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Posts posted by HelinCarnate

  1. Actually I only see snipers as being problematic given their aoe but operatives as so easy to take out. They don't have great burst healing and if you have a slow movement ability and a knockback you've just ended their ability to hit you very hard. Their aoe is weak AF. And for dps it's not a ranged aoe. You just need to be organised enough to focus all firepower on one at a time. The group can take out one in 15-20 seconds.


    Operative healers suck in PvP. They nerfed their big heal. Sins wouldn't be too bad either.


    It's the ranged fighters like mercs and snipers that you need to be troubled with.


    If all 4 mercs flip on their do not touch us or we will heal shield then you're pretty much screwed in 12 seconds. You dead. There's no fighting that.


    Apparently you have never had 3 or more stealthers pop out at you at once. Class stacking helps in many cases, not just Mercs. Now granted, I would rather be on the team with 4 mercs (including 1 as a healer) than a group of stealthers or snipers but all are more dangerous due to class stacking.

  2. If you ever arena vs 3 mercs and a healer you will know that something is definitely borked with Mercs. There is a reason this is a very favored setup right now, mercs have fast cooldowns on there dcd's with the correct utility setup they really can be unkillable with a healer.


    They also do tons of dmg, like consistent 30k demo/heat seeker crits. Practically no energy management, and movement immunity for 10 seconds, which makes kiting an effective defense vs melee classes.


    Oh, And electro net. The worst.


    Oh, and they can tech-override insta cast concussion missle...., cuz BW logic?


    If anything, they need a buff.


    Go against 3 snipers and a healer and get the same results. Or 3 sins and an operative healer, or 4 operatives, 1 of them heals.

  3. You are not going to be able to CHANGE your faction. You will choose a faction to SUPPORT on Iokath. Because of guilds and the other hard coded aspects of the game (fleets, home worlds, faction-only worlds like Taris, etc) I'm 99.9% certain that they did not mean that you can CHANGE your faction. It will be a storyline choice, nothing more.


    Although if you decide to support say Pubs and others in your guild decide to support say Empire it would be interesting if you were pitted against each other in open world pvp, at least while on Iokath.

  4. one minute over time, if no score then acid the mofos. last man standing team wins. a lot of pre-mades will troll the ball. operatives running all over the place with the ball or a tank who is being guarded and healed. it happens.


    Or even a better idea. Do NOTHING and leave it as it is. Since no one seemed to complain other than 1 person in the last 5 years, I think we are ok to leave it alone.

  5. Do chapter 2 instead. The first part of chapter 1 it is just you with no companion and can be a pita on certain classes. Chapter 2, you basically have a healer companion even though you cannot see him.
  6. If you are talking about bolster, there is no bolster for either 240 or 242 gear. So the armor mods the 242 will always be better. For the other slots it really depends. I have not looked at them all but there are probably some slots that could do more damage with certain specific 240s vs 242 but I imagine the difference is negligible and the main reason you would use 240s would be on tank specs to give more HP instead of such high defense numbers.
  7. and you need them to specify which door via chat, instead of just looking at your map and seeing which side has no defenders, just go ahead and uninstall the game.


    With the new map markers you can have 5 people close together and it will look like 1 person. If you cannot figure out that you need more information than just yelling door you should probably not pvp. Now in some cases it should be obvious that you need help like when its 1 person vs 6 of theirs. But other times the other door may have 4 people defending against 4 others and they may think that it was someone on their side yelling DOOR!.

  8. Healers are not the issue. Utter lack of matchmaking is. The other day it was Pub vs Pub Civil War with 4 healers total. I have played with them all and they don't queue as a group. Other team had 3 we had 1. Our team had 5 tanks their team 0.
  9. The problem is not so much with healers as it is with matchmaking, when there are 2 healers in a team in a warzone (1 out of 4 players, just like every trinity content in this game), and skill isn't terribly unbalanced, healers are just as strong as they need to be and are pretty balanced. They can die if not given enough peels or don't play things right, but they can also keep their team alive if they do play right. When there are 3-4 healers on a single team and 0-1 on the other, then there becomes a problem.


    Exactly correct. Matchmaking needs to be fixed (or rather it needs to exist) far more than healers needing nerfs. Although I still think sorc/sage could stand to get hit with the nerf bat a bit. There is no good reason they should have that many ways to escape and still be able to put out top heal numbers.

  10. I believe you can use guild summon once you are in the instance if you have the rank and ability to do that. Not sure as I have not tried it. Also as others have said there are other ways around it. Chapter IX is a good one as you can spacebar through it or you can do chapter 1 or 2 on easy mode and burn through if you would rather do more than run around and talk. Granted not much more in those chapters but all 3 of those are very short.
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