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Posts posted by HelinCarnate

  1. Considering how common colorblindness actually is in the world... I agree.


    But it begs the question for someone who is colorblind... how to you deal with colorblindness in general when working with computer applications? Unless you are totally colorblind (ie: monochromatic) I would think you simply tinker with your master color settings to adjust, yes/no? If you are truly monochromatic.. then it's all about shades of gray, right?


    I have deutan meaning greens, yellows, oranges, reds, and browns may appear similar, especially in low light. It can also be difficult to tell the difference between blues and purples, or pinks and grays. In most things its not a problem, I just may not see the true color but I can still see color. The main problem for me in this game is Operator IX on HM and above. Orange and yellow look close and so do purple and blue. I can tell the difference if I stare at them for a few seconds but those few seconds can wipe the group. So I just avoid that fight on HM. One of these days Ill invest in glasses that will help but they tend to be pretty expensive on top of my normal glasses for being near sighted.


    Since they changed the AOE markers however I have a difficult time seeing the difference between red and green markers in PVP because the lines are so small. Basically nothing they have done has helped my situation and only gone to make things worse.


    BTW: The argument that an additive system is 'simplier' is IMO quite amusing. It's only true, if you want to calculate the total boost. But it's harder to calculate the benefits of a single boost.


    Let's assume you receive 7,000 CXP, but only due to the current 250% event. How many CXP do you get, if you activate another 25% boost? (solution: 7,500 CXP)


    In a multiplicative system, adding another 25% boost always results in 25% more CXP, no matter how many boosts are currently in place.


    Now guess which variant is more relevant for players and which one for developers.


    I think the real reason they did it that was was because if they didn't change anything.....


    CXP + legacy boost + CXP boost + highlighted activity + DvL Bonus + Event bonus looks like this

    100% * 10% * 100% * 20% * 15% * 250%= 1062.60% CXP earned


    Vs changing everything to additive

    CXP + legacy boost + CXP boost + highlighted activity + DvL Bonus + Event bonus looks like this

    100% +10% + 100% + 20% + 15% + 250%= 495% CXP earned.


    It has nothing to do with which one is easier to figure out. It is which one gives out the least rewards when there are several boosts going.

  3. You know you've got an instant win as a healer if either a) in this match you're allowed to free cast heal the ball carrier or b) the ball carrier is left alone because they forget that there are two priorities, ball carrier and healer- not just healer. I've had three idiots chase me away from my team's ball carrier and give them a clear run just to go after me, leaving ball carrier leisurely passing their goal line.


    Also, you know you've got idiots when they don't figure out why as a Mara or Sent, you're continually attacking around your team's ball carrier and why they keep moving so fast but they leave you alone.


    The amount of idiots that will white bar the enemy carrier not in a trap but with a free run to the goal line is astounding.


    Have to agree. In queshball match the other day it was basically me on a commando and a guardian tank vs a sniper. Every single other person on both teams was on the main floor deathmatching. Since it was basically 2 vs 1 we won 6 -0. The worst part of this was it was level 70. I would expect this in the lowbie bracket but not at lvl 70.


    On topic I would love a way to deselect 1 warzone to never get. Thanks to the new reward system, I have no incentive to do yolo anymore unless its ranked and would love to never get those anymore.

  4. Voidstar map. Was on my Vanguard. Down to a sliver of health and was by the bridge. I knew the sorc heading my way would end up either killing me or pushing me off the edge so I jumpped off the bridge and harpooned him and pulled him along with me.


    I also tend to do stuff like that to guildies when I'm on my sage in Ops. They call the power "rescue" but that's not how I use it.

  5. Next time you see someone in a wheelchair, be sure to tell them that their chair isn't necessary.


    edit: Not sure why we needed yet another thread on this. We haven't heard anything from staff about the issue. Attempts at direct contact have been ignored. But no, we don;t know if it is a bug or a poor attempt at accessibility improvements. Some of us who have asked for accessibility improvements are wondering why 1) no one contacted any of us to find how how things could have been changed for the better and 2) why no one asked if what they changed made things better.


    Sorry but this change in no way is anything close to what you are describing. I am color blind and had minor issues with seeing group members before but I could still see them. My GF has it even worse than me and she sees most color in black and white and she was still able to figure out where everything was on the mini map. Now the players are easy to spot but the giant circles around them block out anything else.


    It gets worse in PVP. Say you are guarding a node and 3 opposing players show up. 2 others on your team see them and rush to help you. You are in a big fight but no worries as it is a stalemate. Everyone is in close range trying to get the healer down, then someone else shows up and someone says "4 grass" because you are now outnumbered. When the others see that and look at the map before they could quickly see, oh there are 3 there and I see someone else running there so they should be ok. Now they see 1 blob that could be 1 person or could 7 people, who knows. So the person who just respawned really has no way of knowing if they should help or if that would over commit them to the area until they get close and can see how many people are actually there.

  6. The numbers are confusing. Just saying how long it takes you (eg. 11 minutes 2 seconds) and the total CXP gained (eg. 4300) is more easily understood. Cause, the CXP gained is based on the various boosts that you have active at the time.


    Time all depends on when you start and when you stop the clock and time does not tell the whole picture. In my example for my commando, it was much faster on the easier difficulty levels but I could earn more CXP every hour if I was doing Master Mode. On other characters, master mode reduced the CXP per hour rate. The goal for the OP is not to see who can brag about their fastest time. They are trying to find the most efficient means of farming CXP through the various chapters.

  7. Edited for clarity and less of a wall of junk.


    I ran each chapter and difficulty 3 times. I timed from the second I hit launch to the second I accepted the last reward after the chapter was done the 3rd time. This accounts for all loading times and hitting spacebar as fast as I can through all conversations to reflect the average gains someone who was constantly farming them would get. Then I took the total reward for the chapter (not counting kills along the way) and divided it by the time it took to complete. Here is the results for that. Commando as DPS mostly 234-240 gear. Shadow is tank with 230 gear. Sage is balance with 230 gear. All runs based on current rewards with 10% legacy bonus and chapter bonus meaning SM 1520 per run, Veteran 2565 per run and Master 3800 per run.


    Chapter 1, average per min

    ----------------------Commando--Shadow--------------- Sage

    Story Mode: ----249.41----------256.90 ----------------233

    Veteran Mode: 304.75-----------293.14 ---------------256

    Master Mode: --381.13 ----------*370.73 (265.29)--N/A Failed


    *On shadow I died a few times and the overall number was 265. The one run I did manage to do without dying I was at just under 371


    Chapter 2, average per min

    -------------------- Commando--Shadow--- Sage

    Story Mode: ----293.25---------315.57-----292.30

    Veteran Mode: 363.83---------384.75-----310.90

    Master Mode: --426.17---------369.53-----N/A, Failed


    In every case, chapter 2 is better than chapter 1. Mainly due to all the conversations you have to skip through and more fights you have to deal with in chapter 1. Also in every case with the characters in lower end gear, I was better off in Veteran mode vs Master mode as the time it took to kill the last boss was so much higher, it slowed down the gains per min and in the case of the sage, I was not able to bring them down. So personally. I would say, do veteran mode, chapter 2 until you are a decent way into tier 2 and then switch to master.

  8. In case anyone is curious, I did some math on Chapter 1. I saw today the 20% bonus was applied to Chapters so I decided to do some math to decide, should I do Chapter 1 on Story, Veteran, or Master? I did them all.


    Some notes: I'm a Jedi Guardian main, with 230/240 tank gear, 6piece set bonus. So that's what I did Master mode on. It took me 15 minutes, but I'm sure I could shave a few minutes off. I think I even died at one point and I attacked some mob groups I could have skipped. So I plan to try again. Anyway, this was without a CXP boost applied to my character, but all 5 Legacy CXP boosts purchased, and obviously the 5.1 major CXP serverwide bonuses we have, and the daily 20%.


    Chapter 1, Guardian, tank spec, Master mode: 15 minutes, 3950pts, for 263.33CXP/minute. Without the 20% daily boost, that would be 219.33CXP/min.


    Chapter 1, Guardian, Vigilance spec, Veteran mode: 10 minutes, 2565pts, 256CXP/minute.


    Chapter 1, Guardian, Vigilance spec, Story mode: 6 minutes, 1520pts, 253.33CXP/minute.


    Pretty amazing how close all those values are. It seems Story mode is the quickest and (obviously easiest) with still great value for your time. Master could get you more points (my 15 minutes could be cut down which means you could probably get over 270/280CXP/minute) for your time, but there's more risk as the fights are a bit of a challenge (you have to pay attention to what your'e doing).



    I'm interested in doing this math for other game activities and other Chapters.



    A good idea and I think Ill try this out. Will time the same character on the same chapters with the same gear on all 3 modes on chapter 1 and 2. Will time from the time I accept the first mission and run it 3 times on each difficulty level and chapter. Timer will stop when I accept the last mission reward and will base the numbers assuming no additional bonuses.

  9. Way too rewarding IMO. This is with all bonuses: http://i.imgur.com/DWDqf1X.jpg and takes me 7 minutes per run.


    Feels like I'm being heavily encouraged to run this over and over because other content can't compete for rewards.


    Even though I regularly farm that I would still have to agree. The rewards for the fast chapters are exactly the same as the rewards for the chapters that take much much longer. Chapter 1 and 2 should probably be reduced and the other chapter rewards increased to allow for roughly the same rewards for time spent. However they should not be looking at those of us that repeatedly run the same chapters over and over to get an average time as we tend to throw off the curve.

  10. They listen to players when enough unsub. Tons of people said no to RNG gearing and they didn't listen. When did they make changes? After subs started dropping. Although the changes really don't fix the real problem and they will keep losing people until they remove the RNG aspect as the primary way to get gear.
  11. The suggestion at the end of the thread about making different colored UI skins would have been much slicker. That would allow people with all of the different types of color blindness pick the skin that works best for them and would not damage the functionality of the radar in pvp & raids. The current change seems very poorly thought out.


    I am color blind and my girlfriend has it worse than me and neither of us had any issues finding other party members on maps. The main issues we have are other interface items. The ability to just change the color of the players would have been a far better solution as this is now creating more problems than it fixed.

  12. I love the size of the new aoe ring. That much was nice to see the actual correct area that it covers. But I have to agree with the color issues. Even if they were different colors, with the small lines and me being color blind I still would be unable to tell friendly from enemy aoe in pvp matches. There was nothing wrong with the previous aoe rings other than the size was not always accurate.
  13. I have got more in those than other tiers. Should I make a thread asking why they increased the drop rate? Sorry but thanks to RNG in order to prove there is something changed you need a fairly massive sample size both before and after the change. If you do indeed have a sample size of around 1000 crates opened before and after whatever time you think the change was made by all means present your evidence. But without it, we can only assume RNG is being random.
  14. So this thread was focused entirely on the "amount" of cxp gained.


    My next question involves the CXP weekly cap. Now that we've increased the amount earned, was the CXP cap increased as well or will we still hit the cap at 318,000? (I would think that now a lot more people will be hitting it if that's the case.)


    Per the patch notes

    "The Command Point Weekly Cap has been significantly increased."


    So its more, just not sure how significant the increase is.

  15. No, it is working exactly as you said it would. A boost of 100% would mean that something that gave you 1000cxp would now give 2000. A boost of 200% would mean that you would get 3000 and a boost of 250% would give you 3500. Please don't pretend this was an error and you are just being nice by leaving it in since in every place on the website it was worded as a boost of 250% to cxp, not a boost to 250%.
  16. The question that I'm struggling with is if it's a 250% increase (meaning 3.5x) or a 150% increase (2.5x). I know that EM said a 250% increase, but I get the feeling that they really mean 2.5x CXP. If you look at the announcement here, they say that the leveling will be 250% bonus XP, but they also say "level up at 2.5x the speed."


    This is the difference between the 20CXP heroics going to 50 or 70. A 250% increase means that the base 20 would increase by 250% (meaning 20 base + 20(100%) + 20(200%) + 10(250%) = 70 total). A rate of 2.5x CXP would be 20 * 2.5 = 50. If it's going to be the latter, then that would be false advertising as it would actually only be a 150% increase.


    Not to mention that it would fail to reach the advertised goal of 1 crate every half hour at level 300 if it were 2.5x CXP and not a bonus of 250%.

  17. I am on the side of the OP

    I try to play the PVP daily and weekly, LVL 70 pub from the REP side. I have OK gear but not the best.

    After about 50 rounds the REPs win only about 20%.

    Obviously you can sometimes just get on a bad pub team, but COME ON!!!

    I see often when two or three Reps can't take down one I'mp.

    A combination of two things are going on - HACKING and Overpowered Imp.


    That's my PVP experience and it is not fun at all. The only reason I play PVP is for the rewards.



    Sounds like you should switch to Ebon Hawk

  18. I'm glad I am not the only one who see's this. I was on a team with no healers and the other team had 3 or 4. So I just stood there and did nothing at all. Yes I got yelled at for it but I don't care because we all may as well just stand there and do nothing considering no matter how much damage we do, we can't couldn't win.


    Depending on the map that may be true or it may be totally wrong. Huttball can be horribly painful against a team with several healers. But CW and NC stand out as the ones where too many healers can lose you the game. The healers tend to focus on healing and on those maps, many times I have been able to cap right under their noses just because they were all too busy looking at health bars to see me capping. Their team may have got 20 kills plus on each person but we end up with the win which is more important.

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