works vs teams with 1 healer and if they have a tank, one that doesn't swap guard (which is most tanks)

  13. This is correct but its even simpler, if you see more green than red you are on the wrong side. ;)


    I have the person guarding as my focus target so can see right away if they are fighting or not. Many times I end up being the one to call for help when I see that it is the 1 guard with me rushing to help vs 3 others.

  14. New PvPers please learn the objectives of each type of map, especially Hypergates and guard it if you cap the node.


    I'm getting sick of losing in this map because noobs cap and run off.


    The rule is "if you cap it, you guard it" unless someone agrees to come swap. Don't cap and run.


    This is obviously just one WZ map. There are many others to learn too. Please take the time to do so or ask someone.



    If only there were some way for you to make sure that the objective was safe even if someone else ran off.

  15. You still haven't get it how the thing works. Let me enlighten you. "Bolster" doesn't work properly and good enough for low lvl people on HM FP's. It doesn't even work properly on Tactical FP's. It's not the accuracy your problem. It's the low lvl's queueing for HM. My advice, if all in your group are not 70, just re-queue. Even 69 lvl is not enough. We had once 69 lvl on Assault on Tython and we couldn't make it on the last boss until he left and a 70 lvl healer joined and we did it 1/1.


    That sounds more like a player issue than level issue. I managed to heal just fine from lvl 65 through 69 in HMs including Assault on Tython. It is not easy to do mind you but a decent player can manage.

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