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Posts posted by HelinCarnate

  1. one day the deserter debuff will lock out people for 15min like it should BW felt the need to do this for people that leave Groupfinder, yet cant be bother to do it for wz, they also need to make voted to kick work in wz so people that decided to afk can be kicked out vote.


    When you can queue for the warzones you want and see who is in the group before you accept the WZ pop, then it would be fair to have the same lockout as GF.


    How exactly would you fix being able to kick AFK people?

  2. If you can speed run ES or BT, you'll get more per hour than chapters... at least for now...


    Depends on the chapter. Ran chapter 1 in Veteran mode (haven't been able to constantly beat master yet) and average right around 5k per hour. Each run of ES takes longer but nets around the same reward so end up with only around 3500 per hour.


    Edit, now managed to master chapter 2 on master mode with Shadow tank and get around 6k per hour. Can actually do the same with my Commando.

  3. Had that happen this evening with a Sniper. Completely unsupported, managed to face-tank 5 players WAILING on him. We were blowing through everyone else, but he seemed to be taking damage beyond what a single, unsupported Sniper should be able to take.


    With the right utilities and with their CDs up snipers can tank for a while now. Even longer vs ranged without extra accuracy. Not sure about 5 people though.

  4. Yeah. This is the response I expected. "You don't know the game." Typical response from players on forums for any game whenever someone asks a question. I am not surprised.


    With the little bit you have described it is the only rational explanation. You can shoot at certain classes when they have certain abilities up and do very little to no damage until their shield wears off. If you try to burn down a merc when they have their shield up, and you hit them several times they can get a heal for up to 85% of their health in an instant. You never said what classes were doing what so we have very little information to go off of.


    If you really want to see what is going on review combat logs and make a video. The combat logs will tell you exactly how much damage you were doing and to who and with a video, you can slow it down or freeze it and look to see exactly what buffs they had up at the time and may catch others in the background casting heals. If you see a class that can heal just running around, they could still be healing and only using their instant casts to hide the fact they are healing.

  5. Huttball is known for issues with people appearing all over the map. The game does a terrible job with updating everyone with height changes. Its even worse on queshball. Then if you have mara/sents in the game speed boosting everyone combined with rolls, force speeds, leaps and pulls it messes things up even more.


    As far as the others issues go, it sounds like you have not played all the classes out there or are not familiar with all the changes in 5.0. No one has a heal to full button. At least not without help from the opposing team not paying attention.

  6. Funny thing is, they had the same issue before. Back when the game started Imp AOE was always red and Pub AOE was always green (IIRC) Which was ok if you were facing the opposite faction, but if it was pub vs pub or imp vs imp, all the AOE would look the same. The fix is what we had before 5.1. No one complained about it and it did not need any changes. Fast forward to today and the devs go, "oh look, we can make this better by making the lines more clear where the AOE will actually hit." That part is great....for pve. In PVP, we still need a quick way to see friendly and opposite team AOE without having to look at the symbol on the ground to figure out if we should enter that area or not. And again, there is no way to tell if the AOE is of the opposite team if you are facing the same faction, just like people complained about when the game started. Of course if the devs actually played their game and participated in PVP they would have already know this.



    Did some digging and looks like people were complaining about the same thing 5 years ago. Way to go BW.




    This wasn't fixed until late June, 6 months after people were complaining about it. Can we expect the same time frame? Given BW current staff and inability to make PVP player friendly decisions, I would say probably longer.

  7. Horrible idea. With the legacy boost and winning a 15 min full Huttball game with 8+ medals you get I think 728 (no dvl bonus) Just finished a huttball in 5 min and got 8 medals and got 509. All this does is create an incentive for the winning team to farm the losing team just for extra cxp. Even more of an incentive on servers with low pops or at off peak times.
  8. Per the patch notes.


    "Playing any Warzone will earn you Unassembled Components. Your gains are increased based on Match outcome."


    I just want exactly what was stated in the patch notes. At lvl 50 you can start doing ops and get unassembled pieces. Why is it that we cannot start storing up components before level 70 for PvP? You know, kinda like before 5.0?

  9. Was that healer match on space station? Pretty sure I was in that (I was one of the two tanks). Went to sudden death every round. It was actually pretty fun but an endurance slogfest.


    Nope, this was the newest map on Rishi. Eventually by round 3 we were just all dancing and chatting in mid waiting for the poison because we knew there was no way anyone was going to die any other way.

  10. The sad thing is, several arena matches last longer than regular WZ thanks to no matchmaking. When both teams have a couple healers (had one the other day 1dps and 3 healers vs 2 tanks and 2 healers) games often can go the full 5 min each round and often end up going 3 rounds. So because sometimes they don't take as long they are less rewarding? So if we burn through voidstar in round 1 and the game is over in 6 min, the LOSING team gets better rewards than the team that WINS a 15 min arena match?


    Can we just remove arena from non ranked now please?



    Edit: After reading others that posted while I was typing this it seems that rewards are now based on time? So great, you just created an incentive to have the winning huttball team score 5 points then farm kills until time runs out. Just put it back the way it was.

  11. So if / when we finish some of the most difficult single player content in the game we get....20 CC and thats it. No title. Please give us something we can display for bragging rights. Something like "Keyboard Destroyer" to reflect the damage done after dying for the 486th time at the same boss in chapter 2 of ET.
  12. The new "command legacy xp boost" is as expensive as any legacy boost and only give a bonus of 10% (:mad: seriously Bioware??? 10% and it costing well over 3mil credits)


    Before you got 0% boost for 0 credits. You still have that option.


    And last of all, I have read the forms since 2014. Never once have I seen a class so blatantly favored over all others, as mercs/commandos are right now. You can bet money any pvp que pops and there are at least 4/8 mercs/commandos on each team.


    You would lose that bet, at least on EH, have not played on other servers. Kept track over 10 matches and the percentage of mercs/commandos was 22.3% with sages/sorcs right behind them at 21%


    Right now, they're the only dps capable of soloing a healer.

    Are you speaking as a healer? If so you need more practice.

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